96h Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition |

 | Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry |
General Session
Organizer(s) - T. Nguyen-Dang Chair(s) - T.T. Nguyen-Dang, C. Matta
08:00 00173 Spectroscopic Demonstration of Ortho-Water Enrichment Using a Novel Magnetic Focusing Methodology Turgeon P.A., *$Ayotte P., Lisitsin E., Kravchuk T., Meir Y., Alexandrowicz G.
08:40 00174 Molecular Magnetism: A Survey Through Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Turek P.
09:20 00175 Application of Model Core Potentials to Computation of NMR Shielding Parameters for Small Molecules *Fitzsimmons A., $Klobukowski M.
09:40 00176 Neutron Generator Facility and Radiochemistry Laboratories at Simon Fraser University *$Starosta K., Andreoiu C., Ashley R., Chester A., D'Auria J., Rizwan U., Voss P.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00177 Vibrational Spectra of Chrysene, 1,2:3,4-Dibenzanthracene and Benzo[a]pyrene Oladepo S.A., Shaw J.M., *$Michaelian K.H.
10:40 00178 Spectroscopy Study of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Actuator Ringuette S., *$Pimentel R., Gravel J.-F.
11:00 00179 A Quantitative Raman and Ab Initio Investigation of Aqueous Copper (I) Chloride Complexes up to 80 �C Applegarth L.M.S.G.A., *Pye C.C., $Tremaine P.R.
11:20 00180 Electrolyte-gated Transistors Based on Light-emitting Solution-processable Films Sayago J., Sivalingam Y., Patel M., Cicoira F., *$Santato C.
11:40 00181 Surface-Immobilized Heteroleptic NHC Rh Complexes Ebralidze I.I., Zenkina O.V., Keske E.C., Crudden C., *Horton J.H.
12:00 00182 Spectroelectrochemistry of Ultra-Thin MnO2 Electrodes in Protic Ionic Liquids Castro Ruiz C.A., *$Rochefort D., B�langer D.
12:20 End of Session
New Ideas for using Quantum Mechanics to Understand Chemistry
Organizer(s) - T. Carrington Jr., G. Peslherbe, P.-N. Roy Chair(s) - T. Carrington Jr., N.J. Mosey
Keith Laidler Award lecture:
08:00 00183 Molecular Dynamics at Ultracold Temperatures Krems R.
09:00 00184 Aspects of Excitation with Incoherent Light Brumer P.
09:20 00185 Atoms and Bonds in Molecules: A Radial Density Analogue to the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules Besaw J.E., Poirier R.A., Warburton P.L.
09:40 00186 The Local Schr�dinger Equation Method Using Sparse Cubature Grids *$Anderson J.S.M., Ayers P.W., Nakatsuji H., Nakashima H.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00187 Two-Determinant Mixing with a Strong-Correlation Density Functional Becke A.D.
10:40 00188 A New Mean-Field Method for Strong Correlation From the Wavefunction Forms of Exactly Solvable Model Hamiltonians *$Ayers P.W., Limacher P.A., Johnson P.A., Van Neck D., De Baerdemackers S., Bultinck P.
11:00 00189 Efficient Approximations to the Exact-Exchange Potential *$Staroverov V.N., Ryabinkin I.G.
11:20 00190 Towards the Calculation of Two- and Multi-Electron Excitations with DFT Seidu I., *Ziegler T.
11:40 00191 A Generalized Valence Bond Density Functional Method Cullen J.
12:00 00192 The Validity of the Decomposition of the Dispersion Energy Into Atom-Atom Contributions *$Hollett J.W., Gill P.M.W.
12:20 End of Session
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (joint with BM)
Organizer(s) - M. Auger, D. Bryce Chair(s) - M. Auger
08:00 00193 Atomic-level Insights into Misfolding and Toxicity Related to Alzheimer's and Type II Diabetic Diseases Brender J., Krishnamoorthy J., Sciacca M., Kotler S., Vivekanandan S., Lee D.-K., *$Ramamoorthy A.
08:40 00194 Solid-State NMR Investigations of an Integral Membrane Water Channel Human Aquaporin 1 Emami S., Wang S., Brown L.S., Ladizhansky V.
09:00 00195 NMR Spectroscopic Studies of D2O in Restricted Environments *$Ooms K.J., Woudstra J.M., VanderSchee C.R., Ripmeester M.J., Vanderveen J.R.
09:20 00196 Structure and Dynamical Properties of Whole Anchoring Threads from the Blue Mussel - the Effect of Hydration Arnold A.A., S�guin-Heine M.-O., Byette F., Genard B., Tremblay R., Pellerin C., *$Marcotte I.
09:40 00197 Characterization of Pharmaceuticals and Polymorphic Forms Using Indirectly Detected 1H-15N HETCOR SSNMR Spectroscopy Johnston K.E., Kobayashi T., Pruski M., *$Schurko R.W.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00198 NMR Methods for Measuring Lateral Diffusion in Membranes *$Macdonald P.M., Saleem Q., Lai A., Morales H.H.
10:40 00199 Spectroscopic Investigation of the Mode of Action of Synthetic Amphiphilic Peptides with Antimicrobial Potential Fillion M., Goudreault M., Valois-Paillard G., Lorin A., No�l M., Voyer N., Auger M.
11:00 00200 Studies of Intrinsic T1n Relaxation in Biological Solids at Cryogenic Temperatures *Potapov A., Thurber K., $Tycko R.
11:20 00201 Structural Studies of Self-Assembling Peptides and Proteins *$Sharpe S., Walsh P., Yau J., Reicheld S., Simonetti K.
11:40 00202 Improving Acquisition of Ultra-Wideline 14N Solid-State NMR Spectra Veinberg S.L., Harris K.J., Lupulescu A., Frydman L., *$Schurko R.W.
