96h Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition |

 | Biological and Medicinal Chemistry |
New Trends in Protein Science
Organizer(s) - N. Voyer, P. Lavigne, J. Pelletier Chair(s) - P. Lavigne
08:00 00013 The Importance of Short- and Long-range Dynamic Fluctuations Among Structural and Functional Enzyme Homologues Gagn� D., Charest L.-A., *$Doucet N.
08:40 00014 Probing Allostery in Aminoglycoside 6'-N-acetyltransferase-Ii (AAC (6')-Ii) using a Bisubstrate Inhibitor Zhu S., Freiburger L.A., Auclair K., Mittermaier A.K.
09:00 00015 Backbone Ensembles for Multistate Computational Protein Design A Computational Study of Protein G Domain b1 Davey J.A., $Chica R.A.
09:20 00016 Multi-Scale Simulations of Protein Dynamics and Their Application to Modelling Protein Structure, Function and the Effect of Mutations Frappier V., Duch�ne D., *$Najmanovich R.J.
09:40 00017 The Mechanism of ClpB Protein Disaggregation by a Combined Biochemical Methyl TROSY NMR Approach *Rosenzweig R., Moradi S., Zarrine-Afsar A., Glover J.R., $Kay L.E.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00018 Energetics and Dynamics of Folding and pH-dependent Switching Function in Myristoylated Hisactophilin Smith M.T.J., MacKenzie D.W.S, Broom A., Shental-Bechor D., Levy Y., Ghashut F., *$Meiering E.M.
11:00 00019 Real-Time Monitoring of Tissue Transglutaminase Conformation using Kinetic Capillary Electrophoresis Clouthier C.M., Mironov G.G., Okhonin V., Berezovski M.V., *$Keillor J.W.
11:20 00020 Chimeric b-lactamases: Functional, Structural and Dynamic Investigation of Artificially-evolved Enzymes Gobeil S.M.C., Park J., Clouthier C.M., Gagn� D., Ebert M., *$Doucet N., Berghuis A., Pelletier J.N.
11:40 00021 Protein Dynamics in Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions *$Kohen A., Benkovic S.J.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Advances in Anticancer Drug Discovery
Organizer(s) - A. Siddiqui, R. Al-awar Chair(s) - R. Al-awar, A. Siddiqui
08:00 00022 Opposite Roles of the Proprotein Convertases Furin and PC5 in Glioma Invasion Sadr M.S., Maret D., *$Seidah N.G.
08:40 00023 Writers and Erasers of Histone Marks: Chemistry, Structures, Screening Successes and Failures Schapira M.
09:20 00024 Development of Novel Inhibitors of the Key Autophagy Initiating Enzyme, Atg4B Vezenkov L.L., *$Young R.N., Kovacic S., Nguyen T.G.
09:40 00025 Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Pyrido[2,3-d] Pyrimidine Analogs as Prenylation Inhibitors Lacbay C., *Lin Y.-S., $Tsantrizos Y.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00026 Discovery and Characterization of Mutant IDH Inhibitors for the Treatment of Cancer *Lemieux R.M., Artin E., DeLaBarre B., Driggers E., Fantin V., Gross S., Hansen E., Kunii K., Popovici-Muller J., Salituro F., Saunders J., Schalm S., Straley K., Su M., Travins J., Wang F., Yang H., Yen K.
11:00 00027 The Discovery and Optimization of Small Molecule Antagonists of the WDR5-MLL Interaction Al-awar R., Getlik M., Smil D., Bolshan Y., Poda G., Senisterra G., Wu H., Allali-Hassani A., Wasney G.A., Barsyte-Lovejoy D., Dombrovski L., Dong A., He H., Seitova A., Chau I., Li F., Couture J.-F., Kuznetsova E., Marcellus R., Hajian T., Nguyen K.T.
11:20 00028 New Ruthenium(II)-Letrozole Complexes as Anticancer Therapeutics Castonguay A., Doucet C., Juhas M., *Maysinger D.
11:40 00029 The Discovery of PLK4 Inhibitors as Novel Anti-proliferative Agents Pauls H.
