96h Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition |

 | Environment |
Current topics in Environmental Chemistry
Organizer(s) - D. Lariviere, C. Fortin Chair(s) - C. Fortin, R.-M. Couture
08:00 00040 The New Route for Chemists: Integrate Sustainability in Research *$Lef�vre T.
08:20 00041 Les mat�riaux de r�f�rence analytiques, une police d'assurance qualit� Levert L.
08:40 00042 LodeStar - An Environmental Data Management Tool Coedy W., *McCarthy C., $Jackson J., Morneau V.
09:00 00043 Inorganic Mercury Speciation using Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy and APCI-Mass Spectrometry Ghoshdastidar A.J., Deeds D., *Ariya P.A.
09:20 00044 Lead Distribution in Bones from the Franklin Expedition *$Martin R.R., Naftel S.J., Nelson A.J., Macfie S.M., Jones K.W.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00045 Trends of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes (BTEX) in Montreal: 1989-2012 *$Melancon S., Boulet D.
10:40 00046 Do Organic Coatings Affect Photosensitizers at Water Surfaces in the Environment? Henderson E.A., $Donaldson D.J.
11:00 00047 Extraction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Soil Using Biodegradable Solvents *$Laredo T., Ferguson C.
11:20 00048 Novel Applications of a PDMS-Based Permeation Passive Sampler in Environmental Analysis Salim F., *G�recki T.
11:40 End of Session
Environmental Radiochemistry (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - F. Caron, X. Dai, D. Lariviere Chair(s) - J. Cornett, P.J. Lebed
08:00 00049 AMS Analysis of 129I and its Application in Environmental and Oceanographic Tracer Studies *Hou X.
08:40 00050 Developments in the Carrier Free Iodine Extraction for Analysis of Iodine-129 *$Herod M.N., Cornett R.J, Clark I.D, Kieser W.E.
09:00 00051 The Royal Canadian Navy Environmental Radionuclide Monitoring Programme and I-131 Bioaccumulation *$Kelly D.G., Bennett L.G.I., Mattson K., McDonald C.M.
09:20 00052 Fluorescence Characterization of the Natural Organic Matter (NOM) in a Groundwater Plume Contaminated with 60Co and 137Cs *$Caron F., Riopel R., Siemann S.
09:40 00053 Further Progress Towards Production of Neptunium-236 *$Jerome S.M., Larijani C., Ivanov P.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00054 Detecting Ultra-trace Levels of Actinides with a Compact AMS System *$Christl M., Lachner J., Casacuberta N., Masque P., Dai X., Kramer-Tremblay S., Synal H.-A.
11:00 00055 Measuring 210Pb by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Sookdeo A., Cornett J., Kieser L., Zhao X.
11:20 00056 ICP-MS Determination of Uranium and Plutonium Isotopes in NRU Research Reactor Components *$Shi Y., Gubbala P.
11:40 00057 Mapping Radon in Quebec Dessau J.C.
12:00 00058 New Laboratory Approaches to the Processing of Environmental Samples for the Determination of Plutonium by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry O'Hara M.J., Farawila A.F., Minton T.D., Noyes K.L., Douglas M., Petersen S.L., Maiti T.C., $Grate J.W., Morrison S.S.
12:20 End of Session
Nanomaterials: Environmental Perspectives (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - E. Pelletier, J.-P. Gagne Chair(s) - E. Pelletier; G. Triffault-Bouchet and J.-P. Gagne
08:00 00059 Distinguishing the Effects of Nanoparticles from Those of the Free Ion $Hadioui M., Leclerc S., *Wilkinson K.J.
08:40 00060 Is Single Particle-ICP-MS "The" Metrology Tool for Engineered Nanoparticles in Environmental Matrices *$Stephan C.
09:00 00061 Fate of Naked and Coated Silver Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution Under Various Environmental Conditions *$Bardaxoglou G., Pelletier E, Rouleau C
09:20 00062 Aggregation Between Silver Nanoparticles and Dissolved Natural Organic Matter in Simulated Estuarine Waters Millour M., Pelletier E., *$Gagn� J.-P.
