96h Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition |

 | Inorganic Chemistry |
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry (joint with BM)
Organizer(s) - X. Ottenwaelder, M. Couture Chair(s) - M. Couture, T. Storr
08:00 00079 Exploring the Structural and Functional Determinants of Selective Phosphopeptide Recognition Using Bivalent Zn2+-Coordination Complexes Kraskouskaya D., Duodu E., Gunning P.T.
08:20 00080 Insights into the Mechanism of OvoA and EgtB Bushnell E.A.C., Fortowsky G.B., *$Gauld J.W.
08:40 00081 Comparison of the Biological Activity of Anti-Arthritic Gold Drugs and Gold Nanoparticles *$James L.R.A., Ralph S.F., Dillon C.T.
09:00 00082 What Post-Translational Modifications of Cytochrome c Peroxidase Reveal About Its H2O2 Sensing and Signaling Functions *$English A.M., Kathiresan M.
09:20 00083 B12: A Bio-organometallic Magician Kr�utler B.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00084 Redox Non-innocent Thioether Ligands in Biologically-inspired Tripodal Copper Complexes *$Castillo I., S�nchez Egu�a B.N., Mart�nez-Alanis P.R., Ugalde-Sald�var V.M., Aull�n G.
10:40 00085 Copper-Arylnitroso Complexes as Structural and Reactive Models of Monooxygenases Askari M.S., *$Ottenwaelder X.
11:00 00086 Reactivity Studies of a Tetrairon Bis(nitride) Complex Derived from Molecular Dinitrogen MacLeod K.C., Grubel K., Brennessel W.W., *Holland P.L.
11:20 00087 How to Force P450 Enzymes to Do What We Want? *$Auclair K.
11:40 00088 Biomimetic Metal-Oxygen Intermediates in Dioxygen Activation Chemistry *$Nam W.
12:20 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - F.-G. Fontaine, X. Ottenwaelder Chair(s) - K. Smith
08:00 00089 Structure and Bonding in Copper Carbenes *$Barry S.T., Coyle J.P.
08:20 00090 A Single Ligand for the Pd-Catalyzed Amination of Aryl Halides with Amines, NH Heterocycles, Ammonia and Hydrazine Crawford S.M., Lavery C.B., *Stradiotto M.
08:40 00091 Main-Group "Sandwiches" with Charge-controlled Structure *$Naumkin F.Y.
09:00 00092 Exploring Reductive Elimination from Chromium(III) Bis(Aryl) Complexes Zhou W., Desnoyer A.N., MacLeod K.C., *Smith K.M.
09:20 00093 Mechanistic Insights into the Stereoselective C-S Bond Cleavage of S-Heterocycles using Bridged and Non-Bridged Dinuclear Pt/Mn Complexes Zamora M.T., Oda K., Komine N., Hirano M., *$Komiya S.
09:40 00094 "Staying Alive": Understanding Ruthenium Methylidene Complexes, the Key Resting State in Olefin Metathesis Lummiss J.A.M., $Fogg D.E.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00095 Chemo- and Regioselective Catalytic Reduction of Pyridine Derivatives Lee S.H., Gutsulyak D., $Nikonov G.
10:40 00096 Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Stable, Monomeric Pd(I) and Pt(I) Cations MacInnis M.C., Zhou J., $Ozerov O.V.
11:00 00097 Synthesis & Reactivities of Nickel Pincer Complexes Featuring Imine Moieties: Isolation & Stabilization of Rare Pentacoordinate Pincer Complexes of Ni(II) Mougang-Soume B., *$Zargarian D. WITHDRAWN
11:20 00098 Metal-free Dehydrogenation of Amine-boranes by an N-Heterocyclic Carbene Sabourin K.J., Malcolm A.C., McDonald R., Ferguson M.J., $Rivard E.
11:40 00099 Coordination Chemistry of the Hydridophosphorane HP(OC6H4NMe)2 *$Montgomery C.D., Jelier B.J., Parlane F.G.L.
12:00 00100 Synthesis and Structure of New (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)vanadium Nitride Complexes *Shepard L.E., Parichy J.A., Rostan C., $Abernethy C.D.
12:20 End of Session
Group 13 Elements in Novel Materials and Catalysis (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - S. Wang, F.-G. Fontaine, S. Westcott Chair(s) - S. Collins
08:00 00101 Transfer, Metathesis and Catenation: Reactivity Patterns Emerging from Borylenecomplexes *Braunschweig H.
08:40 00102 The Pull-Push Effect of B in Borane Reagents *$Fernandez E., Pubill-Ulldemolins C., Sole C., Cid J., Gulyas H., Palau G., Sanz X.
09:00 00103 Unusual Photochemical Reactivity of N,C-chelate Boron Compounds Lu J.S., Rao Y.L., Ko S.B., *$Wang S.
09:20 00104 A Bonanza of Novel Organoboron Reagents *$Yudin A.K.
09:40 00105 Aminoboranes: Dehydrogenation and Rehydrogenation Bates J.I., $Aldridge S.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00106 9,10-Diboraanthracene and 9-Borafluorene - Two Unlike Siblings Wagner M.
11:00 00107 The Human B-N: Eight Years of B-N Chemistry and Dehydrogenation Catalysis *$Baker R.T.
11:40 00108 Electron-Deficient Organoboranes: From Chiral Lewis Pairs to Macrocyclic Receptors *$Jaekle F., Chen J., Chen P., Lalancette R.A.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Developments in Pincer Chemistry and Multidentate Ligands
Organizer(s) - D. Zargarian, D. Gousev, H. Guan Chair(s) - D. Gusev, P. Diaconescu
08:00 00109 The Privileged Ligand Platform "PINCER": Inspiration, Surprises and Applications *van Koten G.
08:40 00110 Catalytic Cyanomethylation of Aldehydes Under Base-Free Conditions Chakraborty S., Patel Y.J., Krause J.A., *$Guan H.
09:00 00111 Ligand-Metal Cooperation in PCP Pincer Complexes *$Gelman D., Musa S.
09:20 00112 Exploring Carbon Dioxide Insertion into Group 10 Complexes Supported by Pincer Ligands *$Hazari N., Suh H. W., Schmeier T.J., Takase M.K.
09:40 00113 Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Transition Metal Complexes Featuring Sterically Demanding N-Phosphinoamidine Ligands Ruddy A.J., Small B.L., Sydora O.L., Stradiotto M., Turculet L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00114 Unusual Alkyl Exchange Reactivity at a Uranium(IV) Bis(Alkyl) Platform Supported by a Rigid NON-Donor Ligand Andreychuk N.R., Ilango S., Vidjayacoumar B., *$Emslie D.J.H., Jenkins H.A.
10:40 00115 Non-Symmetric Pincer Compounds. Recent Advances and Potential Applications *$Morales-Morales D., Cris�stomo-Lucas C., Avila-Sorrosa A.
11:00 00116 Mechanistic Hypothesis and Ligand Structure for Introducing Selectivity in the Ethylene Oligomerization Cycle Gambarotta S., Alzahmli A.
11:20 00117 Advantages of Organometallic Supporting Ligands *$Diaconescu P.L.
11:40 00118 Electron rich Nitrido Pincer Complexes: Lessons For N2 Fixation And Coupling *$Schneider S.
12:00 00119 Solid Phase Synthesis of Pincer Complexes *Aleksanyan D.V., Kozlov V.A.
12:20 End of Session
Green Chemistry I:� Materials (joint with IC2)
08:00 Joint with IC2 - See Green Chemistry I: Materials under Industrial Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Supramolecular Materials (joint with MT6)
08:00 Joint with MT6 - See Supramolecular Materials under Materials Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Synthetic and Catalytic Aspects of Fluorine Chemistry (joint with OR7)
08:00 Joint with OR7 - See Synthetic and Catalytic Aspects of Fluorine Chemistry under Organic Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry (joint with BM)
Organizer(s) - X. Ottenwaelder, M. Couture Chair(s) - X. Ottenwaelder
14:00 00412 Targeting Hydrophobic Interactions of Ru(III) Anticancer Compounds with Human Serum Albumin for Increased Bioavailability and Activity Webb M.I., Wu B., Chard R.A., Jang T., Wong M., Yapp D.T.T., *$Walsby C.J.
14:20 00413 A Cu(II)-phenoxyl Radical Complex Formed at a Low Negative Potential *Orio M., $Benisvy L., Eckshtain-Levi M.
