96h Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition |

 | Surface Science |
Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - P. McBreen, R.A. Wolkow, L.-L. Tay Chair(s) - P. McBreen, R. Lipson, L.-L. Tay
08:00 00203 Building Atom-Scale Circuitry Wolkow R.A.
08:20 00204 Science at the Edge: Quantum Magnetic Phenomena at Contacts with Self-Assembled Nanogranular Materials *$Dhirani A.-A., Tie M., Joanis P., Feng H., Feng H., Niewczas M.
08:40 00205 Surface Science at the Interfaces with Liquids and Dense Gaseous Environment Using Electron Transparent Membranes *$Kolmakov A.
09:00 00206 Raman Scattering Properties of J-Aggregated Dyes inside Carbon Nanotubes and their use as Raman Tags Gaufr�s E., Tang N.Y.W., Lapointe F., Cottenye N., Szkopek T., *$Martel R.
09:20 00207 Molecules Interacting with Ag Nanocrystal Plasmons: Single Molecule Raman Scattering and Charge Transfer Photochemistry *Brus L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00208 My 44-year Affair with the Localized Surface Plasmon Moskovits M.
11:00 00209 Plasmon-enhanced Spectroscopies: Back to the Future *$Halas N.J.
11:40 00210 Building Plasmonic Polymers Liu K, Nie Z, Lukach A, Klinkova A, Lee A, $Kumacheva E
12:00 00211 From Nano Bumps to Vertical U-shape Three-dimensional Gold Nano-rings and Toroidal Metamaterials in Optical Region Wu P.C., Chen W.T., Tseng M.L., Chang C.M., Yang K.Y., Huang Y.W., Liao C.Y., *Tsai D.P.
12:20 End of Session
Surface Science of Biomimetic Films, "Green" Materials and Sustainable Nanocomposites (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - E. Cranston Chair(s) - E. Cranston, B. Zhao
08:00 00212 Block Copolymer Materials for Green Control of Biofouling *$Walker G.C., Gunari N., Kim K., Grozea C.
08:40 00213 Formation of an Antimicrobial Coating Comprised of Charged Functionalized Nanoparticles Studied Using a Dissipative Quartz Crystal Microbalance Dixon M., *Ferrarelli M., Jaiswal A., Poggi M.
09:00 00214 Fabrication and Characterizations of Biomimetic Micro and Nano Structured Surfaces Shahsavan H., McDonald B., *$Zhao B.
09:20 00215 SLIPS - Slippery, Ultra-low Adhesion and Omniphobic Surfaces *Hatton B.D., Wong T.S., Vogel N., $Aizenberg J.
09:40 00216 Mimicking a Tannin: Creating a Phenolic Surface Using Self-Assembly Rajasingam A., Schmidt R., Forgione P., DeWolf C.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00217 In Situ Observation of the Action of Cellulolytic Enzymes and Synergy Between Different Cellulolytic Enzymes on Cellulose Microfibrils *$Dutcher J.R., Raegen A.N., Reiter K., Wang J., Quirk A., Clarke A.J., Lipkowski J.
11:00 00218 High Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy for the Structural Characterization of Cellulose Nanostructures *$Moran-Mirabal J.M., Bolewski J.C.
11:20 00219 Reactive Polyvinylamine-Graft-TEMPO/Laccase Complex Giving Wet Cellulose Adhesion *Pelton R., Liu J.
11:40 00220 Surface Characterization of Nanocellulose Thin Films Kan K.H. M., Hu Z., Sato T., Pelton R., *$Cranston E.D.
12:00 00221 Self-Assembled Photonic Materials with Chiral Nematic Structures Kelly J.A., $MacLachlan M.J.
12:20 End of Session
Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - P. McBreen, R.A. Wolkow, L.-L. Tay Chair(s) - T.P. Bigioni, M. Darsillo, A. Kirkwood
14:00 00491 Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence Aroca R.F., Mohan H.
14:20 00492 Molecular Plasmonics for Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Sensing Van Duyne R.P.
15:00 00493 Anti-Stokes/Stokes Ratios and Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) dos Santos D.P., Temperini M.L.A., *$Brolo A.G.
15:20 00494 Revisiting Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering on Realistic Lithographic Gold Particles *F�lidj N., Sow I., Grand J., L�vi G., Aubard J, Tinguely J.C., Hohenau A., Krenn J.
15:40 00495 Diameter Effect of Silver Nanorod Arrays to Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering $Gu G., *Suh J.