12:00 End of Session
Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership (joint with SS1)
08:00 Joint with SS1 - See Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - T. Nguyen-Dang Chair(s) - C. Lefebvre
14:00 00470 A Drude Polarizable Force Field for Liquid Hydrogen Sulfide Riahi S., *$Rowley C.N.
14:20 00471 Pd and S Binding Energies and Auger Parameters on a Model Silica-Supported Suzuki-Miyaura Catalyst: Insights into Catalyst Activation Hanif A.M., *Horton J.H.
14:40 00472 Photoluminescence Lifetime Tuning of Mn2+-doped Core/Shell ZnSe and ZnS Nanocrystals Using Interfacial Strain *Lamarre S.A., Veilleux V., Ritcey A.M., $N�. Allen C.
15:00 00473 Hydroxyphenol Interaction with Iron Oxide Colloids by Chemical Force Spectrometry Azmi A., *Horton J.H.
15:20 00474 Amplified Fibre Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy Andrews N.L.P., Litman J., Stroh D., Barnes J.A., *$Loock H.-P.
15:40 00475 Fast Neutron Radiolysis of Liquid Water at Temperatures Between 25 and 350 �C: Monte Carlo Simulations Butarbutar S.L., Sanguanmith S., Meesungnoen J., Sunaryo G.R., Jay-Gerin J.-P.
16:00 00476 Standard Partial Molar Properties of Adenine and Its Ions in High Temperature Aqueous Systems and Relevance to Modeling the Origins of Life Lowe A.R., *Cox J.S., $Tremaine P.
16:20 00477 Standard Partial Molar Heat Capacities of Aqueous Aluminate Under Hydrothermal Conditions from Integral Heat of Solution Experiments $Tremaine P.R., *Coulier Y.
16:40 End of Session
New Ideas for using Quantum Mechanics to Understand Chemistry
Organizer(s) - T. Carrington Jr., G. Peslherbe, P.-N. Roy Chair(s) - G. Peslherbe
14:00 00478 Structural Assignment by Infrared Spectroscopy in the Gas Phase: Finite Temperature and Quantum Effects in Absorption and Action Spectra Calvo F.
14:40 00479 Efficient Calculations of High-lying Ro-vibrational Levels of Methane Using Radau Vibrational Coordinates and an Eckart Frame *$Carrington T., Wang X.
15:00 00480 Structural Characterization of Biomolecules by IR Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry and Polarizable Molecular Dynamics *Clavaguera C., Semrouni D., Martens J.K., Nicol E., McMahon T.B., $Ohanessian G.
15:20 00481 QM/MM Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Hydration of Mg(II) and Zn(II) Riahi S., Roux B., *$Rowley C.N.
15:40 00482 Examining Electronic Structure and Energy in Stress-Induced Reactions *$Mosey N.J.
16:00 00483 Concerted and Sequential Proton Transfer Mechanisms in Water-separated Acid-Base Encounter Pairs *$Iftimie R., Thomas V.
16:20 00484 A Computational Study of Metalloporphyrins *$Boyd R.J., Berryman V.E.J.
16:40 End of Session
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (joint with BM)
Organizer(s) - M. Auger, D. Bryce Chair(s) - I. Marcotte
14:00 00485 51V Solid-State NMR and Density Functional Theory: A Powerful Approach to Probe Geometry and Electronic Structure in Bioinorganic Molecules and Vanadium-Containing Enzymes *$Polenova T., Li M., Yehl J., Gupta R., Hou G., Goncharova-Zapata O., Crans D.C., Chatterjee P.
14:40 00486 Fluorinated NMR Probes for the Study of Membrane Topology: Monofluorinated Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine Lipid Membranes Gagnon M.-C., Dautrey S., Savoie J.-D., Parent J.-F., Paquin* J.-F., Auger* M.
15:00 00487 Nanocrystalline Cellulose and Chiral Nematic NCC-Templated Organosilica Films *$Michal C.A., Manning A.P., Lemke C.H., Dong R.Y., Terpstra A., Guise M., MacLachlan M.J., Hamad W.Y.
15:20 00488 New Advances and Applications In High Field DNP NMR *Michaelis V.K., Smith A.A., Corzilius B., Ong T.C., $Griffin R.G.
15:40 00489 Recent Applications of Solid State NMR: from Membrane-Associated Peptides to Carbon Nanofibres *$Straus S.K., Dodd A.P.
16:00 00490 Insight into the Chromophore of Rhodopsin and its Meta-II Photointermediate by 19F Solid-State NMR Brinkmann A., Sternberg U., Kentgens A.P.M., Lugtenburg J., Bovee-Geurts P.H.M., *$DeGrip W.J.
16:20 End of Session
Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership (joint with SS1)
14:00 Joint with SS1 - See Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with SS5)
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:00 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - T. Nguyen-Dang Chair(s) - T.T. Nguyen-Dang, R. Pimentel
R.F.W. Bader memorial lectures
08:00 00744 AIM Theory : The Crystallographer's View Lecomte C.
08:40 00745 Topological Properties of the Electron Density: Examples from Quantum Chemistry & Quantum Crystallography Massa L., Huang L., Matta C., Keith T.
09:20 00746 Properties of the Chemical Bond under External Electric Fields in Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Diatomics Sowlati-Hashjin S., *$Matta C.F.
09:40 00747 Dipole Moment Surface of the CH4 + X [ CH3 + HX (X = F, Cl) Reactions from Atomic Dipole Moment Surfaces, and the Origin of the Sharp Peak in the Dipole Moment near the Transition State *Matta C.F., Sowlati-Hashjin S., $Bandrauk A.D.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00748 Recent Developments and Applications of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Actuators for Active Flow Control *$Lavoie P., Naghib-Lahouti A., Hanson R.E., Murphy J.P., Houser N.