14:40 00414 The Role of Trp Radicals in e- transfer Process and Enzymatic Catalysis in Oxidative-stress Heme Proteins *$Ivancich A.
15:00 00415 Bifunctionnal Copper-binding Agents to Combat Alzheimer's Disease *No�l S., Faller P., Gras E., $Hureau C.
15:20 00416 Structure of the Antimalarial Drug Chloroquine and a Metalloporphyrin Drug Target *$Bohle D.S., Dodd E.L., Thompson D.W., Myron B.
15:40 00417 Targeting Metal Ions to Treat Alzheimer's Disease *$Storr T., Jones M.R.
16:00 00418 Manipulating Metals at the HostPathogen Interface Franz K.J.
16:40 End of Session
Group 13 Elements in Novel Materials and Catalysis (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - S. Wang, F.-G. Fontaine, S. Westcott Chair(s) - D. Emslie
14:00 00419 Recent Advances in FLP Chemistry *$Stephan D.W.
14:40 00420 Abstract Title Currently Unavailable Courtemanche M.-A., $Fontaine F.-G.
15:00 00421 Improved Syntheses, New Manipulations and Unprecedented Deprotections of F-BODIPYs *Thompson A.
15:20 00422 Paramagnetic Titanium(III) Metallocene Complexes as Precatalysts for the Dehydrocoupling/Dehydrogenation of Amine-Boranes Jurca T., Leitao E.M., Dutta B., Helten H., *$Manners I.
15:40 00423 Chiral [1]Ferrocenophanes with Group 13 Elements in Bridging Positions. A Modular Approach toward New Metallopolymers Sadeh S., Bagh B., Schatte G., Green J.C., *$M�ller J.
16:00 00424 Boron-based Strategies for F- capture in Water: Apllications in Sensing and 18F Positron Emission Tomography Chansaenpak K., Liu S., Li Z., *$Gabbai F.P.
16:20 00425 The Key Role of Boronates in the Suzuki Reaction Ahmadi Z., Logan J., Wu W., *$McIndoe J.S.
16:40 End of Session
Recent Developments in Pincer Chemistry and Multidentate Ligands
Organizer(s) - D. Zargarian, D. Gousev, H. Guan Chair(s) - K. Goldberg, D. Zargarian
14:00 00426 New Tricks for Old Dogs: Origin of Magnet like Behaviour in Mononuclear Transition Metal Complexes *$Murugesu M.
14:20 00427 Iron Man-up! Fe SNS Pincer Complexes for Bifunctional Catalysis *$Baker R.T.
14:40 00428 Group 10 PCP Pincer-type Complexes in Chemical Hydrogen Storage *$Rossin A., Peruzzini M., Rossi A.
15:00 00429 Ni(II) Complexes of the New Pincer-Type ligands PimCOP, Pim+COP, and NHCCOP Vabre B., *Zargarian D., Canac Y., $Chauvin R.
15:20 00430 C-H Activation and Functionalization Reactions at Pincer-ligated Ir(III) Allen K.E., Pahls D.R., Goldman A.S., Heinekey D.M., *$Goldberg K.I., Cundari T.R.
15:40 00431 New PCsp2P Pincer Frameworks for Small Molecule Activation *$Piers W.E., Burford R.J., Doyle L.E., Gutsulyak D., Parvez M.
16:00 00432 Ligand Design Perspectives Fryzuk M.D.
16:40 End of Session
Green Chemistry I:� Materials (joint with IC2)
14:00 Joint with IC2 - See Green Chemistry I: Materials under Industrial Chemistry for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Supramolecular Materials (joint with MT6)
14:00 Joint with MT6 - See Supramolecular Materials under Materials Chemistry for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Synthetic and Catalytic Aspects of Fluorine Chemistry (joint with OR7)
14:00 Joint with OR7 - See Synthetic and Catalytic Aspects of Fluorine Chemistry under Organic Chemistry for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - F.-G. Fontaine, X. Ottenwaelder Chair(s) - J. Blacquiere, S. Geier
08:00 00650 At 'the Heart' of N-hydroxy-N,N'-bis(2-biphenyl)formamidinate Co(II) Complex Cibian M., Long Nguyen P., Langis-Barsetti S., *$Hanan G.S.
08:20 00651 New Silylselenium Reagents for the Synthesis of Ferrocenoyl Selenoesters Azizpoor Fard M., *Corrigan J.F.
08:40 00652 Sulfur Tetrafluoride in the Solid State Goettel J.T., Kostiuk N., *$Gerken M.
09:00 00653 Boron, Aluminum, Gallium, and Indium Complexes of 1,3-bis(2-pyridylimino)isoindoline Dang J.D., *$Bender T.P.
09:20 00654 High-turnover Bond-forming Reactions Using Electron Deficient Bis(amido)silylzirconium Complexes Lummis P.A., Hubaczek P.J., McDonald R., Ferguson M.J., *$Rivard E.
09:40 00655 Strained Cationic Phosphorus Rings - Diverse and Unexpected Reactivity Robertson A.P.M., Dyker C.A., *Burford N.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00656 Lewis Acid-Activated Olefin Metathesis Catalysts McKinty A.M., $Stephan D.W.
10:40 00657 Mechanochemical Ligand Exchange in Metal Carbonyl Complexes of Cr, Mo and W Macdonald N.A.J., Hopkins E., Butler I.S., $Friscic T.
11:00 00658 Prototypical Phosphine Complexes of [SbXn](3-n)+ (X = Halogen, n = 0, 1, 2, 3) Chitnis S.S., *$Burford N., McDonald R., Ferguson M.J.
11:20 00659 Facile Activation of H-X Bonds by Aluminum(I) Chu T., *$Nikonov G.I.
11:40 00660 Structure and Reactivity of Low Oxidation State Indium Compounds with "Non-Innocent" Ligands Allan C.J., Cooper B.F.T., Cowley H.J., Rawson J.M., $Macdonald C.L.B.
12:00 00661 Synthesis and Characterization of Alkylated Bis-2-(4-dimethylamino)pyridinylidene Super Electron Donor Derivatives Martin J., $Dyker A.
12:20 End of Session
Pushing the Boundaries: Progressive Developments in Main Group Chemistry
Organizer(s) - G. Briand, P. Ragogna Chair(s) - P.J. Ragogna
08:00 00662 Ternary Transition Metal / Main Group Metal Intermetalloid Clusters *Dehnen S., Weinert B., Ababei R.
08:40 00663 New Metal-Phosphido Precursors for Metal-Phosphide Nanocluster Assembly Khalili Najafabadi B., *Corrigan J.F.
09:00 00664 Electrochemical and Coordination Chemistry Studies of 2,1,3-thiadiazoles and 1,2,4-dithiazoliums *$Boer� R.T., Okeh S.A., Roemmele T.L., Shotonwa I.O.
09:20 00665 Chalcogenation of the 1,4-C2P4 Ring: Addition, Isomerization, Ring Contraction and Insertion Elder P.J.W., *$Chivers T.
09:40 00666 A Rapid, Scalable Synthesis to 1,2,4-Benzothiadiazines; Solid State and Coordination Studies of Main Group Heterocycles Anwar M.U., Clark E.R., Hayward J.J., Leontowicz B.J., *Rawson J.M.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00667 Organoboranes as Anion Receptors: Why Polymers are Attractive *$Jaekle F., Chen P., Cheng F., Li H.
11:00 00668 Synthesis, Characterization and Theoretical Analysis of Poly(oxothiazenes) Aldeva V., Al-Faouri T., Gezahegn S., Shuoprasad M., Ward J., Foucher D.A., Gossage R.A., *$McWilliams A.R.
11:20 00669 A New Synthetic Route for Tellurophene-Thiophene Oligomers and Polymers He G., Delgado W., Shynkaruk O., Tran C., $Rivard E.
11:40 00670 Dithienodiketophosphepin: A Multifunctional Building Block for p-Conjugated Materials He X.M., *Baumgartner T.
12:00 00671 Block Copolymers Derived from Phosphaalkenes $Conrad E.D., *Gates D.P.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Developments in Pincer Chemistry and Multidentate Ligands
Organizer(s) - D. Zargarian, D. Gousev, H. Guan Chair(s) - H. Guan, L. Turculet
08:00 00672 Some Ni Pincers and Ir 'Unpincers' *$Crabtree R.H.
08:40 00673 New Hydrogenation Catalysts Based on Pincer-type Ligands *$Gusev D.G., Spasyuk D.