16:00 00496 Multiplexed Cellular Targeting by Endoscopic Fiber-Optic Detection using Fluorescent SERS Probes *Jeong D.H., Jeong S., Lee Y.S., Kang H.M., Kang K.W., Lee D.S.
16:20 End of Session
Electrode Materials�: Methods, Characterization and Application (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - A. Tavares, S. Morin, G. Brisard Chair(s) - S. Morin, G. Brisard
14:00 00497 One-Dimensional Pt Nanostructured Electrocatalysts for High-Performance and Low-Cost Fuel Cell Applications *Sun S., Zhang G., Cai M., Li R., Dodelet J.P., $Sun X.
14:40 00498 Evaluating the Ethanol Oxidation Activity and Durability of Pt/Activated Carbon Nanotube Fuel Cell Catalysts Using EIS Saleh F.S., Pedersen A.W., *$Easton E.B.
15:00 00499 Support Effects on Formic Acid Oxidation *$Pickup P.G., Moghaddam R.B.
15:20 00500 Small Molecules Electro-Oxidation on PtAu Alloyed Nanoparticles Prepared by Laser Ablation of Single Target in Aqueous Solution Oko D.N., Garbarino S., Zhang J., Ma D., Chaker M., Tavares A.C., Guay D.
15:40 00501 Creating and Characterizing Pt-Nafion Composite Electrode Materials *Bizzotto D., Gyenge E., Wilkinson D.P., Martens I., Leeuwner J.
16:00 00502 A New Family of Highly Efficient Heterogeneous Catalysts for the Water Oxidation Reaction Smith R.D.L., Pr�vot M.S., Zhang Z., Fagan R., Berlinguette C.P., *$Trudel S.
16:20 00503 Novel Carbon Nanofiber Composites Material for Electrochemistry Liu D., *You T.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - D. Hore Chair(s) - A. Ianoul
14:00 00504 Conformation and Thermodynamics of Membrane-Interacting Therapeutic Peptides *$Jelokhani-Niaraki M.
14:20 00505 Investigating the Heterogeneity of Fluorophore Labelled DNA-SAM Using Electrochemical Induced Orientation Changes. An In-Situ Characterization Using a Type of Impedance Spectroscopy Casanova-Moreno J.R., *$Bizzotto D.
14:40 00506 Nanoscale Electrostatic Domains in Cholesterol-laden Lipid Membranes Create a Target for Amyloid Binding Drolle E., Gaikwad R., *$Leonenko Z.
15:00 00507 Testing Amyloid-b Aggregation Using Single Molecule Atomic Force Spectroscopy Hane F., Tran G., Lee B.Y., Attwood S., Rauk A., *$Leonenko Z.
15:20 00508 GL13K a Potential Antimicrobial: Biophysical Studies Elucidating Mechanism of Action Balhara V., Gorr S.U., $DeWolf C.
15:40 00509 Monitoring Amyloid-Beta Aggregation on Surfaces in the Presence of Known Modulators Hung V.W.S., *Kerman K.
16:00 End of Session
Poster Session
Organizer(s) - P. Ayotte, P. McBreen
From 18:00 until 19:30
SS1 - Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership posters
18:00 00510 Discrete Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dimers for Optical Sensing in Complex Media *$Chen J.I.L., Chen Y., Ginger D.
18:00 00511 Surface Plasmon Resonance and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Study of Melatonin Neuroprotection in Relation to Alzheimer's Disease Finot E., Ollagnier A., Brule T., Choi Y., Drolle E., Wesolowski M., *$Leonenko Z.
18:00 00512 Quantitative Detection of Biomarkers by Electrochemical-Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Zhao L., *Brosseau C.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00513 Effect of Substrate Cooling on the Contact Line Deposition of Small Evaporating Droplets of Colloidal Solutions *$Bazargan V.B., Stoeber B.S.
18:00 00514 X-ray Studies on the Structural and Electronic Properties of Au19(SR)13 Nanoclusters $Chevrier D.M., MacDonald M.A., Amares C., *Zhang P., Wu Z., Jin R.
18:00 00515 A DFT/QTAIM Study on the Organometallic Systems Aun-SCmH2m-SAun $Baltazar M.I., *Rodriguez J.I., Castillo-Alvarado F.L., Gutierrez-Gonzalez I.