12:20 End of Session
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry (joint with IN1)
08:00 Joint with IN1 - See Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry under Inorganic Chemistry for the schedule
12:20 End of Session
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (joint with PT6)
08:00 Joint with PT6 - See Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy under Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Inhibition of Protein-Protein Interactions
Organizer(s) - J. Wulff Chair(s) - J. Wulff
MedChemComm Award lecture:
14:00 00230 Inhibiting Oncogenic STAT3 Protein-Protein Interactions: Progress Toward a STAT3 Drug *$Gunning P.T.
14:40 00231 Age-dependent Non-enzymatic Post-translational Modifications (PTMs) In Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase (CuZnSOD) Associated with Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration *$English A.M., Martins D.
15:00 00232 Stereoelectronic Attenuation of Acyl Aziridine Electrophiles: Enabling Methodology for Cyclic Peptide Sequencing and Probe Design Zaretsky S., $Yudin A.K.
15:20 00233 Mimicry of PPIs: Lessons from IFN-Receptor Complex *$Kotra L.P.
16:00 00234 Studies Toward the Development of the First Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Programmed Death 1/Programmed Death Ligand 1 in Metastatic Cancer O'Rourke N.F., Hammond C.A., *$Wulff J.E.
16:20 00235 Design and Synthesis of New Ligands for the Kainate Receptor Schiavini P., Dobosiewicz M., Therrien E., Dawe B., Bowie D., $Moitessier N.
16:40 End of Session
New Trends in Protein Science
Organizer(s) - N. Voyer, P. Lavigne, J. Pelletier Chair(s) - J. Pelletier
14:00 00236 Does Acylation Alone Dictate Membrane Binding and Orientation of Peripheral Proteins? Calvez P., Demers E., Cantin L., Desbat B., *$Salesse C.
14:20 00237 Lipid Recognition and Membrane Binding by the Human Oxysterol Binding Protein (OSBP) Mukherjee P., Charman M., *Ridgway N., $Atkinson J.
14:40 00238 Chemical Postranslational Modifications of Genetically-encoded Peptide Libraries: Synthesis and Selection Strategies *$Derda R., Matochko W., Ng S.
15:00 00239 Probing Protein-Protein Interactions Using Microrheology Shayegan M., Forde N.R.
15:20 00240 Tailoring the "Antifreeze activity" of Glycoconjugates Related to Antifreeze Glycoproteins (AFGPs): Designing Novel Cryoprotrectants Capicciotti C.J., Balcerzak A.K., Gahobadloo S.M., Corcilius L., Santhakumar G., Stone R.S., Payne R.J., Berezovsky M.V., *$Ben R.N.
15:40 00241 Using Split Inteins to Reveal the Striking Modularity of Spider Wrapping Silk Xu L., Tremblay M.-L., Sarker M., Meng Q., Liu X.-Q., *$Rainey J.K.
16:00 00242 Ion-Channel Coupled Receptors: Bio-inspired Sensors Based on the Assembly of Receptors and Ion Channels Moreau C., Niescierowicz K., Estrada-Mondragon A., Caro L., *$Vivaudou M.
16:40 End of Session
Poster Session
Organizer(s) - D. Poirier, E. Marsault
From 18:00 until 19:30
18:00 00243 Design of Novel Protein Arginine Deiminase (PAD) Inhibitors Wei L., Wasilewski E., Chakka S.K., Bello A.M., Moscarello M.A., *$Kotra L.P.
18:00 00244 Designer Probes for the Active Sites of Protein Arginine Deiminases PAD1, 2 and 4 *Bello A.M., Wasilewski E., Wei L., Moscarello M., $Kotra L.
18:00 00245 Novel Class of Antimalarial Agent, Kopakamal and Its Therapeutic Potential Crandall I.E., Wasilewski E., *Bello A.M., Mohamed A., Malhotra P., Pai E.F., Kain K.C., $Kotra L.
18:00 00246 Synthesis of Mono and Double Conjugates of (24S)-24-hydroxycholesterol (cerebrosterol) with Sulfuric And Glucuronic Acids Sanc�au J.-Y., Maltais R., Caron P., Barbier O., Poirier D.
18:00 00247 Fused Bicyclic and Tricyclic Rings as Bioactive Ring Scaffolds: Potential Application to Treat Alzheimer's Disease *$Nekkar Rao P., Mohamed T., Osman W.
18:00 00248 Transmembrane Anion Transporters with Small Peptide-core and Imidazolium Units Charbonneau M., *Schmitzer A.-R.