09:00 00674 Hydrogenolysis of Glycerol Catalyzed by Iridium Pincer Complexes *$Heinekey D.M., Goldberg K.I., Lao D.
09:20 00675 Design Strategies to New Pincer Ligands Based on the 2-(2'-anilinyl)-2-oxazoline Skeleton: Synthesis and Compexation Studies *$Gossage R.A., Herasymchuk K., Taghvaee M., Lough A.J., Quail J.W., del R�o I., Roces Fern�ndez L.
09:40 00676 The Chemistry of Highly Reactive Ruthenium Pentamethylcylcopentadienyl Phosphido Complexes and their Reactions with Molecular Oxygen Sues P.E., Lough A.J., $Morris R.H.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00677 Transition Metal Complexes of a New Borane-Containing Ambiphilic Ligand Cowie B.E., $Emslie D.J.H.
10:40 00678 Steric and Electronic Pincer Ligand Effects *$Roddick D.M., Parson T.G., Sibray T., Spott J., Debnath S.
11:00 00679 Aliphatic Pincer Complexes of Late Transition Metals. Synthesis, Reactivity and Applications in Catalysis Wendt O.F.
11:20 00680 CCC-NHC Pincer Complexes: Early and Late Transition Metal Complexes with Applications Hollis T.K.
11:40 00681 From Trans-Chelating Bis-NHC Donors, Pincers to Functional NHC Ligands: Coordination Diversity with Cu(I), Ag(I), Pd(II) and Ir(III) Liu X., Zuo W., Fliedel Ch., Raynal M., *$Braunstein P.
12:00 00682 Coordination and Reactivity Study of Bis(imino)-N-Heterocyclic NCN Carbene Ligands to Chromium, Iron and Cobalt Al Thagfi J., *$Lavoie G.G.
12:20 End of Session
Supramolecular Materials (joint with MT6)
08:00 Joint with MT6 - See Supramolecular Materials under Materials Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Group 13 Elements in Novel Materials and Catalysis (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - S. Wang, F.-G. Fontaine, S. Westcott Chair(s) - S. McIndoe
CCUCC Chemistry Doctoral Award lecture:
15:20 00860 Molecular Shape and Light: Luminescent Organoboron Compounds for Optoelectronics Hudson Z.M., *Wang S.
16:00 00861 Synthesis and Reactivity of Group 13 Lewis Acid Appended Late Transition Metal Complexes Cowie B.E., *$Emslie D.J.H., Tsao F.A.
16:20 00862 Borabenzene Rare-earth Metal Complexes: Synthesis, Structures and Reactivities *Chen Y.F.
16:40 End of Session
Inorganic Division Award Lectures
Organizer(s) - F.-G. Fontaine, X. Ottenwaelder Chair(s) - J. Love
Rio Tinto Alcan Award lecture:
14:00 00863 What Can You Learn from Artificial Special Pairs? *Harvey P.D.
Strem Chemicals Award lecture:
14:40 00864 Supramolecular Inorganic Chemistry: Constructing Molecules and Materials with Interesting Structures and Properties *$MacLachlan M.J.
15:20 End of Session
Recent Developments in Pincer Chemistry and Multidentate Ligands
Organizer(s) - D. Zargarian, D. Gousev, H. Guan Chair(s) - H. Guan
15:20 00865 Pincer-Ligated Pt-catalysts for the Activation of poly-Alkenes *$Gagne M.R.
15:40 00866 New Metathesis Catalysts Using Tridentate Ligands McKinty A., Dahcheh F., *$Stephan D.W.
16:00 00867 Catalytic Chemistry of (PCP)Ir Complexes *$Goldman A.S.
16:40 End of Session
Poster Session
Organizer(s) - F.-G. Fontaine, X. Ottenwaelder
From 18:00 until 19:30
18:00 00868 Multicomponent Imido/Silane/Olefin Coupling on Mo Centres Khalimon A.Y., McLeod N., Ignatov S.K., Okhapkin A.I., Kuzmina L.G., *$Nikonov G.I.
18:00 00869 A Preliminary Investigation of Imidazolium Cations as Strong C-H Hydrogen-Bond Donors Murphy L.J., Robertson K.N., $Clyburne J.A.C.
18:00 00870 The Reactions of Metallocenes and Other Acidic Metal Species at High Ion Concentrations Stone J.T., Robertson K.N., *Clyburne J.A.C.
18:00 00871 The Reactivity of Diethylenetriamine (DETA) and its Simple Salts with CO2 and SO2 Doyle K.A., Murphy L.J., Robertson K.N., *Clyburne J.A.C.
18:00 00872 Screening Molecular Catalysts for the Oxidative Conversion of Methane to Ethane Blacquiere J.M., Lotz M., Sanford M.S., $Mayer J.M.
18:00 00873 Reactions of Dichalcogenides (RE-ER) with an N-Heterocyclic Carbene Hendsbee A.D., Giffin N.A., Zhang Y., Pye C.C., *$Masuda J.D.
18:00 00875 High-Throughput Experimentation Facility - University of Ottawa *Cl�ment R.
18:00 00876 Anionic, Hemilabile P,N Hybrid Ligands in Ruthenium Chemistry and Catalysis: Pushing the Limits of Ligand Multifunctionality *$Spivak G.J., Walker J.W., Tassone J.P.
18:00 00877 Assessing Catalyst Performance in RCM Macrocyclization van Lierop B.J., Monfette S., Robinson M.E., Payne P.R., *Fogg D.E.
18:00 00878 Hydrogenation of Olefins Using B(C6F5)3 and Ether Garon C.N., Hounjet L.J., Caputo C.B., *Stephan D.W.
18:00 00879 Transition Metal Complexes Featuring Cyclic Bent Allenes Pranckevicius C., $Stephan D.W.
18:00 00880 Dual Emissive BMes2-Functionlazied Platium(II) Picolinate Complexes Ko S.-B., Lu J.-S., Kang Y., *Wang S.
18:00 00881 Light-metal Cluster-cage Assemblies: An Efficient Nanoporous Medium for Hydrogen Storage? *$Naumkin F.Y., Wales D.J.
18:00 00882 Hydroxyamidine/ a-Aminonitrone (AMOX) Ligands as Synthons for Discrete Supramolecular Assemblies Cibian M., Devos M., *$Hanan G.S.
18:00 00883 Effect of Trimethylsilane Pressure on the Gas-phase Reaction Chemistry in the Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition Process Toukabri R., *$Shi Y.J.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00884 Advances in FLP chemistry: Synthesis of Bicyclic Heterocycles and Hydrogenations Using Oxygen-based Lewis Bases Longobardi L.E., Mahdi T., Stephan D.W.
18:00 00885 Amine-Mediated Deactivation Pathways in Ru-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis Ireland B.J., $Fogg D.E.
18:00 00886 Ruthenium Hydrides as Olefin Isomerization Catalysts: Exploring Key Parameters Relating to Catalyst Productivity Higman C.S., *$Fogg D.E.
18:00 00887 Investigation of a Trinuclear Ni(II) Cluster as the Catalyst for Stereoselective Styrene Polymerization Luk G., Foucher D.A., *Gossage R.A.
18:00 00888 Coordination Polymers with BAI Ligands Boeker B., *Broering M.
18:00 00889 Copper(I) Coordination Polymers Assembled by Dithioether Ligands: Structural Features and (CuX)n Cluster Nuclearity vs Dithioether Spacer Rigidity Bonnot A., *$Harvey P.D., Guyon F., Knorr M.
18:00 00890 Synthesis and Reactivity Studies of Amido-based Organoactinide Complexes Hayes C.E., Schafer L.L., Sarazin Y., Carpentier J.-F., *$Leznoff D.B.
18:00 00891 Design and Synthesis of Polydentate Triarylamminium Radical-Cation Ligands for High Spin Polymetallic Complexes Revunova K., $Lemaire M.T.
18:00 00892 Pt-Initiated Synthesis of C3-Oxygenated Polycycles Geier M.J., *$Gagne M.R.
18:00 00893 New Green and Blue Phosphorescent Pt(II) Compounds with BMes2-Functionalized Backbones *Wang X., $Wang S.
18:00 00895 Verdazyl Radical Synthesis and Coordination Chemistry Sanz C.A., *Hicks R.G.
18:00 00896 Investigation of Structural and Magnetic Properties of First and Second Row Transition Metals with N,N',N and S,N,S Pincer-type Ligands Ouanounou S.