11:00 00749 Correlation Between Plasma Physicochemical Characteristics and Treated Surface Chemistry *$Laroche G., Mavadat M.
11:40 00750 Detailed Characterisation of a Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma Actuator Farhat S., *deChamplain A., $Pimentel R.
12:00 00751 Flow Control using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Reduction of Adverse Aerodynamic Forces on a Bluff Body Naghib-Lahouti A., Lavoie P.
12:20 End of Session
New Ideas for using Quantum Mechanics to Understand Chemistry
Organizer(s) - T. Carrington Jr., G. Peslherbe, P.-N. Roy Chair(s) - P.-N. Roy, J.W. Hollett
08:00 00752 Hydrogen Molecules in Nanoscale Cavities: Quantum Dynamics, Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectroscopy, and a New Selection Rule for H2@C60 Bacic Z.
08:40 00753 Trapping Hydrogen in Light-Metal Cage Assemblies: Towards a Nanofoam Storage *$Naumkin F.Y., Wales D.J.
09:00 00754 Gold Clusters and Nanostructures: Zero Kelvin and Finite Temperature Calculations *Hamilton I.P., Liu X.-J.
09:20 00755 A New, Centered 32-Electron System: The Predicted [U@Si20]6--like Isoelectronic Series Dognon J.-P., Clavagu�ra C., Pyykk� P.
09:40 00756 Superfluidity Hidden in a Forgotten Corner $Zeng T., Guillon G., *Roy P.-N.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00757 Panta Rhei: Electron Fluxes During Chemical Reactions Manz J.
11:00 00758 The Zero-voltage Conductance of Nano-graphenes: Simple Rules and Quantitative Estimates *Ernzerhof M., Zhou Y., Mayou D.
11:20 00759 Old Ideas ... New Context: Electron Quantum Dynamics in Intense Field Nguyen-Dang T.-T.
11:40 00760 An Arrhenius Argument to Explain Electrical Conductivity Maxima of Molten Salt *$East A.L.L.
12:00 End of Session
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (joint with BM)
Organizer(s) - M. Auger, D. Bryce Chair(s) - D.L. Bryce
08:00 00761 NMR and DFT Studies of Structure/Electric Field Gradient Correlations in Dion-Jacobson Phases and Nanosheets *Smith L.J., Boykin J., Adhikari J.
08:40 00762 Temperature and Spinning Rate Dependence of Spectral Broadening from Paramagnetic Dopants in Sodium Borosilicate Glass Christensen R.B., *Kroeker S.
09:00 00763 Measurement of Dipolar and J coupling in Pairs of Quadrupolar Nuclei Using DOR NMR Perras F.A., *$Bryce D.L.
09:20 00764 Following the Delithiation Process of Li Ion Batteries Cathode Materials with 7Li MAS NMR Castets A., *Liang G., $Schougaard S.B.
09:40 00765 Solid-State NMR Characterization of Homoleptic Tetracyanamido Complexes of Group 13 and 14 Metals Wren J.E.C., *Kroeker S., Terskikh V.V., Kalmutzki M., Meyer H.-J.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00766 Characterization of the Hydride Shielding Tensor in an Iridium(III) Hydride Complex via Solid-State NMR *$Wasylishen R.E., Garbacz P., Terskikh V.V., Bernard G.M.
10:40 00767 NMR Studies of High Durability, Low Melting Optical Glass *$Zwanziger J.W., Werner-Zwanziger U., Calahoo C., Rocherulle' J., Lebullenger R.
11:00 00768 35Cl SSNMR of Chlorine Sites in Transition-Metal Complexes O'Keefe C.A., Johnston K.E., *$Schurko R.W., Sutter K., Autschbach J.
11:20 00769 Solid-state NMR Analysis of Athabasca Oil-sands Asphaltenes Dutta Majumdar R., *$Hazendonk P., Gerken M., Mikula R.
11:40 00770 Can a Single Spike Be Better Than a Whole Spectrum? Rapid Prediction of Experimental Run Time in Very Low Concentration "Multi-Day" Samples Masoom H., Courtier-Murias D., Soong R., Farooq H., Maas W., Kumar R., Monette M., Stronks H., Simpson M.J., *$Simpson A.J.
12:00 End of Session
Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership (joint with SS1)
08:00 Joint with SS1 - See Celebrating Martin Moskovits: Clusters, SERS, Sensors, Nanofabrication and Academic Leadership under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:00 End of Session
Halogen Bonding and Other Non-Covalent Interactions (joint with OR)
Organizer(s) - D.L. Bryce, M. Taylor Chair(s) - D.L. Bryce
14:00 01101 Anion Coordination and Anion Templated Assembly in Crystalline Solids via Halogen Bonding *$Resnati G., Colombo L., Cavallo G., Metrangolo P., Terraneo G.
14:40 01102 Halogen Bonding and the Crystal Engineering of Boron Subphthalocyanines for Organic Electronic Applications *$Bender T.P., Virdo J.D., Brisson E., Paton A.S.
15:20 01103 The Attractive Non-Covalent Interaction Between Halomethanes and Rare Gases McAllister L.J., Bruce D.W., Karadakov P.B.
15:40 01104 Solution Phase Binding Properties of Receptors Containing Halogen- and Hydrogen- Bonding Groups Chudzinski M.G., McClary C.A., *$Taylor M.S.
16:00 End of Session
New Ideas for using Quantum Mechanics to Understand Chemistry
Organizer(s) - T. Carrington Jr., G. Peslherbe, P.-N. Roy Chair(s) - C.N. Rowley
14:00 01105 Open Quantum-Classical Systems Kapral R.
14:40 01106 Uncertainties in Properties Calculated from Fitted Potential Energy Functions and Determining Potential Energy Functions from Fits to Bound [ Continuum Intensity Data *Le Roy R.J.