18:00 00516 In Situ Deposition Monitoring by a Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor: Probing Nucleation and Polarization-Dependent Properties of Gold Grown via Chemical Vapour Deposition Mandia D.J., Griffiths M.B.E., Gordon P.G., Zhou W., Albert J., *$Barry S.T
18:00 00517 Large-area Silver-Nanostructured Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy(SERS) Substrates Fabrication via Nanoimprint Interference Lithography and Silver Mirror Reaction Hong K.Y., Menezes J., *Brolo A.G.
18:00 00518 Development of a DNA-based Biosensor for Rapid Detection of Tuberculosis at the Point-of-Care Harroun S.G., Karaballi R., *$Brosseau C.L.
18:00 00519 Plasmonic Effects in Multilayered Nanostructures Idiong G., *Ianoul A.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00520 Determining the Limit of Detection of a SERS Platform Fabricated by Nanosphere Lithography Wallace G.Q., Tabatabaei M., $Lagugn�-Labarthet F.
18:00 00521 Development of a SERS-based Aptasensor for Rapid Detection of Human Disease Karaballi R., Nel A., Blackburn J., *$Brosseau C.
SS2 - Electrode Materials: Methods, Characterization and Application posters
18:00 00522 Electrochemical Detection of Glucose with a PDMA/Copper Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode Hu X.F., Li J., *Wang J.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00523 Investigation of Ceramic Carbon Electrodes for Fuel Cell Applications in Low Humidity Environments Eastcott J.I., *$Easton E.B.
18:00 00524 A Nanostructured Lithium-ion 3D Battery Saulnier M., Schougaard S.B.
18:00 00525 Polymer Electrodes for Electrochemical Storage Robitaille A., Perea A., B�langer D., Leclerc M.
18:00 00526 Metal and Metal-Oxide Nanowires: Synthesis, Reactivity, and O2- Transport Properties Chan J.K., $Giorgi J.B.
18:00 00527 Preparation and Characterization of Non-Precious Metal Fuel Cell Catalysts via Chemical Modification of Carbon Surfaces Mavilla S.G., *$Easton E.B., MacLean B.J.
18:00 00528 The Impact of Heat Treatment on the Structure and Activity of Pt-Mn Alloys Towards Ethanol Oxidation Zamanzad Ghavidel M.R., *$Easton E.B.
18:00 00529 The Influence of Carbon Additives on the Performance of MnO2-based Electrode for Hybrid Electrochemical Capacitors $Gambou-Bosca A., *B�langer D.
18:00 00530 Effect of Capping Agents and Surfactants on the Morphology of Electrochemical In-Situ Prepared Silver Nanostructures Fathi F., *$kraatz H.B.
18:00 00531 Synthesis and Characterization of Nanosized LiFe1-xMnxPO4 \used as a Cathode Material in Rechargeable Lithium Batteries: Influence of the Mn Content Dhaybi S., *$Marsan B.
18:00 00532 Electro-Chemical Phosphate Sensor Normandeau C.O., Viens J.F., *$Messaddeq Y.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00533 Carbohydrate-Modified Electrode Surfaces for the Detection of b-Glucosidase Activity Ervin E., $Rempel B.P.
SS3 - New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy posters
18:00 00534 Development of a High Resolution Near-field Spectroscopic Mapping Technique for Plasmonic Metallic Nanostructures in Organic Photovoltaic Cells Sangar A., *Merlen A., Torchio P., Lagugne-Labarthet F.
18:00 00535 Design of Controlled Aggregates for Plasmonic Studies Dorais M.- C., Boudreau D.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00536 Organization of Metallic Nanoparticles in Block Copolymer Templates for Optical Devices *Lemineur J.-F., $Ritcey A.M.
18:00 00537 Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Reflection Geometry Nicklaus M., *$Ruediger A.P., Diffalah N., Said Bacar Z.
18:00 00538 Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence of CdTe Quantum Dots with Shell-Isolated Nanoparticles Guerrero A.R., Ram�rez-Maureira M., Osorio-Rom�n I.O., Goulet P.J.G., *$Aroca R.F.
18:00 00539 Auto-Assembling on Cylindrical Surfaces by Langmuir-Blodgett Deposition for Future Fiber-based SERS Sensors Applications *$Asselin J., Dorais M.-C., Boudreau D., Messaddeq Y.
SS5 - Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces posters
18:00 00540 PM-IRRAS Studies of Colicin E1 Channel in a Floating Bilayer Lipid Membrane at Au(111) Surface Su Z., Ho D., Merrill R., *Lipkowski J.