09:40 00063 Persistence of Silver Nanoparticles in Surface Water Hadioui M., *Wilkinson K.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00064 The Role of Iron Oxide Nanomaterials in Controlling the Fate of Arsenic Compounds *$Al-Abadleh H.A., Tofan-Lazar J.
11:00 00065 The Processing of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Atmospheric Contaminants Eltouny N., $Ariya P.A.
11:20 00066 Nanotechnology for Arsenic Remediation *$Apblett A., Barber K., Corter D., Brown Z., Piquette A.
11:40 00067 Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles (AuNP) from Grape Waste: Value Addition to Agricultural Waste *Krishnaswamy K., $Orsat V.
12:00 00068 Predicting the Transport and Fate of Functionalized Quantum Dots and a Model Polystyrene Nanoparticle in Natural Subsurface Environments Quevedo I.R., $Tufenkji N.
12:20 End of Session
Award Session � Environmental Chemistry
Organizer(s) - D. Lariviere Chair(s) - Z.-F. Li, X.C. Le
Environment Division Research & Development Award lecture:
14:00 00362 Application of SPME and Related Technologies in Environmental Investigations *Pawliszyn J.
14:40 00363 Activity of the Arsenic-metabolizing Bacteria Indigenous to Volcanic Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada Polischuk E.A., *$Cullen W.R., Chen J., Lai V.W.-M, Reimer K.J.
15:00 00364 Analytical and Toxicological Characterization of Novel Nitrogen Containing Disinfection Byproducts Boyd J.M., $Li X.F.
15:20 00365 Permeation Passive Sampling as a Versatile Tool in Environmental Analysis Gorecki T., Goli O., Salim F., Seethapathy S.
15:40 00366 Screening and Quantitation of Targeted and Non-targeted Environmental Pollutants in Water Samples Qin F., Schreiber A.
16:00 00367 Aerobic Biotreatment of Oil-laden Water using Integrated Membrane Bioreactor Technology Sichinga M.C., Ghoshdastidar A.J., Tong A.Z. WITHDRAWN
16:20 00368 Research Partnerships with Private Industry The Path of Collaboration Obal T.
16:40 End of Session
Environmental Radiochemistry (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - F. Caron, X. Dai, D. Lariviere Chair(s) - M. O'Hara, D. Kelly
14:00 00369 Rapid Determination of Radiostrontium in Environmental Samples *$Maxwell S.L., Culligan B.K., Utsey R.C.
14:40 00370 New Methodology for Sample Preparation Toward Efficient Sr-90 Analysis of Milk Samples $Czechura P., Locatelli L., Mercier J.F., *Cooke M.W.
15:00 00371 Rapid Determination of Polonium-210 in Drinking Water Using Copper Sulfide Micro-precipitation *Gu�rin N., Dai X.
15:20 00372 Evaluation of Interferences on Measurements of 90Sr/90Y by TDCR Cerenkov Counting Technique *$Tayeb M., Dai, Corcoran, Kelly
15:40 00373 A Rapid Method for Simultaneous Analysis of Actinides and Strontium-90 in Water Samples Kramer-Tremblay S., *Dai X.
16:00 00374 Halogen Based Cloud Point Extraction of Uranium and Plutonium in Highly Acidic Conditions *Labrecque C., Whitty-L�veill� L., $Larivi�re D.
16:20 00375 Rapid Radioanalytical Methods for Hard-to-detect Radionuclides in Environmental and Biological Samples *Dai X., Kramer-Tremblay S., Shi Y., Gu�rin N., Gagn� A., Tayeb M., Olfert J.
16:40 End of Session
Nanomaterials: Environmental Perspectives (joint with MT)
Organizer(s) - E. Pelletier, J.-P. Gagne Chair(s) - J.-P. Gagne
14:00 00376 Fate of Silver Nanomaterials in Freshwater Microcosms (2L) in Realistic Conditions *$Triffault-Bouchet G., Gruyer N., Berdjeb L., Bastien C., Cantin P., Dassylva N., Racine K., Pelletier E.
14:40 00377 Evaluation of the Dissolution of Nano ZnO and its Effects on the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii $Merdzan V., Domingos R., Monteiro C., *Wilkinson K.J.