18:00 00249 In Silico Design and In Vitro Evaluation of Novel ASK1 Inhibitors Bilokin Y., *Volynets G.P., Bdzhola V.G., Golub A.G., Kukharenko O.P., Yarmoluk S.M.
18:00 00250 New Guanine-Riboswitch Inhibitors as Potential Antibiotics Targeting Clostridium difficile Yan L.-H., Le-Roux A., Boyapelly K., Lamontagne A.-M., Lalonde-Seguin D., Fortier L.-C., Lafontaine D., $Marsault �.
18:00 00251 Inhibition Studies on LL-Diaminopimelic acid Aminotransferase (LL-DAP-AT) Enzymes from Leptospira interrogans, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Verrucomicrobium spinosum McKinnie S.M.K., Rodriguez-Lopez E.M., Fan C., *$Vederas J.C.
18:00 00252 Novel Pyrimidine Analogs Targeting Guanine Riboswitch in Clostridium difficile Boyapelly K., Le Roux A., Yan L.H., Lamontagne A.M., Lalonde-S�guin D., Fortier L.C., Lafontaine D., *$Marsault E.
18:00 00253 Pincer Type DNA Intercalation Using Opposing Quadrupolar Interactions *Bancerz M., Paiva S.L., DaSilva S.R., $Gunning P.T.
18:00 00254 NMR Spectral Assignment of Peptides and Proteins at the Quebec/Eastern Canada High Field NMR Facility Al-Abdul-Wahid M.S., *Sprules T., $Gehring K.G.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00255 Derivatization of Pantothenamides by Enantioselective Reduction with Baker's Yeast Darabi H., $Auclair K.
18:00 00256 Exploring the Chemical Space of GPR40 and GPR120 with Small Molecules Tremblay H., *$Marsault E., Takafumi H., Akira H., Gozoh T.
18:00 00257 Carbohydrate Based Gelators as Viral Vector Preservers for the Cold Chain Elimination Ghobadloo S.M., Balcerzak A., Mironov G.G., Capicciotti C., Bell J.C., Ben R.N., *$Berezovski M.V.
18:00 00258 Probing the Thermostability of Mono- and Bifunctional Forms of a Tyrosine Biosynthetic Enzyme from Haemophilus influenzae Kim H.Y., $Turnbull J.L.
18:00 00259 Studying the Role of Ribonucleases (RNases) Within Foodborne Pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes Kanda P., $Li Y., *Guarne A., Chang D.
18:00 00260 Structural Characterization of the Apelin Receptor *Pandey A., Liu X.-Q., $Rainey J.K.
18:00 00261 Structural Characterization of the Extracellular Region of the Apelin Receptor and Its Interaction with Apelin *Chapman N., Dupre D.J., $Rainey J.K.
18:00 00262 Tracking Histone Methyltransferase Activities Using Calixarene-based Sensors Tabet S., $Hof F.
18:00 00263 Less-Than-Predicted Hidden Stop Codons in Multiple Lichen and Fungal Polyketide Synthase Genes: Is Codon Bias to Blame? $Bertrand R.L., *Sorensen J.L.
18:00 00264 Identification of an Allosteric Activator of EphB4 Kinase Kamstra R.L., Abraham S., Freywald A., Floriano W.B.
18:00 00265 Polyketides Biosynthetic Gene Diversity in Cladonia uncialis Lichen Fungi *Abdel-Hameed M.E., $Sorensen J.L.
18:00 00266 Inhibition of the VIM-2 Metallo-carbapenemase by Peptides Acting Via a Novel Mechanism Rotondo C.M., Dmitrienko G.I., *Siemann S., Marrone L., Goodfellow V., Johnson J.W.
18:00 00267 Towards the Identification of Inhibitor Binding Sites in Tissue Transglutaminase using Diazirine Derivatives of Known Inhibitors Apperley K.Y.-P., Pardin C., Chabot N., $Keillor J.W.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00268 Synthesis of 8-hydroxyquinolines and 18F-labeled derivatives to explore the metals hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease Lewis R., Liang S.L., Rotstein B.H., *$Vasdev N.
18:00 00269 Synthesis of Bexarotene via CO2 Fixation: Application for PET Imaging Shea C.M., Rotstein B.H., Liang S.H., Collier T.L., Woo J., *$Vasdev N.