18:00 00541 Mapping Peptide-Lipid Interactions by Steady State Atomic Force Microscopy and Dynamic Image Correlation Techniques Won A., *$Yip C.M.
18:00 00542 Design and Characterization of Model Biological Membranes Tethered to Au(111) Electrode Surfaces for Investigating Membrane-Associated Proteins Seenath R., Leitch J., $Lipkowski J.
18:00 00543 Fluorescence and ATR Spectroscopic studies of Scaffolded Vesicles Grossutti M., Seenath R., *Lipkowski J.
18:00 00544 In-Situ Electrochemical - Fluorescence Imaging Characterization of a Bodipy-labeled Aib Homopeptide Self-assembled Monolayer Yu Z.L., *$Bizzotto D.
18:00 00545 Simulation of Structure and Nonlinear Vibrational Spectroscopy of Amphipathic Peptide Adsorption onto Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Solid Surfaces Roy S., Naka T.L., Hore D.K.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00546 Characterization of Sol-Gel Entrapped Structure-Switching Signaling Aptamers Hui C., Carrasquilla C., Li Y., *$Brennan J.D.
18:00 00547 Exploring the Mechanism of Enantiomeric Separations Using a Proline-based Chiral Stationary Phase Arjumand R., *Horton J.H.
18:00 00548 Investigating the pH Dependent Barrier Properties of the Scaffolded Vesicle Nutraceutical Transporter Conlon S., Seenath R., Lipkowski J.
18:00 00549 Surface Analytical Studies of Gramicidin A in a Floating Bilayer Lipid Membrane *Goodall B.L., Quirk A., $Lipkowski J.
18:00 00550 Investigation of the Amyloid-Pore Hypothesis by Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Merchant S., Power S., *$Brosseau C.
18:00 00551 Fluorescence and AFM Imaging of Solid-Supported Bilayers of Octadecanol and liposomal DOPC Musgrove A., *$Bizzotto D.
18:00 00552 Stokes Polarimetry for Characterizing Protein Adsorption at the Solid-Liquid Interface FitzGerald W.R., Hall S.A., Covert P.A., Blinn B.R., Shakeri S., *$Hore D.K.
18:00 00553 Effect of Electrolytes Upon Interfacial Water Structure at Polymer/Water and Mineral/Water Interfaces Covert P.A., Jena K.C., *$Hore D.K.
18:00 00554 Investigation of Indium-Based Nanoparticles for Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence Studies Gagnon J., Magnan F., Fontaine F.-G., Boudreau D.
SS6 - Surface Science of Biomimetic Films, "Green" Materials and Sustainable Nanocomposites posters
18:00 00555 Effect of Silicium Introduction on Dry Reforming of Methane Over Hydrotalcite Derived Catalysts $Djebarria B., *Halliche D., Gonzalez-Delacruzc V.M., Holgadoc J.P., Caballeroc A., Bachari K., Cherifi O.
18:00 00556 Size Controlled Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles on Rosette Nanotube Scaffolding and Their Kinetic Studies Hassan M.R., Fenniri H.
18:00 00557 Effect of PEGylation on Micromechanical Properties of Negatively-Charged Phospholipid Membranes: A Model Study Shahid M.N., *$Tsoukanova V.
18:00 00558 Laser-assisted Process for Coating the Silicone Nanocomposites *$Zhang J., Huang G.B., Yin P., Tse W.H.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00559 Cellulose Nanocrystal-Reinforced Carboxymethyl Cellulose/Dextran Injectable Hydrogels Yang X., Cranston E.D.
18:00 00560 Optimizing Compatibility of Modified Hydrophobic Cellulose Nanocrystals in Hydrophobic Polymer Matrices $Graham L., Kan K., Abitbol T., Dooley B., Moorlag C., *Cranston E.D.
18:00 00561 Effect of Amyloid-beta on Mechano-properties of Lung Surfactant *Hane F., Drolle E., $Leonenko Z.
18:00 00562 Double Ionization and Ionic Fragmentation of Allene and 1,3- Butadiene Alfilfil L.R., Neville J.J.
18:00 00563 Development and Characterization of Quantitative Sol-gel Derived Protein Microarrays Helka B.J., $Brennan J.D.
18:00 00564 Preparation, Characterisation and Diffusion Studies of Polypyrrole and poly(N-dodecylpyrrole) Roudini D., *$Foot P.
18:00 00565 Surface Modification on Thiol-functionalized PDMS Zhang J., *Brook M.A.