15:00 00378 Contrasting Responses of Marine Bacterial Strains Exposed to functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Berdjeb L., Pelletier E, Gagn� J.-P., Millour M., Pellerin J., *$Lemarchand K.
15:20 00379 Influence of Silver Nanomaterial Capping Agents on the Growth of a Freshwater Green Alga Chen Z.Z., Campbell P.G.C., *Fortin C.
15:40 00380 Silver Nanotoxicity in Agricultural Environment *$Gruyer N., Dorais M., Berdjeb L., Bastien C., Cantin P., Dassylva N., Triffault-Bouchet G.
16:00 End of Session
Environmental Radiochemistry (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - F. Caron, X. Dai, D. Lariviere Chair(s) - S. Jerome, F. Caron
08:00 00620 Assay of 224Ra and 226Ra in Ultra-pure Water at the Level of 0.1 atom/tonne using Manganese Oxide (MnOx) and Hydrous Titanium Oxide (HTiO) at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Farine J.
08:40 00621 Radiation Monitoring in Southwestern British Columbia Following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident *$Chester A., Starosta K., Andreoiu C., Ashley R., Barton A., Brodovitch J.-C., Brown M., Domingo T., Janusson C., Kucera H., Myrtle K., Riddell D., Scheel K., Salomon A., Voss P.
09:00 00622 The Impact of Biogeochemical Uranium Extraction in Simulated Leach Pads on Residual Waste Rock Radioactivity Williamson A.L., Colaneri C., Caron F., Spiers G.A.
09:20 00623 Regulatory Oversight Strategy for Chemistry Program at Canadian Nuclear Power Plants Kameswaran R., Miller D.G.
09:40 00624 Characterization of Strontium-90 Contamination in a Groundwater Plume *$Olfert J.M., Dai X., Kramer-Tremblay S.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00625 Measurement and Interpretation of Cesium Isotopes in the Environment *$Cornett R.J., Zhao X.-L., Kieser W.E., Litherland A.E.
11:00 00626 Testing and Monitoring of Radiologicals in Drinking Water Zimmer J., Stanek B., Yuen W., Chorney D.
11:20 00627 Rapid Method for Determination of 228Ra in Water Samples *$Maxwell S.L.
11:40 00628 Mass Spectrometric Detection of Ra-226 in Fish Tissues for Dosimetric Purposes *$Lariviere D., Michaud A.
12:00 End of Session
Metallomics � Metal Speciation within Living Cells
Organizer(s) - P. Campbell, C. Fortin, M. Stillman Chair(s) - P. Campbell, M. Stillman
08:00 00629 LC-ICP-AES: A Versatile Tool to Probe Health Relevant Toxic Metal-Ligand Interactions *$Gailer J., Morris T., Jahromi E.Z., Sooriyaarachchi M.
08:20 00630 Modulation of the Metabolism of cis-platin by Chemoprotective Agents in Human Plasma In Vitro Sooriyaarachchi M.D., Narendran A., Pickering I.J., George G.N., *Gailer J.
08:40 00631 Magnetic Circular Dichroism Studies of Novel Heme Binding and Transport Proteins *$Dawson J.H., Sun S., Du J., Bandara D.M.I., Perera R., Sono M.
09:00 00632 Single Domain Metallothioneins: A Revised Mechanism for Binding the First Few Zincs Stillman M.J., Summers K.L., Sutherland D.E.K.
09:20 00633 Binding of Arsenicals to Cellular Proteins Shen S., Cao C., Liu Q., Lu X., Peng H.Y., Yan H., Zhang Q., Cullen W.R., Weinfeld M., *$Le X.C.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00634 Trace Metal Intracellular Speciation and Toxicity to Algae *Sigg L., Stewart T., Behra R., Nachtegaal M., Szlachetko J.
11:00 00635 Using Immobilised Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC) to Compare Copper Binding Protein Profiles in Control and Copper Exposed Marine Microalgae Smith C.L., $Jolley D.F., Stauber J.L., Wilson M.R.