15:00 01107 A 'Rattle and Shake' Propagator for Path Integral Quantum Simulations: Application to the Water Dimer $Guillon G., Zeng T., *Roy P.-N.
15:20 01108 Efficient and Rigorous Surface-hopping for Long Time Nonadiabatic Quantum Dynamics Kelly A., Markland T.E.
15:40 01109 Localized vs. Delocalized Photoinitiated Excited State Dynamics: Ab Initio Simulations of Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy *Schuurman M.S., Boguslavskiy A.E., Stolow A.
16:00 01110 Automated Construction of ab initio Potential Energy Surfaces for Spectroscopy and Dynamics Dawes R.
16:20 01111 Using DFT to Understand Surface Chemistry of Dimethylarsinic Acid *$Al-Abadleh H.A., Adamescu A., Hamilton I.P.
16:40 End of Session
Halogen Bonding and Other Non-Covalent Interactions (joint with OR)
Organizer(s) - D.L. Bryce, M. Taylor Chair(s) - D.L. Bryce
08:00 01311 Modeling Noncovalent Interactions using Density-Functional Theory with Dispersion-Correcting Potentials *$DiLabio G.A.
08:40 01312 DFT Study on the Lowest-energy Isomers of the P3HT-PCBM Dimer *$Rodriguez J.I., Gutierrez-Gonzalez I., G�tz A.W., Molina-Brito B., Castillo-Alvarado F.L.
09:00 01313 New Motifs and Liquid Crystals: Halogen and Hydrogen Bonding in Action McAllister L.J., Takemura A., Pr�sang C., Wong J.P.-W., Donnio B., Whitwood A.C., Karadakov P.B., *$Bruce D.W.
09:40 01314 Synthesis and Characterization of a Photoisomerizable Hydrogen Bond Array Pleizier J., Linares I., Wisner J.A.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01315 Utility of Kinetic Capillary Electrophoresis - Mass Spectrometry (KCE-MS) to Study Fast and Slow Non-Covalent Molecular Interactions *$Berezovski M.V., Mironov G.G., Okhonin V.
10:40 01316 Structure and Energetics of Gas Phase Halogen-Bonding in Mono-, Bi-, and Tri-dentate Anion Receptors as Studied by Blackbody Infrared Radiative Dissociation Gillis E.A.L, Demireva M., Chudzinski M.G., Taylor M.S., Williams E.R., *$Fridgen T.D
11:20 01317 Halogen Bonding: A Biochemist's View Carter M., Scholfield M.R., Vander Zanden C.M., Rapp� A.K., *$Ho P.S.
12:00 End of Session
Ultrafast Photochemistry and Quantum Control
Organizer(s) - F. Legare, A. Brown Chair(s) - A. Brown, G. Hanna
08:00 01318 Multidimensional Time-Resolved Spectroscopy and Control of Biopolyenes Buckup T.
08:40 01319 Exploring Electronic Energy Transfer in BODIPY Compounds Bai D., *Benniston A.C., Harriman A.
09:00 01320 Mixed Quantum-Classical Liouville Simulation of Ultrafast Laser-driven Dynamics in the Mapping Basis *$Hanna G.
09:40 01321 Electron Solvation Pathways in Charge-Transfer-to-Solvent Excited Iodide-Polar Molecule Clusters Mak C.C., Timerghazin Q.K., $Peslherbe G.H.
10:00 Coffee Break
John C. Polanyi Award lecture:
10:20 01322 Kasha's Rule Isn't: Adventures in the Land of Molecular Electronic Excited States Steer R.P.
11:00 01323 Environmentally Assisted One-Photon Phase Control Brumer P.
11:40 01324 Polyatomic Molecules in Strong Laser Fields Mikosch J., Boguslavskiy A., Spanner M., *$Stolow A.
12:20 End of Session
New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy
08:00 Joint with SS3 - See New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with SS5)
08:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Halogen Bonding and Other Non-Covalent Interactions (joint with OR)
Organizer(s) - D.L. Bryce, M. Taylor
14:00 01691 Systematic Comparison of the Ability of Halogen Bonds, Hydrogen Bonds, and Other Interactions to Control the Molecular Organization of Derivatives of Dispirofluorene-Indenofluorene *Wuest J.D., Blair-Pereira J.-N., Beaudoin D., Maris T.
14:40 01692 Understanding the Effect of X-termination in Smectic Liquid Crystal Phases *$Lemieux R.P., Rupar I., Mulligan K.M., Roberts J.C., Kapernaum N., Giesselmann F.
15:00 01693 Investigating Halogen Bonding in the Solid State with Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Various Iodobenzene Co-Crystals Viger-Gravel J., Leclerc S., Korobkov I., *$Bryce D.L.
15:20 01694 From Crystal Engineering to the Engineering of Function with Halogen Bonding *$Metrangolo P., Cavallo G., Resnati G., Saccone M., Terraneo G.
16:00 End of Session
High Pressure Chemistry
Organizer(s) - J. Tse, E. Zurek, Y. Yao Chair(s) - J. Tse, Y. Song
14:00 01695 Mbar Chemistry: Novel States and Transitions in Simple Molecular Systems under Extreme Conditions *$Yoo C.S.
14:40 01696 Neutral Radicals under Pressure - True Molecular Metals Oakley R.T.
15:20 01697 Aurophilic Interactions and Emitting-state Properties Probed by Pressure-dependent Luminescence Spectroscopy *$Reber C.
16:00 01698 Studies in Useful Hard X-Ray Induced Chemistry *$Pravica M., Bai L., Park C., Sneed D.
16:40 End of Session
Ultrafast Photochemistry and Quantum Control
Organizer(s) - F. Legare, A. Brown Chair(s) - F. Legare, A. Brown
14:00 01699 Sub-Femtosecond Steering of Molecular Dissintegration *$Alnaser A.S.