18:00 00270 Carbon Flux Metabolism in Neochloris oleoabundans Birkland A., Ooms K., Bestman H., Versluys K.
18:00 00271 Synthesis and Anti-cancer Properties of a Novel Family of Platinum Complexes Miller J.J., Miles B.A., Patterson A.E., Stewart E.L., Melanson J.M., Vogels C.M., Decken A., Morin Jr. P., $Westcott S.A.
18:00 00272 Design and Synthesis of a New HIV-1 Protease Inhibitor Candidate Showing the NCO Interaction Adler P., $Hasserodt J.
18:00 00273 Boron Compounds as Antituberculosis Agents Bowes EG, Campbell-Verduyn LS, Vall�e AM, Li H, Vogels CM, Decken A, Gray CA, $Westcott SA
BM2 - Inhibition of Protein-Protein Interactions posters
18:00 00274 Effect of pH and Cu+ on Model Ab *Opare S.K.A., Rauk A.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00275 Artifically Inducing Protein-Membrane Anchorage of Oncogenic Signalling Proteins Avadisian M., *Fletcher S., Liu B., Yue P., Turkson J., Gradinaru C., $Gunning P.
18:00 00276 Potent, Selective and Direct Targeting of the STAT3 Oncogene in Brain Cancer Stem Cells *Haftchenary S., Luchman A.H., Weiss S., Dawson S., Page B.D.G., Grinshtein N., Veloso A.J., Cheng X.R., Kaplan D.R., Kerman K., $Gunning P.T.
18:00 00277 Design, Synthesis and Kinetic Analysis of an Irreversible Inhibitor of Microbial Transglutaminase Akbar A., *Keillor J.W.
18:00 00278 Design & Development of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Stat5 Function Cumaraswamy A.A., Muench D., Brown C., Page B.D.G, Laister R., Minden M.D., Grimes H., $Gunning P.T.
18:00 00279 Abeta (13-23)-(Pseudo) Peptide Interactions Petoyan A., $Rauk A.
18:00 00280 The Rational Design of Novel Small-Molecule Inhibitors Against Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin Activating Enzyme (UAE) Protein-Protein Interactions *da Silva S.R., Paiva S.-L., Lukkarila J.L., $Gunning P.T.
BM3 - Nature in Action: Drug Design Using Natural Products posters
18:00 00281 New Diethylsilylacetylenic Linker for Parallel Solid-phase Synthesis of Libraries of Hydroxy Acetylenic Steroid Derivatives with Improved Metabolic Stability Talbot A., Maltais R., *Poirier D.
18:00 00282 Chemical Synthesis of a Simplified Adenosine Analog Used to Obtain a Bisubstrate Inhibitor of 17b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Talbot A., Maltais R., *Poirier D.
18:00 00283 Investigations Toward Efficient Synthesis of Phospholipids for Use in Pulmonary Surfactant Therapy Shkoor M., $Schwan A.L., Notter R., Davy J.
18:00 00284 Synthesis and Biological Activity of 17b-acetyl-testosterone-7a-platinum(II), Novel Drug Hybrids Designed to Target Human Prostate Cancer Cells *Fortin S., Brasseur K., Morin N., Asselin �., B�rub� G.
18:00 00285 Bioactive Triterpenoidal Alkaloids from Buxus macowanii Emes R., Pryyma A., AlMalki M., *$Ata A., Gengan R.M.
18:00 00286 Melatonin Incorporation and Transformation of Lipid Membrane Properties *Hoopes M.I., $Karttunen M.
18:00 00287 Synthesis and Bioevaluation of Naphthalene-based Antiestrogenic Molecules Naidu A.B., Rao V.K., *$Jha A., MacDonald W.J., Too C.K.L.
18:00 00288 Gold Biomineralization by a Metallophore from a Gold-Associated Bacterium Wyatt M.A., Johnston C.W., Li X., Shuster J., Ibrahim A., Southam G., Magarvey N.A.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00289 Synthesis of 3-spiromorpholinone - 17-spirolactone-androstane Derivatives as Inhibitors of Two Enzymes of Steroidogenesis Djigou� G.B., Ngatcha B.T., Roy J., *$Donald P.