18:00 00897 Soil Study on Mobilized Copper(II) Levels in Micronized Copper Treated Wood $Xue W., Jin A., Ruddick J.N.R., *Kennepohl P.
18:00 00898 Studies of Sulfur-Nitrogen Bond Electronics in Sulfonamides and N-Hydroxysulfonamides Okbinoglu T.O., $Kennepohl P.
18:00 00899 Synthesis and Characterization of Adducts between [SF3]+ and [SF2]2+ with Nitrogen-Bases Chaudhary P., Hazendonk P., *$Gerken M.
18:00 00900 Hydrogen Production Studies of Supramolecular Assemblies Based on a Rhodium Core Chartrand D., *Hanan G.S.
18:00 00901 Phosphine-Stabilized Aluminum(III) and Gallium(III) Cations: A Synthetic and Spectroscopic Study Gray P.A., *$Burford N., McDonald R., Ferguson M.J.
18:00 00902 Catalytic Activation of Bpin-Bdan Towards Selective C-B Bond Formation *Cid J., Carbo J.J., Fernandez E.
18:00 00903 Synthesis and Characterization of Palladium 1,2,3-Triazol-5-ylidene Mesoionic Carbene Complexes Saunders L.N., $Crudden C.M.
18:00 00904 Bis(phosphino)methylene Phosphorane Ligands for Volatile Coinage Metal Compounds Kurek A., *$Barry S.T.
18:00 00905 Investigations into the Frustrated Lewis Pair Reactivity of Perfluorobiphenyl Substituted Boranes Postle S.W., $Stephan D.W.
18:00 00906 Exploratory Ruthenium Chemistry: Lessons From A Four-Coordinate Carbyne Bailey G.A., Fogg D.E.
18:00 00907 Hydrogenation of CO2 Using Iron, Cobalt and Nickle Bis-Phosphine Complexes Barnes M.A., *Jianzhong J., $Jessop P.G.
18:00 00908 Nickel Perfluorometallacycles as Intermediates to Small-Molecule Fluorocarbon Derivatives Giffin K.A., *Harrison D.J., $Baker R.T.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00909 Salicylaldimine Titanium Complexes Containing Catecholato Groups Bowes E.G., Vogels C.M., Decken A., $Westcott S.A.
18:00 00910 Design of a Modular Class of High Performance Cycloruthenated Dyes for the Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Bezdek M.J., Pogozhev D.V., Schauer P.A., $Berlinguette C.P.
18:00 00911 Application of 209Bi and 7Li Solid-State NMR to the Characterization of Tetranuclear Coordination Complexes Drover M.W., Schneider C.M., Ikpo N., Dawe L.N., *Kerton F.M.
18:00 00912 Reactions of N-heterocyclic Carbene Silver(I) Chlorides with Metallocenes Reyman S.E., *Monson K.R., Pinson M.H., Ross C.A., $Abernethy C.D.
18:00 00913 Mechanistic Investigation of H/D exchange of Unactivated C-H Bonds from a Pentanuclear Nickel Cluster Shoshani M., $Johnson S.A
18:00 00914 A New Structural Form of Bis(tetrahydrofuran)magnesium Chloride with an Infinite Linear Chain Structure Niklas J.E., *Baker B.K., $Abernethy C.D.
18:00 00915 Complexes of 1,2-Bis(diisopropylphenyl-imino)acenaphthene (dipp-BIAN) with Group 5 Metal Chlorides *Irizarry-Cole J.D., Leed S.H., Nadelman R.V., Gorden J.D., $Abernethy C.D.
18:00 00916 Diaminophosphaalkenes Based on NHCs and their Metal Complexes Keyes L.K., Krebs M., *$Masuda J.D.
IN1 - Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry posters
18:00 00917 Chemical and Biosynthetic Evolution of the Antimycin-type Depsipeptides Li X., Zvanych R., Vanner S., Johnston C., *$Magarvey N.
18:00 00918 A Correlational Study on Protein Folding, Zinc Release and Metal Accessibility of Anthrax Lethal Factor *$Siemann S., Lo S., Mapletoft J.P., Montpellier L.H.
18:00 00919 The Development of a Zn(II) Based "Tripodal" Scaffold Receptor for the Recognition of Di-phosphopeptides Duodu E., $Gunning P.T., *Kraskouskaya D.
18:00 00920 The Release of Nitrite Derived Nitric Oxide Bioactivity from The Red Blood Cell Salgado M.T., $Rifkind J.M.
18:00 00921 Isd Cog-wheel Kinetics in the Multi-protein Heme Transfer Pathway in Staphylococcus aureus *$Stillman M.J., Heinrichs D.E., Tiedemann M.T.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00922 Evaluating the Performance of Lithium/L-Proline Metal Organic-Framworks Prepared for Controlled Release Formulations Faraji S., *Dehghanpour S., $Mahmoudi A.
18:00 00923 Investigation of a New Control Released Formulation of Lithium-based Carboxylated Metal-Organic Framework Rad R., $Dehghanpour S., *Mahmoudi A.
18:00 00924 A Computational Study into the Subsequent Steps of the Mechanism of LuxS Gherib R., Huang W.J., *$Gauld J.W.
18:00 00925 Photophysics of Artificial Special Pair-Antenna Dyads: Evidence for Double Pathways and Equilibrium in Energy Transfer Langlois A., Camus J.M., Aly S., Guilard R., *$Harvey P.D.
18:00 00926 Targeting Cu-Ab Species to Generate Site-Specific Tools for Alzheimer's Disease Jones M., $Storr T.
18:00 00927 Biomimetic Cryptands for Studying Reactive Metal/O2 Complexes Chaloner L., *$Ottenwaelder X.
18:00 00928 Metallo-Radical Species: Reversible Double Oxidation and Protonation of the Non-Innocent Bridge in a Nickel(II)-Salophen Complex de Bellefeuille D., Askari M.S., *$Ottenwaelder X.
18:00 00929 The Relative Accessibility of the Cysteines in Apometallothionein Summers K.L., $Stillman M.J.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00930 Cu(II) and Pd(II) Aliphatic Salicylaldimine Complexes and their Antifungal Properties Daley E.N., Moffat K.A., Brown M.M., Ramsaywack S., Vogels C.M., Baerlocher F.J., Decken A., Westcott S.A.
IN3 - Green Chemistry II: Catalysis Posters
18:00 00931 High-throughput High-Pressure NMR: A Powerful New Tool for In Situ Catalysis Monitoring Beach N.J., *$Landis C.R.
18:00 00932 Photoelectrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 on GaN Nanowire Arrays Harati M., *Mi Z.
18:00 00933 Dual Use of a Chemical Auxiliary for Oxidation of Substrates and Isolation of Products from Biocatalytic Reactions Polic V., Larsen T.A., May E.M., Lai T., *$Auclair K.
18:00 00934 Cu/Pd-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Cross Coupling of Mesylates with Customized Benzimidazolyl Phosphine Ligands *Knauber T., $Goo�en L.J.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00935 Structural Analysis and Molecular Dynamics of the Self-Sufficient P450 CYP102A5 from Bacillus cereus: A Promising New Member in the CYP102 Family for Biocatalytic Applications *Ebert M., $Pelletier J.N., Ang Houle A., Yachnin B.J., Berghuis A., Lamoureux G.
18:00 00936 Microbial Transglutaminase as a Biocatalyst for Non-natural Amide Synthesis: Determinants of Substrate Specificity Rachel N., Gundersen M., Keillor J.W., *$Pelletier J.N.
18:00 00937 Novel Metathesis Catalysts Based on Ruthenium Phosphine Sulfonates Bashir O., Pich� L., *Claverie J.
18:00 00938 Highly Active and Site-selective Indium Catalysts for Lactide Polymerization Aluthge D.C., Ahn J.M., Patrick B.O., *$Mehrkhodavandi P.
18:00 00939 Palladium-Catalyzed, Multicomponent Synthesis of Highly Substituted Imidazoles from Imines, Aryl Halides and Carbon Monoxide Tjutrins J., $Arndtsen B.A.
18:00 00940 Coplanar, Tetrametallic Coordination Arrays of Co and Ni. HighActivity Base Metal Catalysts for Reduction of Unsaturated Bonds *Bunquin J.C., Ferguson M.J., $Stryker J.M.