14:40 01700 Towards Isolated Water Window Attosecond Pulses $Schmidt B.E., Thir� N., Boivin M., Ozaki T., Kieffer J.C., *L�gar� F.
15:00 01701 Dynamics and Control of Electron Localization in Dissociating Molecules *$Litvinyuk I.V., Xu H., Laban D., Wallace W., Kielpinski D., Sang R., Xu T., He F.
15:40 01702 Following Simple Chemical Reactions Using Homodyne High Harmonic Spectroscopy *$Villeneuve D.M.
16:20 End of Session
Poster Session
Organizer(s) - T. Nguyen-Dang
From 18:00 until 19:30
18:00 01703 Fluorescence-Based Studies of Structure-Binding Relationships in Modified Cyclodextrins *$Wagner B.D., Gouhier G., Pitre S.P., Watts M.F., Mundy K.M.
18:00 01704 Dynamic Imaging of a Nonlinear Polyatomic Molecule in Ultrashort Intense Laser Pulses *$Lefebvre C., Lu, Chelkowski, Bandrauk A.
18:00 01705 The Electrochemical Behavior of a Ruthenium Composite Electrode in Protic Ionic Liquid (diethylmethylamine-triflic acid) Nguyen N.L., *$Rochefort D.
18:00 01706 Evolution of the Structural and Electronic Properties with the Oligomer Size of Some Electron Donor Polymers Castillo-Alvarado F.L., *$Rodriguez J.I., Molina-Brito B.
18:00 01707 Novel Inhibitors of Falcipain-2 Active Against Plasmodium falciparum Wei L., Bello A.M., Sundararaman S., Kalamuddin M., Wasilewski E., Chakka S.K., Malhotra P., Mohmmed A., *$Kotra L.P.
18:00 01708 MD and QM/MM Insights into the High Fidelity of Cysteinyl-tRNA Synthetase Fortowsky G.B., *$Gauld J.W.
18:00 01709 The Fragmentation Dynamics of Trifluoropropyne Following Dissociate Double Ionization Neville J.J., Zuin L.
18:00 01710 An Ab Initio Investigation of Iron(II) Hydration in the Presence of Hydroxide and Ammonia *$Pye C.C., Whynot D.C.M, Cheng L.
18:00 01711 Benchmark Study of Density Functional Methods for Organometallic Reactions Raju R.K., Bengali A.A., *$Brothers E.N.
18:00 01712 IRMPD Spectroscopic Study of Microsolvated [Na(GlyAla)]+ and [Ca(GlyAla-H)]+, and the Blue-Shifting of the Hydrogen-Bonded Amide Stretch With Each Water Addition Moghaddam M.B., *$Fridgen T.D.
18:00 01713 Colloidal Properties of Single Component Naphthenic Acids and Complex Naphthenic Acid Mixtures Mohamed M.H., *Wilson L.D., Headley J.V., Peru K.M.
18:00 01714 Enzymatic Activity Studies of Pseudomonas cepacia Lipase Adsorbed onto Copolymer Supports Containing b-Cyclodextrin Dhake K.P., Karoyo A.H., Mohamed M.H., *Wilson L.D., Bhanage B.M.
18:00 01715 Les isom�res de spin Vermette J., *$Ayotte P.
18:00 01716 Photoacoustic Infrared and Raman Spectra of Fluorene and Substituted Fluorenes Oladepo S.A., Shaw J.M., *$Michaelian K.H.
18:00 01717 Molecular Ionization by an XUV Attosecond Pulse: Is the Franck-Condon Principle Acceptable? Viau Trudel J., Nguyen-Dang T.-T.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01718 Laulimalide Interactions with Tubulin Protofilaments Churchill C.D.M, Klobukowski M., Tuszynksi J.A.
18:00 01719 Synthesis and Characterization of Ionic Liquid Using an Electroactive Anion G�linas B., *$Rochefort D.
18:00 01720 Radiolysis of Water and Aqueous Solutions: A Comparison of 3H b-Particles and 60Co c-Rays Mirsaleh Kohan L., Sanguanmith S., Meesungnoen J., Causey P., Stuart C.R., *$Jay-Gerin J.-P.
18:00 01721 Potential DSSC Applications based on Photon Upconversion in Zinc Tetraphenylporphyrin Boutin P.C., Kelly T.L., *$Steer R.P.
18:00 01722 Probing Protein Folding with High Pressure MD Simulations Wiebe H., Weinberg N.
18:00 01723 Solubility Simulations Using Seed Crystal Probe Wiebe H., Louwersheimer J., Singh K., Weinberg N.
18:00 01724 A Bromate Oscillator Established Through Photo-decomposition of N-bromo-1,4-benzoquinone-4-imine Bell J.G., *Wang J., Green J.R.
18:00 01725 Combining Spectroscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy to Study Chiral Selection on Surfaces *Dong Y., Yang Z., $McBreen P.
18:00 01726 A Computational Examination of Torquoselectivity in the Thermal Nazarov Reactions of Allenyl Vinyl Ketones LeBlanc L.M., Boyd R.J., *$Burnell D.J.
18:00 01727 Towards Nanopore Sequencing: In-Silico Studies on the Interactions Between alpha-Hemolysin and ss DNA Molecules *Markosyan S., De Biase P.M., Cuervo J.E., $Noskov S
18:00 01728 Computational Study on the Deamination Reaction of Adenine with OH-/nH2O (n=0, 1, 2, 3) and 3H2O *$Alrawashdeh A., Poirier R.
18:00 01729 Benchmark of Electronic Excitation Energies: CC3 and EOM-CCSDT-3 Versus STEOM-CC and Some of Its Recently Developed Variants Sous J., Nooijen M.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 01730 Computational Studies of DNA Repair: Dynamics of the DNA Glycosylases Wilson K.A., *$Wetmore S.D.