18:00 00290 Mining Human Microbiome for Immunomodulatory Small Molecules *Zvanych R., Lukenda N., Li X., Kim J., $Magarvey N.A.
18:00 00291 Design and Synthesis of Non-Secosteroidal Vitamin D Receptor Agonist/Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Hybrid Molecules Kaldre D., Gleason J.L., Fisher J., Wang T.T., Whites J.H.
18:00 00292 Unraveling the Structure-Activity Relationships of Tomatidine, a Steroid Alkaloid with Antibiotic Properties Against Persistent Forms of Staphylococcus Aureus Chagnon F., Guay I., Mitchell G., Malouin F., Bouarab K., $Marsault E.
18:00 00293 Discovery of a Dual-purpose PET/Fluorescence Molecular Imaging Probe Candidate for HPV16 E6 Wigg J., $Floriano W., *Zehbe I.
18:00 00294 Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis of Synthetic Agonists of CXCR4 Mona C., Lefran�ois M., Lefebvre M.-R., Leduc R., Heveker N., Marsault �., Escher E.
BM4 - New Trends in Protein Science posters
18:00 00295 Pushing the Limits for the Quantification of Sulphur and Phosphorus in Peptides using Novel Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS Technology Wee P.
18:00 00296 Preferential Binding and Orientation of RP2 in the Presence of Phospholipid Monolayers *Horchani H., Boisselier E., Calvez P., Demers E., Cantin L., $Salesse C.
18:00 00297 Stabilization and Structure Determination of the Recombinant C-terminal Domain of Nephila clavipes Dragline Silk Gauthier M., Leclerc J., Gagn� S.M., Auger M.
18:00 00298 Head-group Dependent Interactions of the Apelin Peptide Hormones with Phospholipid Bicelles *Sarker M., Speckert M., $Rainey J.K.
18:00 00299 Development of Dimaleimide Based Fluorogens and Their Application for Intracellular Protein Labelling Chen Y., $Keillor J.W.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00300 Role of the Hydrophobic C-terminal Domain in the Membrane Binding of R9AP Bernier S., Cantin L., Salesse C.
18:00 00301 Structural Characterization and Membrane Binding of Retinol Dehydrogenases and Their N- or C-terminal Peptide *Lhor M., Horchani H., Boisselier E., Cantin L., Methot M., $Salesse C.
18:00 00302 Effect of the Substitution of an Atom in the Myristoyl of Two Neuronal Calcium Sensor Proteins on their Structure *Pr�v�reau A.A., Cantin L., Gagn� S.M., $Salesse C.
18:00 00303 Modified GDH-coupled Assay for the evaluation of MTG High Affinity Peptides Oteng-Pabi S., $Keillor J.W.
18:00 00304 Steps Towards Characterization of a Trifunctional Enzyme Involved in Aromatic Amino Acid Biosynthesis Shlaifer I., $Turnbull J.L.
18:00 00305 Characterization of Four Tryptophan Residues in Yeast Cystathionine b-Synthase: Effect W[F Substitution on Fluorescence Properties and Activity Abouassaf E.A., $Aitken S.M.
18:00 00306 Investigation of the Hydrogen-bonding Network Connecting the Cystathionine b-Synthase Active Site to Inter-domain Linker Ahmed D., Humphreys N., $Aitken S.M.
18:00 00307 Backbone Dynamics of Full-length HIV-1 Transactivator of Transcription by NMR Spectroscopy To V., *McKenna S., $O'Neil J.
18:00 00308 NMR Identification of AMP and LID Domains Dynamic Motion Upon Ligand Binding Critical to Adenylate Kinase Catalysis *Khan A., $Won H.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00309 Characterization of Bacteriophages that Target Carnobacterium divergens deBoon H., Lynch K., Welke C., Dennis J., Martin-Visscher L.
BM5 - Radiochemistry posters
18:00 00310 Design of Imaging Agents for Monitoring the Tumor Marker Cathepsin B in Breast Cancer Moya I., *$Phenix C.
18:00 00311 One Step Radiosynthesis of 18F-ArBF3-bisRGD for In Vivo Labeling *$Perrin D.M., Liu Z., Lozada J., Li Y., Yapp D., Lin K.S.