18:00 00941 Control Over the Size of Niobium Oxide Nanoparticles Formation: Photochemical Synthesis and Insight Into the Mechanism of the Growth Malyshev D., Bosca F., Hallett-Tapley G.L., Alarcon E., Netto-Ferreira J.C., $Scaiano T.
18:00 00942 Formic Acid Decomposition on Cobalt Sims J.J., Ould Hamou C.A., *Giorgi J.B.
18:00 00943 Palladacycle vs. Non-Palladacycle Catalyzed Suzuki Reactions: Does Opening the Ring Make a Difference? Li H., $Foley S.
18:00 00944 High Active Site in Alkoxide Vanadium(III) Complexes, XRD and DFT Study Viasus C.J., Korovkov I., Gambarotta S.
18:00 00945 Iron Nanoparticles for Selective Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons and Carbonyls Either in Flow or Batch Conditions Hudson R., Riviere A., Cirtiu C.M., Luska K.L., Hamasaka G., Osaka T., Yamada Y.Y.A., Uozumi Y., Li C.J., Moores A.
18:00 00946 Single-Site Studies of Chirality Transfer Complexes on Chirally Modified Pt(111) *Lemay J.-C., Goubert G., Dong Y., Zeng Y., Demers-Carpentier V., Rasmussen A.M.H., Ferrighi L., Hammer B., $McBreen P.H.
18:00 00947 Heterocoupling of 2-Naphthols Enabled by a Copper/N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complex Holtz-Mulholland M., de L�s�leuc M., *$Collins S.K.
18:00 00948 Mimicking Tyrosinase for a Catalytic Aerobic Phenolic Functionalization Esguerra K.V.N., Askari M.S., Fall Y., Ottenwaelder X., $Lumb J.-P.
18:00 00949 Toward the Synthesis, Characterization and Application in Catalysis of Imidazolium-functionnalized Beta-cyclodextrins $Kairouz V., *Schmitzer A.R.
18:00 00950 Macrocyclization at High Concentrations: "Phase Separation" Applied to Transition Metal Catalyzed Olefination and C-O Bond Coupling Raymond M., *$Collins S.K.
18:00 00951 Catalytic Aerobic Synthesis of Aryl Ethers and Aryl Amines from Non-Aromatic Precursors Girard S.A., $Li C.-J.
18:00 00952 Macrocyclization at High Concentrations: "Phase Separation" Applied to Macrolactonization and Macrolactamization de L�s�leuc M., *$Collins S.K.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00953 Ionic Liquid Modified Salen Ligands for Use in Catalysis Prudhoe C., Durand A., Singer R.
IN4 - Group 13 Elements in Novel Materials and Catalysis posters
18:00 00954 Silylene-bridged Fluorenyl Boratabenzene Rare-earth Metal Complexes $Wang C., *Chen Y.
18:00 00955 Novel Germylborates: Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity Geier S.J., Vogels C.M., Decken A., $Westcott S.A.
18:00 00956 Insights into the Reactivity of Boron Azides $Melen R.L., *Stephan D.W.
18:00 00957 Synthesis and Characterization of a Donor-Acceptor Phosphine-Triarylborane Compound and Its Metal Complexes Li Y., Kang Y., Wang S.
18:00 00958 The Reactivity of Borocations with Alkynes Lawson J.R., Cade I.A., Clark E.R., *$Ingleson M.J., Solomon S.A.
18:00 00959 The Reactivity of Borocations with Alkynes Lawson J.R., Cade I.A., Clark E.R., *$Ingleson M.J., Solomon S.A.
18:00 00960 Borocation Lewis Acids as Frustrated Lewis Pair Components Clark E.R., *$Ingleson M.J., Del Grosso A.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00961 Boron Functionalized Acetylacetonato Ligands for the Sensitization of Lanthanide Metals Smith L.F., Blight B.A., *$Wang S.
18:00 00962 "Masking" Boron: En Route to Luminescent Borafluorene-based Materials for Nucleophile Sensing Berger C.J., Ferguson M.J., McDonald R., $Rivard E.
18:00 00963 Synthesis of Platinum Bis(borirene) Systems by Terminal Aminoborylene Transfer onto trans-Platinum Alkynyl s-Complexes Macha B., *Ye Q., $Braunschweig H.
18:00 00964 Boron-Nitrogen Heterocycle Formation from Light Assisted Boron Centered C-H Activation McDonald S.M., $Wang S.
18:00 00965 Computations of the Equilibria between various MAO, (AlOMe)n, Oligomers and their EFG Tensors Falls Z., *$Zurek E., Autschbach J.
18:00 00966 Synthesis and Coordination of Highly Donating Phosphines Bearing Boratabenzene and Borate Moieties to Electronically Unsaturated Group 10 Transition Metals Perez V., Macha B., *$Fontaine F.
18:00 00967 Ambiphilic Phosphine-Alane Molecules as Ligands for Rhodium Complexes Larouche J., Courtemanche M.-A., Boudreau J., *$Fontaine F.-G.
18:00 00968 Synthesis and Frustrated Lewis Pair Reactivity of Phosphinimine-Boranes Mallov I., $Stephan D.W.
18:00 00969 Abstract Title Currently Unavailable L�gar� M.-A., Courtemanche M.-A., *$Fontaine F.-G.
18:00 00970 Boraindenes and the Activation of Small Molecules Houghton A.Y., $Piers W.E., *Tuonnonen H.M., Karttunen V.A.
18:00 00971 Sequential functionalization of a,b-unsaturated ketones through compatible b-boration and a-fluorination. *Palau-Lluch G., Fern�ndez E.
IN7 - Pushing the Boundaries: Progressive Developments in Main Group Chemistry posters
18:00 00972 Tautomerism and C-M bonding in Group 15 and 16 Complexes of the Methanide [HC(PPh2NSiMe3)2]- Thirumoorthi R., *Chivers T., Gendy C., Vargas-Baca I.
18:00 00973 C-N Bond Cleavage and Ring Expansion of N-Phosphorylated N-Heterocyclic Carbenes using 9-BBN Wang T., $Stephan D.W.
18:00 00974 Towards Stable 5-Coordinate Polystannanes Khan A., *$Foucher D.
18:00 00975 The triphenylmethyl group in phosphane ligand chemistry new aspects and current developments Nesterov V., Espinosa A., *Streubel R.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00976 Chiral Group 14-bridged [1]Ferrocenophanes: Synthesis, Characterization and Polymerization Sadeh S., Schatte G., *$M�ller J.
18:00 00977 Acitvation of Phosphine Gas by Main Group Elements Dube J.W., Melton C.E., Caputo C.A., Power P.P., $Ragogna P.J.
18:00 00978 Aza[2]ferrocenophanes: Synthesis, Characterisation and Polymerization Dey S., *$M�ller J., Schatte G.
18:00 00979 Insights into the Nature of "Non-innocent" Nitrogen-based Ligands: A Case Study Using Univalent Phosphorus Synthons Kosnik S.C., *$Macdonald C.L.B.
18:00 00980 The Hidden Chameleon: 2-ph-azolyl Chelate Boron Compounds Rao Y., Amarne H., Chen L.D., *$Wang S., Mosey N.J.
18:00 00981 Complexes and Reactivity of Ge(II) Dications with Small Molecules Nguyen J.H., Bandyopadhyay R., Swidan A., $Macdonald C.L.B
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00982 Synthesis of Bulky Phosphinamide Ligands for the Stabilization of Low Oxidation State Main Group Elements Sabourin K.J., Xu D.J., McDonald R., Ferguson M.J., $Rivard E.
IN8 - Recent Developments in Pincer Chemistry and Multidentate Ligands posters
18:00 00983 Low Valent Tantalum Hydrides Supported by a Trianionic X3 [OCO] Pincer Ligand: Synthesis and Reactivity Leitch D.C., *Bercaw J.E.
18:00 00984 Towards the Direct Carboxylation of Benzene Conifer C., $H�lscher M., *Leitner W.
18:00 00985 [(R-POCOPi-Pr)NiII(NCMe)]+ : Synthesis, Characterization & Impact of Ligand Substituents on Bonding and Reactivities Lapointe S., $Zargarian D.
18:00 00986 Coordination of N-Imidazol-2-ylidene-N'-p-tolylureate and Thioureate Ligands to Group 4 and 10 Transition Metals and Reactivity Study *$Lavoie G.G., Harkness M.B., Alvarado E., Fan L., Skrela B.C., Badaj A.C.