18:00 00566 Surface Properties of Novel Boronic Acid-Derived Silicone Bola-Amphiphiles Mansuri E., Dodge L., Schmidt R., Brook M.A., DeWolf C.
18:00 00567 Characterization and Applications of Gold Nanoparticle Arrays on Glass Yuan J., Hajebifard A., Berini P., Zou S.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00568 Designing Super-Oleophobic Surfaces for Touch Screen Devices Using a Hierarchical Design Methodology Thomson J., Farshchi S., Srinivasan S., Khowaja M.
18:00 00569 Self-Assembly of Nanoparticle Langmuir Films Doped With Simple Alkane Oils Gagnon B.P., $Meli M.-V.
18:00 00570 Combinatorial Optofluidic Sensing using Colourimetric Sensor Arrays Nerger B.A., Chan A.S., *Burgess I.B., Koay N., Kinney M.H., Raymond K.P., $Aizenberg J.
Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - P. McBreen, R.A. Wolkow, L.-L. Tay Chair(s) - G. Goubert, T. Haslett, R. Wolkow, L.-L. Tay
08:00 00771 Protein- and Thiolate-stabilized Gold Nanoclusters: Insights on the Bio-directed Synthesis and Fluorescence-sensing Mechanism $Chevrier D.M., Chatt A., *Zhang P.
08:20 00772 Coinage Metal Chemical Vapour Deposition onto Tilted Fibre Bragg Gratings: Novel Processes and Fibre Optic Based Sensors for Thin Film Growth Griffihs M.B.E., Mandia D.J., Coyle J.P., Gordon P.G., Zhou W., Shao L., Albert J., *$Barry S.T.
08:40 00773 Tuning the Plasmonic Signatures of Gold Nanocages Assembled as Supported 2D Arrays Staff A., Lepinay S., Albert J., Ianoul A.
09:00 00774 Tuning Plasmonic Properties of Strongly Interacting Silver Nanocube Monolayers Prezgot D., *Ianoul A.
09:20 00775 Investigation into the Behaviour of Plasmonic Modes of Solid Supported Silver Nanocube Monolayers Bottomley A., *Ianoul A.
09:40 00776 Chiral Self-Assembly : A Theoretical Study of Competing Interactions Popa T.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00777 Single-Chiral-Catalytic-Site Studies of the Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Ketones and Ketoesters on Pt *$McBreen P., Dong Y., Goubert G., lemay J.-C., Zeng Y.
10:40 00778 Squeezing Out Analytes from Nanoporous Sponges Using Light: A Coherent View of Surface Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Li J., *$Lipson R.H.
11:00 00779 Nanoporous Alumina as a Nano- and Microengineering Platform for Sensing Devices *$Routkevitch D.
11:20 00780 Birth of a Plasmon Desireddy A., Sanzenbacher L.M., *$Bigioni T.P.
11:40 00781 Plasmonic Properties of Au Nanoparticles Coupled to Au Mirror *$Tay L.-L., Hulse J.
12:00 End of Session
Electrode Materials�: Methods, Characterization and Application (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - A. Tavares, S. Morin, G. Brisard Chair(s) - A. Tavares, S. Morin
08:00 00782 Plasma Sprayed Solid Oxide Fuel Cells on Metallic Support Structures *$Kesler O.
08:40 00783 Tips for Necking: Everything You Need to Know about Tip Etching Chemistry *$Kruse P., Awez Mohammad A., Wang Y.
09:00 00784 Modulation of Metastable Molecular Metal-Semiconductor Junctions $Zhu L., Popoff R.T.W., *Yu H.Z.
09:20 00785 Monitoring Magnesium Cation Release Dynamics During Magnesium Alloy Corrosion Using Potentiometric Mg2+ Ion-Selective Microelectrode Dauphin Ducharme P., Mauzeroll J.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00786 Advances in the Theory of PEM Fuel Cell Electrodes Sadeghi E., *$Eikerling M.H.
11:00 00787 Chemical Modification of Activated Carbon with Quinone-type Molecules for Applications as Electrochemical Capacitors Electrode Material $Le Comte A., *B�langer D., Brousse T.
11:20 00788 Improved Reversibility and Colour Constrast in Electrochromic Ni-Al Layered Double Hydroxides Thin Films in Presence of Electroactive Ions Mondal D., Jack M., *$Villemure G.