11:20 00636 Determination of Intracellular Pb Speciation in the Green Alga C. reinhardtii Using HERFD-RIXS Stewart T.J., Szlachetko J., *Sigg L., Behra R., $Nachtegaal M.
11:40 00637 Uptake and Subcellular Partitioning of Trivalent Metals in a Green Alga: Comparison Between Al and Sc Cr�mazy A., Levy J.L., Campbell P.G.C., Fortin C.
12:00 00638 Influence of Humic Acid on the Subcellular Distribution of Silver in a Unicellular Alga Chen Z.Z., Campbell P.G.C., *Fortin C.
12:20 End of Session
Metallomics � Metal Speciation within Living Cells
Organizer(s) - P. Campbell, C. Fortin, M. Stillman Chair(s) - C. Fortin, M. Stillman
14:00 00825 In-Situ Equilibrium-Based Sampler for Determining Multiple Free Metal Ion Concentrations in Aquatic Systems *$Shine J., Dong Z., Burgess R., Lewis T.
14:40 00826 Validation of the Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) for Rare Earth Metal: Bioaccumulation of Samarium (Sm) and Europium (Eu) $Yang G., Lin Z., *Wilkinson K.J.
15:00 00827 Tracking the Metallomic Responses of Phytoplankton to Environmental Gradients in the Ocean *$Twining B.S.
15:40 00828 Subcellular Distribution of Ni in Chemostat-cultured Phytoplankton: Validation of the Differential Centrifugation Approach by Nano-SIMS *$Fortin C., Bernier J., Campbell P.G.C., Slaveykova V.I.
16:00 00829 Cellular Distributions of Metals in Algae Enable Predictions of Metal Behavior in Aquatic Food Chains *Fisher N.S.
16:40 End of Session
Poster Session
Organizer(s) - D. Lariviere, C. Fortin
From 18:00 until 19:30
18:00 00830 Comparison of an Azo-dye Degradation by Two Different Peroxidase Enzymes *$Ashraf S.S., Alghaithi R., Ali L., Rauf M.A.
18:00 00831 Capturing Gas with Hollow Fibers Contactors: A Simple and Promising Technology $Biasotto F., Ouellet C., Martinez N., Ingwei Lo W., *Alex S.
18:00 00832 Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Field Soils Using Surfactant-enhanced Solubilisation *$Loock D., Dee J., Caumette G.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00833 Functional Quaternary Ammonium Antimicrobials for Plastic Surfaces Mocella A., *$Foucher D., Wolfaardt G.
18:00 00834 Improved Selectivity of ZnNa3DTPA to Abstract Cd2+ from Plasma Proteins In Vitro Zeini Jahromi E., *Gailer J.
EN6 - Environmental Radiochemistry posters
18:00 00835 Towards Ni-63 Radiochronometry *$Kelly D.G., McDonald C., Weir R.D.
18:00 00836 Separation and Analysis of 90Sr and 90Zr for Nuclear Forensic Applications Zattoni A.P., Larivi�re D.
18:00 00837 237Np Solid Phase Extraction Separation Method Developed Using Factorial Experimental Designs and the Response Surface Methodology *Lebed P., Potvin S., $Larivi�re D.
18:00 00838 Decorporation and Environmental Remediation of Radionuclides: An Investigation of the Binding Properties of Pentetic Acid and Penicillamine to U(IV), Th(IV) and Pd(II) Under Physiological Conditions Kelly D.G., *$Scott J.
18:00 00839 Uncertainty Estimation for Dating Measurements *$Jerome S.M., Keightley J.D.
18:00 00840 New Methodology for Sample Preparation Toward Efficient Sr-90 Analysis of Milk Samples $Czechura P., Locatelli L., Mercier J.F., *Cooke M.W.
18:00 00841 Analysis of Imported Japanese Tea Samples for Cs-134/Cs-137 Contamination $Cook M.C., Todd B., Kiser S., Mercier J.F., *Cooke M.W.
18:00 00842 Development of a Fecal Bioassay Method for Actinides Gagn� A., Dai X., Kramer-Tremblay S., Surette J., Didychuk C., Larivi�re D.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00843 Speciation of Uranium in the Watersheds of the St-Lawrence River *Nadeau K., Whitty-L�veill� L., $Larivi�re D.