18:00 01731 Computational Modeling of the Chemical Step of Alkyladenine DNA Glycosylase Lenz S.P, $Wetmore S.D.
18:00 01732 Probing Structures and Electronic Properties of Polyaromatic Heterocycles Beiraghi O., Gauld J.W., *$Eichhorn S.H.
18:00 01733 The Effect of Hydrophobicity on the Formation of Gold Nanoparticle Monolayer Films Bradford S.M., $Meli M.-V.
PT1 - Advances in Vibrational Spectroscopy, Microscopy and Dynamic Imaging posters
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01734 Dynamic Study of Ultrafast Deformation and Relaxation of Binary Blends of Polystyrene by Infrared Spectroscopy Robert P., $Pellerin C.
18:00 01735 Study of the Protein Orientation Homogeneity in Silk Fibers by Raman Spectromicroscopy *Huot A., Lef�vre T., Auger M., $P�zolet M., Boulet-Audet M., Vollrath F.
PT3 - Halogen Bonding and Other Non-Covalent Interactions posters
18:00 01736 Synthesis and Characterization of a Photoisomerizable Self-Complementary Hydrogen Bond Array Linares I., Wisner J.A., Pleizier J.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01737 Functionalization of Molecular Glasses: Effect on the Glass Transition Temperature $De Grandpr� G., Plante A., *Soldera A., Pellerin C., Lebel O.
18:00 01738 Halogen and Hydrogen Bonds as Tools to Direct the Solid State Arrangement of Phenoxy-Boron Subphthalocyanines Virdo J.D., *$Bender T.P.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 01739 Exploring the Glass-forming Ability of Aminotriazine-based Molecular Glasses Laventure A., Plante A., Eren R.N., Soldera A., Lebel O., Pellerin C.
18:00 01740 Molecular Materials: Supramolecular Architectures Using CN...Br and Fluoro-p...p Interactions Clarke J., Hayward J.J., $Rawson J.M.
PT4 - High Pressure Chemistry posters
18:00 01741 Building a Chemical Intuition Under Pressure: Stable Polyhydrides and Subhydrides *$Zurek E.D.
18:00 01742 Boron and Aluminum Halides Under Pressure - Polymerization and Chemical Transformations *$Yao Y.
18:00 01743 Force Field Parameterization for High Pressure Calculations Perkins J., Yanciw B., Wiebe B., Spooner J., Weinberg N.
18:00 01745 Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties of Substances and Mixtures Using Molecular Dynamics Perkins J., Ho J., Weinberg N.
18:00 01744 Predictions of Stable Strontium Polyhydride Phases Under Pressure Terpstra T., $Zurek E.
18:00 01746 Computational Studies of Alkali Metal Polyhydrides Stabilized Under Pressure Hooper J.G.M., $Zurek E.
18:00 01747 Temperature and Pressure Dependence of the Raman Spectra of the Iodocyclohexane-Thiourea Inclusion Complex Narang P., Butler I.S., Gilson D.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01748 Energy Surfaces and Profiles for High Pressure Reactions Spooner J., Yanciw B., Weinberg N.
18:00 01749 Crystal Structure Prediction of CS2 at High Pressure $Zarifi N., *Tse J., Zarifi N.Z.
18:00 01750 Unusual Stoichiometries of Hydrogen and Iodine Under Pressure Shamp A., *$Zurek E.
18:00 01751 Hydrogen Activated Polymerization of Solid CO and CO2 Yong X., *Tse J., $Yong X.
18:00 01752 Raman Spectra and Formation Constants for Aqueous Nickel Chloro-Complexes from 5 to 200 �C Bissonette K., Applegarth L.M.S.G.A., Cox J.S., *Pye C.C., $Tremaine P.R.
18:00 01753 Persistence of Molecular Diborane at Elevated Pressures: Evidence from Experimental and Simulated Vibrational Spectra Torabi A., Song Y., $Staroverov V.N.
18:00 01754 Pressure-induced Transforamtions of Bis(tetrazolyl)amine (BTA) and Cyanuric Triazide (CTA) Probed by Vibrational Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction Zhou L., Till E., *$Song Y., Hu A., Cook C., Murugesu M.
18:00 01755 In Situ High Pressure Study of MIL-68 and its Performance for CO2 Storage Hu Y., *Huang Y., $Song Y.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 01756 Using Engineering and Particle Physics in the Advancement of Green Chemistry $MacLean A., *Ghandi K.
PT5 - New Ideas for Using Quantum Mechanics to Understand Chemistry posters
18:00 01757 A Weighted-Density Approximation for the Kinetic-Energy Functional *Cuevas-Saavedra R., Staroverov V.N., Chakraborty D., $Ayers P.W.
18:00 01758 Correlation Factor Model Based on an Exchange Hole Reproducing the Exact Exchange Energy Density $Precechtelova J., *Ernzerhof M., Bahmann H.
18:00 01759 Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham Method for Molecules on Surfaces Zhou Y., *Ernzerhof M.
18:00 01760 Switching Between Potentials in Temporal Quantum Mechanics / Molecular Mechanics Simulations Dayal P., $Mosey N.
18:00 01761 A Density Functional Study of Hydrogen Transfer of Short-chain Alkane Thiols on Small Cationic, Anionic, and Neutral Gold Clusters Smith S.C., *Hamilton I.P.
18:00 01762 Design of New Functionals for Exchange Energy Calculation Antaya H., Zhou Y., *Ernzerhof M.
18:00 01763 Diels-Alder Reactions of Masked o-Benzoquinones with Thiophenes: A Conceptual DFT Investigation *$Ghomri A., Mekelleche S.M.