11:40 00789 Tailoring Zinc Porphyrin to the Ag Nanostructure Substrate: An Effective Approach for Photoelectrochemical Studies in the Presence of Mononucleotides Fathi F., *$Kraatz H.B., Long Y., Kong C., Wang Y., Xie Y.
12:00 00790 Benchtop Fabrication of Hierarchically-Structured High Surface Area Electrodes *$Moran-Mirabal J.M.
12:20 End of Session
Electrode Materials�: Methods, Characterization and Application (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - A. Tavares, S. Morin, G. Brisard Chair(s) - G. Brisard, A. Tavares
14:00 01112 Plasmon Enhanced - Screen Printed Electrodes (PE-SPEs): A Novel Platform for Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (E-SERS) *$Brosseau C.L., Robinson A., Goodall B., Harroun S., Zhao L.
14:40 01113 DWNT Network as Active Electrode in Far-IR and THz Optical Modulation Devices Gagnon P., Lapointe F., Biron M., Desjardins P., *Martel R.
15:00 01114 Study of the Behaviour of Thiosulfate during Leaching of Au from Oxide Ores Smith S.R., Li S.B., Tian X.D., Huang Y.F., Tian Z.Q., Baron J.Y., Choi Y., Lipkowski J.
15:20 01115 Electrochemical Studies of Capping Agent Adsorption Provide Insight into the Formation of Anisotropic Gold Nanocrystals *$Burgess I.J.
15:40 01116 Dynamic Smart Surfaces for Applications in Renewable Microarrays and Stem Cell Differentiation Yousaf M.N.
16:00 01117 Conducting Surfaces Bearing Chiral Centers *$Chahma M.
16:20 End of Session
Surface Science of Biomimetic Films, "Green" Materials and Sustainable Nanocomposites (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - E. Cranston Chair(s) - E. Cranston, B. Zhao
14:00 01118 High-Throughput Fabrication and Screening of Biointerfaces using Microarray Technologies Monton M., Helka B.J., Dahoumane A., *$Brennan J.D.
14:40 01119 The Role of Surfaces in Protein Structure and Function in Relation to Alzheimer's Disease *$Leonenko Z.
15:20 01120 Dronpa: Fluorescent Protein and Optoelectronic Switch *$Blum A.S., Korpany K.V., Cooper D.R., Nadeau J.
15:40 01121 Cell/substrate and Cell/Nanoparticle Interactions *$Giasson S., Banquy X., Hildgen P., Rabanel J.M., Grutter P., Suarez F., Argaw A., Bouchard J.F.
16:20 01122 Photoswitchable Polyelectrolyte Multilayers to Tune Cell Growth Goulet-Hanssens A., Lai Wing Sun K., Kennedy T.E., *$Barrett C.J.
16:40 End of Session
New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - F. Lagugne-Labarthet, R. Aroca Chair(s) - F. Lagugne-Labarthet, R. Aroca
08:00 01325 Plasmonic Metal@Silica Fluorescent Nanoprobes for Biosensing Applications *Boudreau D., Ratelle O., Brouard D.
08:40 01326 Synthesis of Shell-Isolated Nanoparticles for Plasmon-Enhanced Spectroscopy Zhang Y., Chen W. H., *$Aroca R.F.
09:00 01327 Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy on Silica Microsphere Resonators Barnes J.A., Gagliardi G., *$Loock H.-P.
09:20 01328 SPR and Surface-enhanced Spectroscopies on Micro- and Nanohole Arrays *Masson J.F.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01329 SERS, Optical and Electrical Properties of Close-Packed Silver Nanoparticle Arrays $Wang S., *Tay L.-L.
10:40 01330 Photophysical Study of Plasmonic Propagation in Nanoparticle Chains $Gr�goire A., Ouellet S., Ratelle O., *Boudreau D.
11:00 01331 Probing the Hottest Hot Spots of Plasmonic Nanoaggregates and Their Spectroscopic Potential *$Kneipp K.
11:40 01332 Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (E-SERS): A Plasmonic Tool for Understanding and Detecting Human Disease *$Brosseau C.L., Karaballi R., Harroun S., Merchant S.
12:00 01333 Plasmon Enhanced Fluorescence of Tagged Phospholipids with Shell-Isolated Nanoparticles Alsaleh A.A., *$Aroca R.F.
12:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - D. Hore Chair(s) - K. Bratlie, S. Roy
08:00 01334 Shining Light on Biointerfaces - Applications of Vibrational SFG Spectroscopy for Studying Biomolecules at Solid/Liquid Interfaces *$Koelsch P.