18:00 00987 Synthesis and Characterization of Neutral NSeN and NTeN Pincer Ligands Tat C., Johnson T., *Ritch J.S.
18:00 00988 Solvothermal Syntheses of First-row Transition Metal Thiostannate Complexes Using the Template Directing Ligand Tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren) MacNeil J.H., Blakely M., Thoma R., Hunter H.
18:00 00989 Csp2- Csp3 Reductive Elimination from Cyclometalated Platinum(IV) Complexes, followed by Regioselective C-H Activation *$Anderson C.M., Crespo M., Kfoury N., Weinstein M., Goldberg D., Tanski J.M.
18:00 00990 Metal Complexes with Triarylboron-Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbene Based C^C^C Pincer Ligands Brazeau A.L., *$Wang S.
18:00 00991 Development of Ru-MACHO, a Catalyst for Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation *$Kuriyama W., Matsumoto T., Ogata O., Ino Y., Aoki K., Tanaka S., Touge T., Fujiwhara M., Sayo N.
18:00 00992 New NCN-Type Ni Complexes : Synthesis by Direct Metallation, Characterization and Reactivities Cloutier J.-P., Declercq R., Vabre B., Violet L., *$Zargarian D.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00993 Synthesis of New Palladium Hydride Complexes and their Reactivity with Alkynes Adhikary A., Krause J., *$Guan H.
18:00 00994 Mechanistic and Kinetic Investigation of Dimethylamine Borane Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by Nickel-Pincer Hydride Complexes Wilson G.O., *Chakraborty S., Gibson M., $Guan H.
18:00 00995 Late Transition Metal Complexes Featuring N-Phosphinoamidine Ligands Kelly C., Ruddy A.J., Turculet L., Stradiotto M., Small B.L., Sydora O.L.
18:00 00996 Synthesis and Characterization of Novel C1 Pincer Ligands from the 2-(2'-anilinyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazoline Skeleton Herasymchuk K., *Gossage R.A., Lough A.J., del R�o I., Roces Fern�ndez L.
18:00 00997 Hey!� Iron, Are You Listening? Synthesis and Characterization of New Fe SNS Pincer Complexes as Potential Bifunctional Catalysts Das U.K., Korobkov I., *$Baker R.T.
18:00 00998 Transforming the Chemistry of Rhenium(I) to Access the Elusive Pincer Geometry Bulsink P., Korobkov I., Woo T., Richeson D.
Supramolecular Materials (joint with MT6)
15:20 Joint with MT6 - See Supramolecular Materials under Materials Chemistry for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - F.-G. Fontaine, X. Ottenwaelder Chair(s) - M. Zamora, C. Garon
08:00 01200 Transfer of Chirality from Ligand to Metal Center: A New Methodology *$Aquino M.A.S.
08:20 01201 Bring on the Bulk: Increasing Alkyl Size in Bithiazole Ligands for Silver(I) Coordination Compounds *$MacKinnon C.D., Andreychuk N.R., D'Aleo D.N., Godwin B.R., Allard S.R., Kelly K.T., Assoud A.
08:40 01202 Design and Synthesis of Metal-(iso)thiocyanate Building Blocks and Coordination Polymers Savard D., Kobayashi M., Sakai K., *Leznoff D.B.
09:00 01203 Ruthenium (II) Quaterpyridyl Complexes : Photochemical Properties of a Dendrimer Core $Rousset E., *Hanan G.S., Ciofini I., Marvaud V.
09:20 01204 Novel Mechanistic Aspects on C-C Coupling Reactions of Terminal Alkynes Using Inner Transition Metal Complexes *Maron L., Kefalidis C., Perrin L.
09:40 01205 Conjugated Organometallic Molecules as Building Blocks for Potential Molecular Electronic Applications Lissel F., Semenov S.N., Blacque O., Fox T., Venkatesan K., *$Berke H.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01206 Determining the Geometric and Electronic Structure of First Row Transition-metal Ions (V, Co, Cu) With a Redox-active Benzoxazole-containing Amidophenoxide Ligand Clarke R., Chiang L., Balaghi E., Safaei E., Wong E., Savard D., *$Storr T
10:40 01207 Zinc Carbene Complexes for H2 Cleavage and Small Molecule Activation Jochmann P., *$Stephan D.W.
11:00 01208 Pushing Bonds To Their Limits: Synthesis and Properties of Metal Complexes of Novel Cage Ligands Ralph S.F., James L., Alcock L.J., Willis A.C., Bernhardt P.V.
11:20 01209 An Ab Initio Study of the Hydration of Mercury(II), Thallium(III), Lead(II), Tin(II), and Antimony(III) *$Pye C.C., Gunasekara C.M.
11:40 01210 Unexpected Reactions of Strained [2]Ruthenocenophanes: Redox Induced Ru-Ru and C-C Bond Formation Russell A.D., Gilroy J.B., Lam K., Haddow M.F., Harvey J.N., Geiger W.E., *$Manners I.
12:00 End of Session
Green Chemistry II: Catalysis (joint with IC)
Organizer(s) - F. Kerton, C. Kozak, D. Amoroso Chair(s) - D. Amoroso
08:00 01211 Mimicking Tyrosinase for a Catalytic Aerobic Phenolic Functionalization Esguerra K.V.N., Askari M.S., Fall Y., Ottenwaelder X., $Lumb J.-P.
08:20 01212 Catalytic Activity of N-alkyliminodiacetate Metallomicelles Towards the Oxidation of Organic Substrates in Aqueous Media Cull J.E.W., Richard A., *$Scott J.
08:40 01213 Green Macrocyclization: Catalytic Macrocyclization at High Concentrations and Applications in Continuous-Flow Synthesis Bedard A.-C., Regnier S., *$Collins S.K.
09:00 01214 Ionic Liquid Tagged Ligands in Catalysis and Separations *$Singer R.D., Prudhoe C., McGrath T., Ambrose K., Hurisso B.
09:20 01215 Recent Advances in Metal-catalyzed Amination Using Pd-NHC Complexes *$Organ M.G., �alimsiz S., Froese R.D.J., Hopkinson A.C., Hoi K.H.
09:40 01216 Recent Developments in Pd(0)-Catalyzed Carboiodination: Accessing Oxygenated Heterocycles and Indenes Petrone D.A., Jia X., Weinstabl H., *$Lautens M.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01217 Ru-Mediated Hydrophosphination Morrow K.M.E., Belli R.G., Pantazis D.A., McDonald R., *$Rosenberg L.
10:40 01218 Partial Hydrogenation of Alkynes - A Mechanistic Analysis Using ESI-MS Luo J., *$McIndoe J.S.
11:00 01219 Asymmetric Linear Cross-dimerization using Methyl Methacrylate by Ru(0) Complexes *$Hirano M., Hiroi Y., Komine N., Komiya S.
11:20 01220 Selective Dimerization of Alkanes and Co-Dimerization of Alkane/Alkene Mixtures: A Tandem Catalytic Approach Leitch D.C., Labinger J.A., *Bercaw J.E.
11:40 01221 Toward Transformative Molecules by C-H Coupling Itami K.
12:20 End of Session
Group 13 Elements in Novel Materials and Catalysis (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - S. Wang, F.-G. Fontaine, S. Westcott Chair(s) - J. Mueller
08:00 01222 Neutral and Cationic Alkyl Indium Complexes and Their Role in Polymerization of Polar Conjugate Monomers Yu I., *$Mehrkhodavandi P.
08:20 01223 Boron Catalysis: Borenium Ions as Catalysts for Organic Transformations *$Crudden C.M., Eisenberger P.
08:40 01224 The Catalytic Conversion of Glucose into More Useful and More Valuable Chemicals *$Gagne M.R.
09:00 01225 Boroles in Small Molecule Activation and as Materials Building Blocks *$Piers W.E., Houghton A.Y., Araneda J.E., Parvez M., Tuononen H.M., Karttunen V.A.
09:40 01226 Borenium Cations : Versatile Reagents for Synthesis and Small Molecule Activation *$Ingleson M.J.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01227 New Metal Bonding Environments for Organoindium Thiolate Compounds and their Reactivity as Catalysts in Cyclic Ester Polymerization *$Briand G.G., Decken A., Dickie C.M., Marks J.D., Wareham R.G.
10:40 01228 Boron in Novel Materials and Catalysis Marder T.B.
11:20 01229 The Role of the Support in MAO (Methylaluminoxane) Activated Olefin Polymerization *$Zurek E.D.