BM7 - Recent Advances in Anticancer Drug Discovery posters
18:00 00312 Synthesis of Amino Acid Conjugates for the Efficient Delivery of siRNAs toward Hyper Invasive Cells Yamada K., Bogojeski J., Johnsson R., Le P.U., Petrecca K., *$Damha M.J.
18:00 00313 Tetrahydroisoquinoline Derivatives as Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitor with Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator Properties for Treatment of Breast Cancer Maltais R., Ouellet C., Ouellet E., *$Poirier D.
18:00 00314 Synthesis and Investigation of a New Series of Inhibitors of Epigenetic Targets $Kabro A., Perrier V., Dor� V., Marcoux-Archambault I., *Gagnon A.
18:00 00315 Novel 4-(2-oxo-3-alkylimidazolidin-1-yl)benzenesulfonates Highly Selective Against Breast Cancer Cells Fortin S., C�t� M.-F., Lacroix J., *$C.-Gaudreault R.
18:00 00316 Rational Design of Novel Compounds Inhibiting Protein Kinase CK2 *Golub A.G., Bdzhola V.G., Bilokin Y., Sapelkin V.M., Prykhod'ko A.O., Kukharenko O.P., Ostrynska O.V., Briukhovetska N.V., Kotey I.M., Balanda A.O., Yarmoluk S.M.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00317 Targeting UBA5 for use in Combination Drug Therapies *Paiva S.-L., da Silva S.R., Bancerz M., $Gunning P.T.
18:00 00318 Different Plasma Protein Binding of Structurally Related Metallodrugs as Visualized by SEC-ICP-AES Morris T., $Aldrich-Wright J.R., *Gailer J., Krause-Heuer A.M., Ng N., Harper B.
BM8 - Recent Advances in Anti-infectious Drug Discovery posters
18:00 00319 A Cross-Metathesis Approach for Creating Novel Derivatives of Pantothenamides and AAC(6')-Ii Inhibitors Hachey M., $Auclair K.
18:00 00320 Facile Access to N-Substituted Pantothenamide Analogues and Antibacterial Activity Awuah E., Menard A, Habib E., *$Auclair K.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00321 Synthesis and Biological Testing of Inhibitors of AAC(6')-Ii, an Antibiotic Resistance-Inducing Enzyme Hoegl A., $Auclair K.
18:00 00322 Synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationship Studies and Antimicrobial Activity of New Tigerinins Analogs Bedard F., *Biron E., Kukavica-Ibrullj I., L�vesques R.C., Blais S., Nguyen T.T.A.
18:00 00323 Structure-Activity Studies on a Model Antimicrobial Peptide Paquet-C�t� P.-A., Provencher M.-P., Cardinal S., B�dard L., Caron �., Auger M., *$Voyer N.
BM9 - Recent Advances in Peptides and Peptidomimetics
18:00 00324 Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Acids in Apelin: Influence on Biased Signaling and Activity in Animal Models of Pain $Murza A., Besserer-Offroy E., Lafrance M., Parent A., Beaudet N., Leduc R., Sarret P., *Marsault E.
18:00 00325 Determining the Structure and Orientation of the Alamethicin Ion Channel in the Opened and Closed States in Lipid Matrices using ATR and Electrochemical PMIRRAS Shodiev M., Leitch J., Lipkowski J.
18:00 00326 Biochemical Mechanisms of Peptide Amyloid Fibrils Formation; a focus on the Islet Amyloid Polypeptide De Carufel C.A., Nguyen P.T., *$Bourgault S.
18:00 00327 Optimization of a Near-IR Molecular Probe for the Detection of Hepsin Bonin M.A., Desilets A., Gu�rin B., Leduc R., Lepage M., Marsault E.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00328 A Tandem Photochemical Ring-opening/Cleavage Approach for the Synthesis and Decoding of Cyclic Peptides Libraries V�zina-Dawod S., B�dard F., *Biron E.
18:00 00329 N-Aminosulfamide Peptide Mimics from Aza-sulfurylglycinyl Peptides: Synthesis, Conformation and Activity Turcotte S., Bouayad-Gervais S., Havard T., *Lubell W.D.
18:00 00330 Development of an Effective Dual Ring-opening/Cleavage Strategy for the Construction and Decoding of One-bead One-compound Cyclic Peptide Libraries Liang X., Girard A., *Biron �.