18:00 00844 Simulation of Personal Protective Equipment Exposure to Radioactive Particulates in the Environment Roeterink M., Kelly D.G., Dickson E.F.G., Bodurtha P., Corcoran E.C.
18:00 00845 Utilisation of CdSe/ CdS/ Cd0.5Zn0.5S/ ZnS Colloidal Quantum Dots for Liquid Scintillation Counting Lecavalier M.-E., Allen N.C., *$Larivi�re D.
18:00 00846 Partitioning of Radionuclides between Atmosphere and Ash during Combustion of Contaminated Vegetation Zhou L., Corcoran E.C., Kelly D.G., Rao R.R.
EN8 - Nanomaterials: Environmental Perspectives posters
18:00 00847 Using a Mesocosm Approach to Track Silver Nanoparticles in the Mixing Process of Fresh and Seawater *$Pelletier E., Rouleau C.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00848 Understanding the Interaction of Silver Nanoparticles with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii $Leclerc S., *Wilkinson K.J.
18:00 00849 Nanoparticulate and Aqueous Silver Uptake by Liposomes Used as a Model Biological Membrane Guilleux C., *Campbell P., Fortin C.
Emerging Contaminants
Organizer(s) - J.-P. Bellenger, H. Cabana Chair(s) - P. Segura
08:00 01183 Toward a Better Understanding of the Fate, Behaviour and Risk of Fullerenes in the Total Environment $Barcelo D., Sanch�s J., *Farr� M.
08:40 01184 Influence of Chemical Speciation on the Uptake and Toxicity of Pd and Pt Using a Green Alga as Target Organism Tetrault G., Campbell P.G.C., *$Fortin C.
09:00 01185 Occurrence and Impact of Methyl Siloxanes in the Aquatic Environments of Catalonia (Spain) and the Antarctica Region *Farre M., Sanchis J., Galb�n-Malag�n C., Cabrerizo A., Dach J., $Barcel� D.
09:20 01186 There May Be More to Nanoparticles than Meets the Eye Walker V.K.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01187 Using LDTD as an Ultrafast Mass Spectrometry Interface for the Analysis of Contaminants of Emerging Concerns *$Sauv� S.
11:00 01188 The Development of a Microwave Assisted Extractgion Technique for the Determination of Azo and Benzidine Dyes in Biotic Tissues *$Balakrishnan V.K., Toito J.M., Venneri K., Villa P.
11:20 01189 Quantification of Chemotherapeutic Agents in Wastewater by Online Solid-phase Extraction Coupled to Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry *Rabii F.W., Segura P.A., Fayad P.B., $Sauv� S.
11:40 01190 Distribution of Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater Treatment Processes Guerra P., Kim M., Shah A., Alaee M., Smyth S.A.
12:00 01191 The Occurrence of Canada's Top Dispensed Pharmaceuticals in Nova Scotia Wastewater Effluents Ghoshdastidar A.J., Fox S, Sichinga M., Tong A.Z.
12:20 End of Session
Metallomics � Metal Speciation within Living Cells
Organizer(s) - P. Campbell, C. Fortin, M. Stillman Chair(s) - P. Campbell, C. Fortin
08:00 01192 Can Metal Subcellular Partitioning Data Explain How the Insect Chaoborus Manages to Prosper in Metal-contaminated Lakes? *$Rosabal M., Hare L., Campbell P.G.C.
08:20 01193 Subcellular Partitioning of Non-essential Metals (Cd, Ni) in Aquatic Species: Comparisons Between Metals and Across Species *$Campbell P.G.C., Rosabal M., Fortin C., Hare L.
08:40 01194 Analytical Chemistry for an Ecotoxicology Issue- What Are the Molecular Targets of Uranium in Living Aquatic Organisms? Mounicou S.