08:40 01335 Influence of Non-Covalent Interactions on Structure, Morphology and Rheology of Lipid Films Schmidt R., $DeWolf C.
09:00 01336 Multimodal Imaging/Spectroscopy Studies of Ceramide-Induced Membrane Restructuring Carter Ramirez D.M., Day J., Jakubek Z., Johnston L.J.
09:20 01337 Label-free Detection of Small-moleclue Assocation to Membranes and Proteins Using Second-harmonic Generation Stokes G., Sly K., *$Conboy J.C.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01338 Domain Formation and Dynamics in Lipid Monolayers and Bilayers *$Tieleman D.P., Mendez-Villuendas E., Baoukina S.
11:00 01339 Phospholipids, Peptides and Perfluorocarbons in Monolayers: Microscopy, Spectroscopy and Simulations of Phase-Separation *$Paige M.F., Eftaiha A.F.
11:20 01340 Structure, Selectivity, and Solvation of Some Model Chiral Stationary Phases *$Horton J.H.
11:40 01341 Lipid Bilayers at Aqueous/Solid Interfaces Interacting with Engineered Nanoparticles Geiger F.M.
12:20 End of Session
New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - F. Lagugne-Labarthet, R. Aroca Chair(s) - Ricardo, F. Lagugne-Labarthet
14:00 01791 SERS and SEF Nanosensors based on Nanostructured Metal Surfaces: Strategies for Detection of Drugs and Biomolecules Garcia-Ramos J.V., Corda E., Domingo C., Hernandez M., Sevilla P., Garcia-Leis A., Sanchez-Cortes S.
14:40 01792 Tip-enhanced Optical Spectroscopy : Chemical Detection in the Nanoworld *$Ruediger A.P., Nicklaus M., Diffalah N.
15:20 01793 Label-Free Mapping of Osteopontin Adsorption to Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Crystals by Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Kazemi-Zanjani N., Chen H., Goldberg H.A., Hunter G.K., Grohe B., *$Lagugn�-Labarthet F.
15:40 01794 Power Dependent Singlet Fission in an Organic Photovoltaic Thin Film Revealed by Transient Absorption Microscopy Wong C.Y., Penwell S.B., Cotts B.L., Ginsberg N.S.
16:00 01795 What Can Surface Enhanced Spectroscopy Bring to Plasmonic Photovoltaic? *$Merlen A., Sangar A., Torchio P.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - D. Hore Chair(s) - P. Koelsch
14:00 01796 Amino Acid Labelling/Mass Spectrometry as a Powerful Technique to Probe Adsorbed Protein Structure Latour R.A.
14:40 01797 Mapping Peptide-Membrane Interactions by Correlated Single-Molecule Microscopies Yip C.M.
15:00 01798 The Study of Cellulase-Cellulose Interactions Through High-resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques *$Moran-Mirabal J.M., Bolewski J.C.
15:20 01799 Second Harmonic Imaging of Biocompatibility *$Bratlie K.M.
16:00 01800 Copper, Heme and the Amyloid Beta Peptide of Alzheimer's Disease: Bound together, or not? Azimi S., *$Rauk A.
16:20 01801 Studies and Characterizations of Surface Properties of Functionalized and Supported Monolayers Giraud L., *Giasson S.
16:40 End of Session
Recent Avances in Photoemission
Organizer(s) - T. Ellis, Y. Hu, T.-K. Sham Chair(s) - T. Ellis, X.Y. Cui
08:00 02000 Probing the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Bulk Materials, Buried Layers and Interfaces with Standing-wave and Hard-X-ray Photoemission Fadley C.S.
08:40 02001 De-Excitation Spectroscopy at the Ce L3-Edge of CePt3: The Auger Electron and the Fluorescence X-Ray Channel Sham T.K., Liu L, Thiess S, Drube W, Gordon R.A.
09:00 02002 Quantum Material Spectroscopy Center at the Canadian Light Source Gorovikov S., Yates B., Damascelli A., Hallin E., Reininger R.
09:20 02003 Site-specific Electronic Properties of Compositionally Precise Gold Nanoparticles from X-ray Spectroscopy *$Zhang P.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 02004 In Situ Electron Spectroscopy at the 3-way Interface of Vapor/Water/Nanoparticle *$Brown M.A.
11:00 02005 Photoemission Overview at Canadian Light Source Inc. - From UPS to HXPS *$Cui X.Y.