18:00 01764 Kinetic Editing in Threonyl-tRNA Synthetase? A QM/MM Study Aboelnga M.M., Fortowsky G.B, *$Gauld J.W.
18:00 01765 Time-Dependent Electron Localization Functions as a Tool to Map Molecular Ionization and Higher Order Harmonic Generation in Strong Fields *Penka Fowe E., Bandrauk A.
18:00 01766 Study of the Interaction -Secretase-flavonones by Molecular Modelling Methods: The Future Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease *$Abdelli I., Ghalem S.
18:00 01767 Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study of some Metal-Free Organic Dyes for Their Use as Sensitizers in Molecular Photovoltaics *Khobzaoui S., Ghomri A., Boussaid A.
Graduate Student Posters
18:00 01768 DFT Calculations on the Binding Mechanism of an Aromatic Organoarsenical onto Hydrated Iron Oxides Clusters Adamescu A., Hamilton I., *$Al-Abadleh H.
18:00 01769 Wavefunction Ans�tze for Strongly Correlated Electrons *Johnson P.A., $Ayers P.W., De Baerdemacker S., Van Neck D., Bultinck P., Limacher P.A.
18:00 01770 Low Temperature and Ground State Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Various Weakly Bound Water-Hydrogen Systems Schmidt M., Constable S., Ing C., Zeng T., Roy P.N.
18:00 01771 An Atomic Perspective of the Hydrogen Bond Interactions in Water and Water-Ion Clusters Albrecht L., Boyd R.J.
18:00 01772 Apparent Violation of the Sum Rule for Exchange-Correlation Charges by Generalized Gradient Approximations *Kohut S.V., $Staroverov V.N.
18:00 01773 Orbital-averaged Model Potentials for Exchange and Correlation Constructed by Kohn-Sham Inversion Kananenka A.A., *$Staroverov V.N.
18:00 01774 Density Functional Theory Study of Gold Nanorods and Alkanethiol Ligands Hu H., *Rey A., $Reven L.
PT6 - Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy posters
18:00 01775 An Indirect NMR Investigation of the Relaxation Behaviour of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solids Bernard G.M., Ma G., $Wasylishen R.E.
18:00 01776 Isolation of Ulceroprotectivec Cucurbitane Type Triterpenoids from Cucumis Melo Seeds *$G. Bal, N. Gill
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01777 A Solid-State NMR and FTIR Study of a Neuronal Calcium Sensor (NCS) Protein, Recoverin *Potvin-Fournier K., Valois-Paillard G., Calvez P., Salesse C., $Auger M.
18:00 01778 Capturing the Guest Dynamics in Metal-Organic Frameworks CPO-27-M (M = Mg, Zn, Co, Ni) by 2H Solid-State NMR Xu J., *Huang Y.
18:00 01779 NMR Characterization of Halogen Bonds in the Solid State Viger-Gravel J., Leclerc S., Korobkov I., *$Bryce D.L.
18:00 01780 Spectroscopic Studies of the Structure and Membrane Interaction of the NAC Region of alpha-Synuclein B�dard L., Auger M.
18:00 01781 Solid State NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Metal Center Environments in Metal-Organic Frameworks He P., Zheng A., Terskikh V., Sutrisno A., *Huang Y.
18:00 01782 Solid-State NMR Investigations of Vapochromism in Pt(bpy)(CN)2 Klauke D.G., Lucier B.E.G., *$Schurko R.W.
18:00 01783 Multinuclear Solid-State NMR of NaYF4/NaLuF4 Core/Shell Nanoparticles Hirsh D.A., Johnson N.J.J., van Veggel F.C.J.M., *$Schurko R.W.
18:00 01784 Understanding How the Antimicrobial Peptide Thanatin Interacts with the Lipid Bilayer of Cell Walls Using Solid-State NMR Robert E., Fillion M., Otis F., Voyer N., Auger M.
18:00 01785 Solid-State NMR Study of 25Mg Cations in Organic Coordination Environments Burgess K.M.N., Xu Y., Leclerc M., *$Bryce D.L.
18:00 01786 Spin Gymnastics: Using Specialized Radio-Frequency Pulses to Study Unreceptive Quadrupolar Nuclei Jaroszewicz M.J., Harris K.J., Johnston K.E., *$Schurko R.W.
18:00 01787 Application of 35Cl SSNMR to Solid Pharmaceuticals: Detection of Impurities, Mixtures and Polymorphs Sandre A.R., Namespetra A.M., Johnston K.E., *$Schurko R.W.
18:00 01788 35Cl SSNMR of HCl Pharmaceuticals: Applications to Pills and Polymorphs Namespetra A.M., Sandre A., Hildebrand M.P., Harris K.J., *$Schurko R.W.
18:00 01789 Structural Analysis of Sodium Gallophosphate Glasses by Multinuclear NMR Wren J.E.C., Christensen R.B., *$Kroeker S., Terskikh V.V., Hee P., Ledemi Y., Messaddeq Y., Cardinal T., Fargin E.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 01790 Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Phase Distributions upon Vitrification of Nuclear Waste Paterson A., Wren J.E.C., *$Kroeker S., Gaudin C., Schuller S.
New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy
14:00 Joint with SS3 - See New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with SS5)
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Advances in Vibrational Spectroscpy, Microscopy and Dynamic Imaging
Organizer(s) - A. Stolow, C. Pellerin, F. Lagugne-Labarthet Chair(s) - C. Pellerin, F. Lagugne-Labarthet
08:00 01985 Simple Implementation of Multimodal CARS Microscopy for Biomaterial Characterization Slepkov A.D.
08:20 01986 Characterizing Hydrogels Using ATR-IR Spectroscopy: From Molecular to Microscopic Scale *$Lafleur M.
09:00 01987 Variable-temperature Micro-Raman Spectra of Selected Artists' Pigments Riddle J., Hopkins E., *$Butler I.S.