09:20 01195 From Individuals to Ecosystems: The Importance of Subcellular Metal Distributions to Toxicity and Trophic Transfer in Metal-impacted Marine Benthic Communities *Wallace W.G.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01196 Metal Homeostasis in the Tri-membered Lichen Peltigera aphthosa: Another Demonstration of the Potential Importance of Vanadium to N2 Fixation Worldwide *$Bellenger J.P., Darnajoux R., Hodkinson B., Miadlikowska J., Lutzoni F.
10:40 01197 Metal Stress Response of Algae and Fungi at Cellular Level Investigated by Mass Spectrometry and Synchrotron Based Techniques *$Schauml�ffel D., Penen F., Isaure M.-P., Krauss G.-J., Dobritzsch D.
11:20 01198 Investigation of Selenium Metabolism, In Vitro and In Vivo, in Freshwater Fish Using X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy Niyogi S., Misra S., Peak D.
11:40 01199 Using Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging as a Tool in Metallomics *Punshon T., $Guerinot M.L., Richachenevsky F., Hindt M.F., Lanzirotti A., Webb S.M.
12:20 End of Session
Chemistry in Cold Environments (joint with AN)
Organizer(s) - C.S. Bottaro, K. Hawboldt Chair(s) - C. Bottaro, K. Hawboldt
14:00 01420 Combining Mineral Fines with Chemical Dispersants to Disperse Oil in Low Temperature and Low Mixing Environments Niu H., Lee K., Li Z., Zheng Y.
14:20 01421 Development of Molecular Imprinted Polymer in Porous Film Format for Adsorption of Phenol from Water Gryshchenko A., $Bottaro C.
14:40 01422 Direct Measurement and On-line Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals and Naphthenic Acids Using Condensed Phase Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry (CP-MIMS) Duncan K., Willis M., Hamilton M.C., Woudneh M., Gill C.G., *Krogh E.T.
15:00 01423 Occurrence and Removal of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Wastewater Treatment Plants from the Canadian Arctic Guerra P., Kim M., Challen-Urbanic J., Alaee M., Smyth S.A.
15:20 01424 pH Evolution in the Sea Ice Environment $Hare A., *Wang F., Barber D., Rysgaard S.
15:40 01425 Ionization and Enhanced Photochemistry of Nitric Acid on Ice Marcotte G., *$Ayotte P., Pronovost S., Marchand P., Laffon C., Parent P.
16:00 01426 Physically and Chemically Irregular Mixtures: Pesticide - Soil Kinetic Rate Coefficients *$Gamble D.S.
16:20 End of Session
Emerging Contaminants
Organizer(s) - J.-P. Bellenger, H. Cabana Chair(s) - P. Jones
14:00 01427 Treatment of Emerging Contaminants: Are We Solving the Problem or Creating Another One? *$Yargeau V.
14:40 01428 Photocatalysts with Energy Storage Capability and LED Light Sources, an Opportunity to Reduce Energy Consumption Izadifard M., *Langford C.H., Achari G.
15:00 01429 Photocatalytic Degradation of Carbamazepine in Wastewater by Using a New Class of Whey-Stabilized Nanocrystalline TiO2 and ZnO Mohapatra D.P., *Brar S.K., Tyagi R.D., Picard P
15:20 01430 Application of Continuous Biofiltration Process for Treatment of Wastewater Contaminated by Bisphenol A (BPA) $Ahmari A., Nikiema J., *Cabana H.
15:40 01431 Benzotriazoles During Wastewater Treatment: Monitoring and Biodegradation by Different Activated Sludge Communities *Herzog B., Lemmer H., Horn H., $Mueller E.
16:00 01432 Challenges of Emerging Contaminants: Bioprocesses to the Rescue Ardao I., Nair R.R., Demarche P., *$Agathos S.N.
16:40 End of Session
Poster Session
Organizer(s) - D. Lariviere, C. Fortin
From 18:00 until 19:30
EN2 - Biogeochemistry Across Scales posters
18:00 01433 Effect of Surface Type on Atmospheric Deposition of Metals Yousaf M., Tharumakulasingam K., Zhang M., Athar M., *$Lu J., Al Hejami A., Yap D.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01434 Solution-state NMR Analysis of Fractionated Dissolved Organic Matter Mitchell P.J., Simpson A.J., Soong R., Simpson M.J., Oren A., Chefetz B.