11:40 01230 The Strongest Lewis Acid in Methylaluminoxane is AlMe2+ Trefz T.K., Henderson M.A., Wang M.Y., *Collins S., $McIndoe J.S.
12:00 End of Session
Recent Developments in Pincer Chemistry and Multidentate Ligands
Organizer(s) - D. Zargarian, D. Gousev, H. Guan Chair(s) - P. Hayes, L. Turculet
08:00 01231 Reactivities of New ECE-Type Ni Pincer Complexes Salah A., Declercq R., Lindeperg F., Lapointe S., Vabre B., *$Zargarian D.
08:20 01232 Molecular Architecture-Based Administration of Catalysis in Water via Self-Assembly of an Amphiphilic Palladium Pincer Complex Uozumi Y.
08:40 01233 New Pincer Ligands for Rare Earth Metals *$Hayes P.G., Johnson K.R.D., Kamenz B.L., Hannon M.A.
09:00 01234 Small Molecule Activation with N,P Multidentate Ligands Rozenel S.R., Chomitz W.A., *Arnold J.
09:20 01235 Carbeniophosphanes : Electron-poor Ligands for a Ternary Carbon->Phosphorus->Metal Coordination Chemistry *Chauvin R., $Canac Y., Lepetit C.
09:40 01236 Discovery and Development of Bis(phosphoranimino)methandiides; Multiply Bonded Metallo-Carbene Complexes Cavell R.G.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01237 Metal Alkyl Complexes Supported by 2,6-Bisiminopyridines Ligands: Synthesis, Reactivity and Catalysis Cartes M.A., Rodr�guez-Delgado A., Sandoval J.J., Palma P., *$C�mpora J.
10:40 01238 Probing the Reactivity of Group 10 Bis(phosphino)silyl Pincer Complexes *$Turculet L.
11:00 01239 Nitrenium and Triazole Based Pincer Complexes *$Gandelman M.
11:20 01240 New Ligand Backbones in Pincer Chemistry: Original Structures and Reactivities Based on the Phosphide-Oxide and 2-Indenylidene Motifs *$Bourissou D.
11:40 01241 Stabilization of Ruthenium Sensitizers to TiO2 Surfaces Through Cooperative Anchoring Groups Brown D.G., Schauer P.A., $Berlinguette C.P.
12:00 01242 Coordination Chemistry of Formazanate Ligands: Versatile b-Diketiminate Analogues Chang M.-C., *$Otten E.
12:20 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - F.-G. Fontaine, X. Ottenwaelder Chair(s) - B. Tardiff
14:00 01443 Exploring the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Coordination Complexes Containing Redox-active PAPL-type Ligands *$Lemaire M.T., vanDamme C.N.
14:20 01444 An Aminophosphane-Chromium Catalyst for Ethylene Oligomerization and CO2/Epoxide Copolymerization Gurnham J., Gambarotta S.
14:40 01445 Development of Bio-inspired Fe Complexes for Small Molecule Activation Chiang L., $Storr T.
15:00 01446 Incorporating Bis(benzimidazole)pyridine as a Highly Anisotropic Polarisable Unit in the Design of Birefringent Coordination Polymers Thompson J.R., *Williams V.E., $Leznoff D.B.
15:20 01447 Host-Guest Interaction Study of Zirconium Metallocavitands with Fullerenes and Anions Iden H., *Morin J.-F., Fontaine F.-G.
15:40 01448 Bippyphos: Application in the Palladium-Catalyzed Hydroxylation of Aryl Chlorides Lavery C.B., *Rotta-Loria N.L., $Stradiotto M.
16:00 01449 Chalcogenopnictonium and Pnictinochalcogonium Cations Lucas S.H., *$Burford N.
16:20 01450 Organocatalytic Borylative Ring Opening *Sanz X., Gulyas H., Pubill-Ulldemolins C., Bo C., Fernandez E., Westcott S.A., Lee G.M.
16:40 End of Session
Green Chemistry II: Catalysis (joint with IC)
Organizer(s) - F. Kerton, C. Kozak, D. Amoroso Chair(s) - F. Kerton
14:00 01451 Bio-sourced Polymer Precursors and Fine Chemicals by Metathesis Transformation of FAMEs *Fischmeister C., Miao X., Dup� A., Dixneuf P., Bruneau C.
14:40 01452 Selective Defunctionalisation of Biomass via Homogeneous Catalysis vom Stein T., Wesselbaum S., Meuresch M., $Klankermayer J., *Leitner W.
15:00 01453 Expanding the Forest Biorefinery: Selective C-C Bond Cleavage via Base Metal Complex-catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of Lignin Models and Extracts *$Baker R.T.
15:20 01454 Water-, Acid- and High-temperature Stable Ruthenium Pyridine-Chelate Aquo Complexes as Catalysts for the Deoxygenation of Sugar-derived Substrates *$Schlaf M., Waldie F., Oswin C., Minard T., Chung B., Sullivan R., Scott B., Howell J., DiMondo D.
15:40 01455 From Wood to 1-Octanol: Selective Deoxygenation of Biomass-derived Substrates Using a Bifunctional Catalyst Luska K.L., Julis J., H�lscher M., $Leitner W.
16:00 01456 Replacing Phosphorus by Sulphur for Efficient Hydrogenation of Esters *Spasyuk D., Smith S., $Gusev D.G.
16:20 01457 The Most Active Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation Iron Catalysts Zuo W., Mikhailine A., *Morris R.H.
16:40 End of Session
Pushing the Boundaries: Progressive Developments in Main Group Chemistry
Organizer(s) - G. Briand, P. Ragogna Chair(s) - C.A. Dyker
14:00 01458 P-Centered Cations as Extremely p-Acceptor Ligands: Applications in Pt and Au Catalysis Alcarazo M.
14:40 01459 A Cyclic Tetra-(stibinophosphonium) Tetracation: cyclo-[Me3PSb:]44+ Chitnis S.S., *$Burford N., Robert McDonald R., Ferguson M.
15:00 01460 Novel Coordination Chemistry of Pnictogen(I) Zwitterions Dube J.W., Macdonald C.L.B., $Ragogna P.J.
15:20 01461 Reactivity of Low Valent Main Group Complexes of Crown-Ethers and Related Ligands *$Macdonald C.L.B.
15:40 01462 Carbon-Fluorine Bond Activation using Phosphonium Lewis Acids Caputo C.B., $Stephan D.W.
16:00 01463 Tetraelphosphonium Cations MacDonald E.P., *$Burford N., Decken A.
16:20 01464 Incorporation of N-Heterocylic Phosphenium (NHP) Cations into a Pincer Ligand Framework: NHPs as Sterically and Electronically Tunable Nitrosyl Analogs *$Thomas C.M., Pan B., Evers-McGregor D.A., Knight S.E., Pierre S., Day G.S., Bezpalko M.W., Foxman B.M.
16:40 End of Session
Recent Developments in Pincer Chemistry and Multidentate Ligands
Organizer(s) - D. Zargarian, D. Gousev, H. Guan Chair(s) - D. Zargarian
14:00 01465 Oxidative Addition of Tetrathiocines: Rapid Access to Multi-metallic Coordination Complexes Hayward J.J., *Rawson J.M., Wrixon J.D.
14:20 01466 Synthesis and Utility of New Sterically Demanding Bidentate NHCs in Buchwald-Hartwig Amination Catalysis Wheaton C.A., *$Stradiotto M.
14:40 01467 Heterometallic Models of the Oxygen Evolving Complex of Photosystem II Supported by Multidentate and Multinucleating Ligands *$Agapie T.
15:00 01468 Scandium-Ligand Multiple Bonds. Trapping, Tautomerizations and C-H Bond Activation Reactions Wicker B.F., Scott J., Hickey A.K., Crestani M.G., Basuli F., Pink M., Fan H., *$Mindiola D.J.
15:40 01469 On Reactivities of (POCsp3OP)Ni-X (OR, NR2) Hao J., Mougang-Soum� B., Vabre B., *$Zargarian D.
16:00 01470 Dehydrogenative Borylation of Terminal Alkynes Catalyzed by Iridium Pincer Complexes *$Ozerov O.V., Lee C.-I., Zhou J.