09:20 01988 Novel Simple and Accurate Method for Orientation Quantification Using Polarized Raman Spectroscopy Richard-Lacroix M., *$Pellerin C.
09:40 01989 a-Sexithiophene in Carbon Nanotubes: Towards Raman Nanoprobes Tang N.Y.-W., Gaufr�s E., Lapointe F., Martel R.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01990 Unraveling the Mysteries of Spider Silk by Vibrational Spectroscopy *$P�zolet M., Lef�vre T., Paquet-Mercier F.
11:00 01991 Fano Resonances in the Mid-Infrared Spectra of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Lapointe F., Gaufr�s �., Tremblay I., Tang N.Y.-W., Desjardins P., *$Martel R.
11:20 01992 Dynamic Study of Chiral Induction Using Time-lapsed Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and DFT Calculations *Goubert G., Demers-Carpentier V., Lemay J.-C., Dong Y., Zheng Y., Havelund Rasmussen A.M., Hammer B., $McBreen P.
11:40 01993 Nanoscale Mid-Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy with Monolayer Sensitivity *$Belkin M.A., Lu F., Jin M.
12:20 End of Session
High Pressure Chemistry
Organizer(s) - J. Tse, E. Zurek, Y. Yao Chair(s) - Y. Yao, N. Weinberg
08:00 01994 Structural Prediction via CALYPSO Approach *$Ma Y., Wang Y., Lv J., Zhu L.
08:40 01995 Chemical Bonding Under Compression *$Hu A., Zhang F.
09:20 01996 Theoretical Studies of Kinetic Effects of High Pressure Weinberg N.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01997 Novel Xenon Chemistry at High Pressures and High Temperatures *$Somayazulu M.S.
11:00 01998 Unusual High Pressure Behavior of Carbon Dioxide *$Shieh S.R., Kaci L., Jarrige I., Tse J.S., Cai Y.Q.
11:40 01999 Applications of High-Pressure SCW-based Technologies in Advanced Energy Systems *Kozinski J.A., Thomas M.L., Dupouy G., Butler I.S., Dalai A.K.
12:20 End of Session
Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition (joint with IN6)
08:00 Joint with IN6 - See Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition under Inorganic Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with SS5)
08:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Advances in Vibrational Spectroscpy, Microscopy and Dynamic Imaging
Organizer(s) - A. Stolow, C. Pellerin, F. Lagugne-Labarthet Chair(s) - A. Stolow
14:00 02128 FTIR Spectrochemical 2D and 3D Imaging at the IR Diffraction Limit *$Gough K.M.
14:40 02129 Synchrotron-based FTIR Spectromicroscopy at the Canadian Light Source Liu X., Borondics F., May T.
15:00 02130 Imaging the Noncentrosymmetric Structural Organization of Tissues with Interferometric Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy Rivard M., Popov K., Lalibert� M., Bertrand-Grenier A., P. Pfeffer C., Miri A., Brown C., Mongeau L.-G., Ramunno L., *L�gar� F.
15:40 02131 Novel Methods for Controlling Photophysical Properties of Cy3-labelled DNA for Applications in Fluorescence Single-molecule Spectroscopy Glembockyte V., *$Cosa G.
16:00 02132 Photochemical Reaction Dynamics of Condensed Phase Systems Using Velocity Map Imaging Walker S.W.C., Crouse J., Cann N., *$Loock H.P.
16:20 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - T. Nguyen-Dang Chair(s) - T.T. Nguyen-Dang, C. Lefebvre
14:00 02133 Metal-Organic Molecular Units for Induced Structure Manipulation *$Naumkin F.Y.
14:20 02134 Computational Model of Regioselective Alkylation Reactions of Diols through Organotin Intermediates with Added Nucleophiles Lu S., Boyd R.J., Grindley T.B.
14:40 02135 High Level Ab Initio and DFT Calculations for the Unimolecular Decomposition Reaction of Ethylamine *$Almatarneh M.H., Tarawneh M., Poirier R.A., Sariareh I.Y. WITHDRAWN
15:00 02136 MD and QM/MM Insights Into High Fidelity Substrate-Assisted Catalysis in Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases *$Gauld J.W.
15:20 02137 Effect of Choice of Computational Approach in Modeling Flexible Enzyme Active Sites Dokainsih H.M., *$Gauld J.W.
15:40 02138 An Ab Initio Study of the Hydration of Nickel(III) and Copper(III) *$Pye C.C., Rodrigues F., Sharmin S.
16:00 02139 A Simple Protocol to Predict Optimal Finite Field Strengths Leading to Most Precise Calculations of Static Second Hyperpolarizabilities *Mohammed A.A., Limacher P.A., Ayers P.W.
16:20 02140 Rational Design of a Self-Assembling Cellulose Derivative Conley K., Whitehead M.A., van de Ven T.G.M.
16:40 End of Session
High Pressure Chemistry
Organizer(s) - J. Tse, E. Zurek, Y. Yao Chair(s) - E. Zurek, S. Desgreniers
14:00 02141 Development and Characterization of Novel Functional Materials at High Pressures *$Song Y.
14:40 02142 Novel van der Waals Solids in the Methane-Nitrogen System *Desgreniers S., Aldous C.
15:20 02143 Compression Behaviour of Molecular Energetic Material Analogs Dera P.
16:00 02144 High Pressure Neutron Powder Diffraction of Hydrogen Bonded Chemical Systems *$Tulk C.A., Guthrie M., Boehler R., Klug D., Moreira dos Santos A., Jamie M., Shinichi M.
16:40 End of Session
Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition (joint with IN6)
14:00 Joint with IN6 - See Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition under Inorganic Chemistry for the schedule.
15:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces (joint with SS5)
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session

Top of Conference Schedule
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