18:00 01435 Sedimentary Organic Matter Biogeochemistry in the Canadian High Arctic: Potential Shifts Due to Inputs from Active Layer Disturbance Grewer D.M., Lafreni�re M.J., Lamoureux S.F., *$Simpson M.J.
18:00 01436 Global-scale Modifications of Nutrient Phosphorus and Silicon Fluxes by River Damming *Maavara T., Durr H., $Van Cappellen P.
EN5 - Emerging Contaminants posters
18:00 01437 Occurance and Fate of Bisphenol A in a Biological Treatment System of Leachate from a MSW Landfill Site El Hassni A., Leduc R., Cabana H.
18:00 01438 Fabrication of Magnetic Cross-linked Laccase Aggregates for Wastewater Remediation Applications Vinothkumar V., Sivanesan S., Cabana H.
18:00 01439 Enzymatic Removal of Acetaminophen from Municipal and Hospital Wastewaters Using Combined Cross-linked Laccase and Tyrosinase Aggregates *Ba S., Cruz-Morat� C., Haroune L., Touahar I.E., Jones J.P., $Cabana H.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01440 Dissociation Constants of Linear and Branched PFOS and PFOA Isomers to Human Serum Albumin Beesoon S., *Martin J.W.
18:00 01441 Sorption and Desorption Behavior of Antibiotics, Oxytetracycline and Sulfachloropyridazine, in a SoilSurfactant-Water System *Elsayed M., Prasher O.
18:00 01442 Reduction of Manure-Borne Sex Hormonal Pollution with Soil-Bichar Soil Amendment *Alizadeh S., $Prasher S.O.
Biogeochemistry across Scales
Organizer(s) - R.-M. Couture, P. Van Cappellen, K. Mueller, H. Duerr Chair(s) - R.-M. Couture
10:20 01864 Synchrotron-based Molecular Environmental Science at the Medium Energy Hu Y.
10:40 01865 Highly Resolved Sulfur and Oxygen Cycling Across Cyanobacterial Mats *$Druschel G.K., Kafantaris F., Orphan V.J., Houghton J., Fike D.A.
11:00 01866 Dynamic Mineral Surface Transformations during Biogeochemical Iron Cycling and the Fate of Trace Elements and Contaminants *$Catalano J.G., Frierdich A.J., Hinkle M.A.G., Luo Y., Fenter P., Rosso K.M.
11:40 01867 Determination of Baseline Metal Contamination of Foliose Lichens in Eastern Canada (Quebec) Darnajoux R.N.X., Bellenger J.P., Lutzoni F., Miadlikowska J.
12:00 01868 Early Diagenesis of REE in Lake Sediments Bergeron J., Gobeil C., *Tessier A.
12:20 End of Session
Biogeochemistry across Scales
Organizer(s) - R.-M. Couture, P. Van Cappellen, K. Mueller, H. Duerr Chair(s) - H. Durr
14:00 02050 Recent Developments in Micronutrient Dynamics: How Processes Occurring at Molecular Scale Impact Ecosystem Functions? *Bellenger J.P.
14:20 02051 Soil Organic Matter Molecular-Level Responses to Long-Term Soil Warming and Nitrogen Fertilization Pisani O., *$Simpson M.J., Simpson A.J., Frey S.D.
14:40 02052 Organic Matter and Biogeochemistry in Pore-Waters of a Northern Sandy Beach *$Chaillou G., Couturier, Nozais, Tommi-Morin
15:00 02053 Sea-Level Fluctuation as a Factor Influencing the Fe Cycle in the Arctic Ocean Gobeil C., Macdonald R.W.
15:20 02054 Global Carbon Budget and Its Anthropogenic Perturbation in the Land-Ocean Aquatic Continuum: A Multi-scale Approach *$Regnier P., Friedlingstein P., Ciais P., Mackenzie F.T., Gruber N., et al.
16:00 02055 Satellite-Based Remote Sensing Monitoring of Lake Water Surface Temperature and Quality Kheyrollah Pour H., Duguay C.R., Zolfaghari K.
16:20 End of Session

Top of Conference Schedule
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