11:40 02006 Ceria Nano-Cubes: Dependence of the Electronic Structure on Synthetic and Experimental Conditions Revoy M.N., *Scott R.W.J., $Grosvenor A.P.
12:00 02007 Oxide Thickness on a Ga-In Eutectic Alloy (EGaIn): An Angle-Resolved Photoemission Study *$Sodhi R.N.S., Brodersen P., Mims C.A., Cademartiri L., Thuo M.M., Nijhuis C.A.
12:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - D. Hore Chair(s) - W. FitzGerald, P. Covert
08:00 02008 Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Functionalized Surfaces Kazemi-Zanjani N., Pashaee F., *$Lagugn�-Labarthet F.
08:20 02009 Novel Plasmonic Nanomaterials to Study Biomolecules at the Surface *$Ianoul A.
08:40 02010 Surface Effects in Biophysical Optical Tweezers Experiments *$Forde N.R., Rezaei N., Downing B.P.B., Wieczorek A., Shayegan M.
09:00 02011 Electrochemical STM Study of Trichogin Molecules Aggregation in Lipid Monolayer *Smetanin M., $Lipkowski J.
09:20 02012 Monitoring the Behavior of DNA at the Silica/Water Interface Using Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy Azam M.S., Weeraman C.N., *$Gibbs-Davis J.M.
09:40 02013 Visualizing the Stepwise Growth and Exploring the Structure and Dynamics of DNA Nano- Architectures: A Single Molecule Study Hariri A.A., Hamblin G.D., Sleiman H.F., *Cosa G.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 02014 Challenges and Successes in Determining the Molecular Mechanisms of Retention in Liquid Chromatography *$Patterson J.E., Peterson A.D., Goates S.R., Knotts T.A.
11:00 02015 Is the Water Surrounding DNA Chiral? McDermott M.L., Barrett A., *$Petersen P.B.
11:40 02016 Characterizing the Structure and Orientation of the Cholera Toxin B Subunit in a Model Biological Membrane using Electrochemical PM-IRRAS *Leitch J.J., Brosseau C.L., Bessonov K., Roscoe S.G., Dutcher J.R., $Lipkowski J.
12:00 02017 Light-Responsive and Dynamic Bio-Surfaces to Reversibly Guide Cell Growth *$Barrett C.J., Sailer M., Goulet-Hanssens A.
12:20 End of Session
Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition
08:00 Joint with IN6 - See Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition under Inorganic Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Avances in Photoemission
Organizer(s) - T. Ellis, Y. Hu, T.-K. Sham Chair(s) - T.-K. Sham, G.M. Bancroft
14:00 02145 Recent Advances in High Resolution XPS of Non-conductor Oxides and Silicates *Bancroft G.M., $Nesbitt H.W., Biesinger M.
14:40 02146 Industrial Applications of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in GE Research and Development Laboratory *$Piao H.
15:20 02147 Cryo-XPS Study of the Adsorption of Xanthate on Pyrite Karpuzov D., Deng M., Liu Q., Xu Z.
15:40 02148 Frontiers of Photoelectron Spectroscopy *$Bergersen H., �hlund J., Moberg R.
16:00 02149 Novel Applications in Surface Science: In Situ Sample Analysis in Extreme Environments Schulmeyer T.
16:20 02150 A New Type of Detector for Dynamic XPS Measurements Baumann P., Kroemker B., Pruemper G., *Winkler K., $Feltz A., Henn F.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - D. Hore Chair(s) - D. Hore
14:00 02151 Early-Stage Aggregation of Amyloid Proteins on Membrane Surfaces Probed by Chiral Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Fu L., Wang Z., *$Yan E.C.Y.
14:40 02152 Molecular Conformation and Orientation of Peptides and Proteins at Interfaces Chen Z.
15:20 02153 Studies of Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis Batista V.
15:40 02154 Receptor Endocytosis: Biophysical Chemistry Is More Than Just a Pain Sheehan K.M., Ma Q., *Cramb D.T.
16:00 02155 How Various Co-solutes (Salts, Denaturants and Osmolytes) Affect Hydrophobic Interactions *$Khajehpour M., Macdonald R., Shpiruk T., Sorokina O.
16:20 02156 Thermodynamics of Ligand Binding and Conformational Transformations of Periplasmic Binding Proteins Huang W.-J., Blinov N., *$Kovalenko A.
16:40 End of Session
Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition
14:00 Joint with IN6 - See Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition under Inorganic Chemistry for the schedule.
15:40 End of Session

Top of Conference Schedule
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