16:40 End of Session
Green Chemistry II: Catalysis (joint with IC)
Organizer(s) - F. Kerton, C. Kozak, D. Amoroso Chair(s) - C. Kozak
08:00 01879 Indium Complexes as Highly Active, Isoselective Lactide Ring Opening Polymerization Catalysts for the Generation of High Performance PLA: A Case Study in Commercialization *Clark T.J., Yang Y., Mariampillai B.E., Leger D.L., Aluthge D.C., Mehrkhodavandi P.
08:20 01880 Effects of Ligand Tuning on Dinuclear Indium Catalysts for the Polymerization of Lactide Osten K.M., Duffy I.R., Lagaditis P.O., Sung M., Yu J.C.-C., Yuan L., Yu I., Aluthge D.C., Patrick B.O., $Mehrkhodavandi P.
08:40 01881 Supported Lanthanide Complex on Silica Surface : Grafting Mode and Reactivity *Maron L., Del Rosal I.
09:00 01882 Chiral and Non-Chiral Zirconium Bisdiketiminate Complexes in Catalysis El-Zoghbi I., Whitehorne T.J.J., *Schaper F.
09:20 01883 Catalytic Activation of Renewable Resources for Polymer Synthesis *$Williams C.K., Kember M.R., Bakewell C.B., Buchard A., Long N.J., Auffrant A.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01884 Iridium and Iron Catalyzed Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Formic Acid *$Hazari N., Schmeier T.J.
11:00 01885 Harnessing the Power of Carbonic Anhydrase for Carbon Capture *$Voyer N., Fradette S., Madore E., Daigle R.
11:20 01886 Versatile Formation of Amide Bonds Catalyzed By Microbial Transglutaminase *$Pelletier J.N., Gundersen M., Rachel N., Keillor J.W.
11:40 01887 Synergism of P-Donor and N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands in Catalysis *$Cazin C.S.J.
12:20 End of Session
Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - S. Barry Chair(s) - S. Barry
08:00 01888 Escherichia coli Adhesion as a Function of Surface Wettability: A Systematic Study Khan M.F., *Whinton M., $Brook M.A.
08:20 01889 Substituted Benzene Derivatives on the Cu(111) Surface Simpson S., *$Zurek E.
08:40 01890 Atomic-Layer-Deposition Synthesis of Energy Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Lithium-Ion Batteries Liu J., Li X., Meng X., Hu Y., Wang D., Li R., *Sun X.
09:00 01891 Importance of Precursor Chemistry in Atomic Layer Deposition Leskela M., Hatanpaa T., Niinisto J., Ritala M.
09:40 01892 Novel Monomeric Group 11 Precursors for Atomic Layer Deposition Wells A., *Coyle J.P., $Barry S.T.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01893 Reaction Mechanism for 'Clean-up' of Native Oxides by Organometallic Precursors Klejna S., *$Elliott S.D.
11:00 01894 Probing the Surface Chemistry of Novel Atomic Layer Deposition Precursors using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Pallister P.J., $Barry S.T.
11:20 01895 In Situ Ellispometry for ALD Deposition Cadien K.C.
12:00 End of Session
Pushing the Boundaries: Progressive Developments in Main Group Chemistry
Organizer(s) - G. Briand, P. Ragogna Chair(s) - G. Briand
08:00 01896 Interplay Between Metalloids and Transition Metals: From Unusual Coordination Modes to Original Reactivity Patterns *$Bourissou D.
08:40 01897 Synthesis of P-Functionalized Imidazol-2-ylidenes and Their Complexes Streubel R.
09:00 01898 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of The Solid-State Topochemical Polymerization of S2N2 Takaluoma T.T., Laasonen K., *$Laitinen R.S.
09:20 01899 Carbofunctional Silatranes Possessing Imidazole Moiety: Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity Girdhar S., *Singh G.
09:40 01900 Understanding the Reactivity of P4 with Carbenes Martin C.D., Weinstein C.M., *Bertrand G.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01901 Exploitation of Boryl Substituents for the Stabilization of Novel Sub-valent Main Group Systems Protchenko A., *Aldridge S., Mountford P., Jones C., Dange D., Kaltsoyannis N.
11:00 01902 Theoretical and Synthetic Studies of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Stabilized Main Group Diatomics *$Dutton J.L.
11:20 01903 Main Group Reactivity with the Metal as Spectator: How Dithiolene Complexes Keep Shifting the Paradigm $Fekl U.
11:40 01904 New Nitrogen Based p-acids *$Bohle D.S., Chua Z.J., Johnstone T.J., Perepichka I., Poisson J., Rosadiuk K.
12:00 01905 Pushing the Limits with Ylidic p-Donor Substituents *Dyker C.A., Hanson S.S., Charlton G.D.
12:20 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - F.-G. Fontaine, X. Ottenwaelder Chair(s) - F.-G. Fontaine
15:40 02063 Cu(II) b-diketiminate Heteroleptic Complexes; Synthetic Challenges, Structural Analysis and Viable Lactide Polymerization Catalysts $Whitehorne T.J.J., *Schaper F.
16:00 02064 Highly Luminescent Air and Water Stable 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-diboraanthracene Derivatives Reus C., *$Wagner M.
16:20 02065 Unusual Mechanisms for Catalytic Hydrosilylation using Mo(VI) Imido Catalysts McLeod N., Nikonov G.I.
16:40 End of Session
Green Chemistry II: Catalysis (joint with IC)
Organizer(s) - F. Kerton, C. Kozak, D. Amoroso Chair(s) - F. Kerton
14:00 02066 The Use of Digold Complexes in Homogeneous Catalysis *$Nolan S.P., Gomez-Suarez A., Oonishi Y.
14:40 02067 The Homogeneous Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Carboxylic Acids de Winter T., $Jessop P.
15:00 02068 Breaking Bonds at b-Diiminate Rh Centres Zhu D., Enns K.D., Kozera D.J., *$Budzelaar P.H.M.
15:20 02069 Designing Improved Nanoparticle Catalysts in Ionic Liquids *$Yan N.
16:00 02070 Redispersion of Transition Metal Nanoparticles in Tetraalkylphosphonium Halide Ionic Liquids Banerjee A., Theron R., $Scott R.W.
16:20 02071 Mono- and Bi-metallic Simple Magnetic Nanoparticles: Easily Recyclable Catalysts for Selective Organic Transformations Hudson R., Ishikawa S., Chazelle V., Riviere A., Cirtiu M.C., Luska K.L., Hamasaka G., Osaka T., Yamada Y.Y.A., Uozumi Y., Li C.J., *$Moores A.
16:40 End of Session
Precursors and Surface Chemistry in Chemical Vapor Deposition and Atomic Layer Deposition (joint with PT)
Organizer(s) - S. Barry Chair(s) - S. Barry
14:00 02072 Hot-wire Chemical Vapor Deposition Chemistry using Organosilicon Precursors *$Shi Y.J.
14:40 02073 AACVD of Metal Oxides: From Precursor Synthesis to Gas Sensors, TCOs and Photocatalysts Carmalt C.J.
15:20 02074 Silver and Gold Chemical Vapour Deposition from Novel Iminopyrrolidinate Precursors Gordon P.G., Coyle J.P., *$Barry S.T.
15:40 End of Session
Pushing the Boundaries: Progressive Developments in Main Group Chemistry
Organizer(s) - G. Briand, P. Ragogna Chair(s) - C. Martin
14:00 02075 Oxidation-induced Lewis acidity of Antimony Compounds: From Unusual Bonding Situation to New Energy Storage Reactions *$Gabbai F.P.
14:40 02076 Emerging Applications of Phosphorus(V) Lewis Acids to Small Molecule Activation and Catalysis Hounjet L.J., Caputo C.B., *$Stephan D.W.
15:00 02077 Novel Transformations in Simple B-N Compounds - Mechanistic Insights into Diborazane Redistributions and Aminoborane Transfer Hydrogenation Robertson A.P.M., Leitao E.M., Stubbs N., Helten H., Lloyd-Jones G.C., *Manners I.
15:20 02078 BN/CC Isosterism: An Emerging Approach to Expand the Chemical Space in Biomedical Research *$Liu S.Y.
15:40 02079 Stoichiometric Metal-Free Reduction of CO in Syn-Gas Dobrovetsky R., $Stephan D.W.
16:00 02080 Polyferrocenyl Stannanes and Associated Structures Ward J., Al-Alul S., *$Foucher D.A.
16:20 02081 Novel High-Nuclearity Silver Ethynide Clusters Assembled with Phosphonate and Vanadate Precursors Xie Y.P., *$Mak T.C.W.
16:40 End of Session

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