18:00 00331 Synthesis and Use of 5-(aminophenyl)pyrrole-2-carboxylates as Scaffolds for Controlling Peptide Conformation D�rr A.A., *Lubell W.D.
18:00 00332 Transmembrane Transport of Anions Facilitated by the Halogen Bonding of Helix-structured Peptides Godbout R., Carpentier C., Otis F., *Voyer N.
18:00 00333 Pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,4]diazepin-2-one Solid-Phase Synthesis and Use in c-Turn Mimicry Dufour-Gallant J., *Lubell W. D.
18:00 00334 Site-Specific Modification of Amino Acids and Peptides by AldehydeAlkyneAmine Coupling under Ambient Aqueous Conditions Uhlig N., *$Li C.-J.
18:00 00335 Study of Turn Shape the Tocolytic Activity of PDC113.824 Boukanoun M.K., *$Lubell W.D.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00336 Synthesis of Fluorinated Amino Acids for Incorporation in Peptide Nanostructures Carpentier C., Godbout R., Paquet-C�t� P.A., Otis F., *Voyer N.
18:00 00337 Synthesis of Chiral Diamines and their Utilization in Asymmetric Synthesis Berube C., Cardinal S., *Voyer N.
BM6 - Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Biology of Oligonucleotides posters
Graduate Student posters
18:00 00338 A Novel L-tyrosine Based Nucleic Acid (YNA) Synthesis and Properties Barlog M., Bazzi H.S., De Castro I.B.D., *$Sleiman H.F.
18:00 00339 A Theoretical Assessment of the Structural and Genotoxic Features of DNA O-linked Phenoxyl Adducts Majdi Yazdi M., Sharma P., Manderville R.A., *Wetmore S.D.
18:00 00340 Aptamers for Shielding Oncolytic Viruses from Neutralizing Antibodies and Enhancing Delivery to Cancer Cells Muharemagic D., Zamay A., Ghobadloo S., Bell J.C., *$Berezovski M.
18:00 00341 Synthesis and Properties of Duplex DNA Containing Oxygen-Linked Deoxyguanosine Adducts Derived from Phenolic Carcinogens Berger F.D., Kuska M.S., Witham A.A., Sturla S.J., *Manderville R.A.
18:00 00342 Structural Impact of C8-Aryl-Guanine Adducts on G-Quadruplex Folding in the Thrombin Binding Aptamer Sproviero M., Witham A.A., *$Manderville R.A.
18:00 00343 Site-Specific DNA Cross-link Formation by C8-furyl-guanine Lesions Following Singlet-Oxygen Activation in Duplex and G-Quadruplex Structures Witham A.A., Sproviero M., *Manderville R.A.
18:00 00344 The Synthesis and the Evaluation of siRNAs that Contain Triazole Backbone Linkages Bearing Lipophilic Moieties Peel B., Efthymiou T., Desaulniers J.P.
18:00 00345 Push-Pull 2'-Deoxyguanosine Adducts for Use as Turn-On Emissive Nucleoside Probes Fadock K.L., Sproviero M., Rankin K.M., Sharma P., Wetmore S., *Manderville R.A.
18:00 00346 Thermodynamic and Strucural Analysis of High Affinity Off-target Ligand Binding by the Cocaine Binding Aptamer Reinstein O., Yoo M., Han C., Palmo T., Beckham S.A., Wilce M.C.J., *$Johnson P.E.
18:00 00347 Synthesis of Backbone-Modified Oligonucleotides for Improved Cellular Delivery Vlaho D., *$Damha M.J.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 00348 Incorporation of Intrinsically Fluorescent Deoxycytidine Analogues in Oligonucleotides: Synthesis and Fluorescent Properties *Elmehriki A.A.H., Suchy M., $Hudson R.H.E.
18:00 00349 Parallel Selection of Simple Motifs in Catalytic DNA Gysbers R.E., Tram K., $Li Y.
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry (joint with IN1)
14:00 Joint with IN1 - See Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Biochemistry under Inorganic Chemistry for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (joint with PT6)
14:00 Joint with PT6 - See Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy under Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry for the schedule.
16:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:00 End of Session
New Trends in Protein Science
Organizer(s) - N. Voyer, P. Lavigne, J. Pelletier Chair(s) - N. Voyer
08:00 00592 Myc: A Non-redundant Function in Cancer *$Soucek L., Whitfield J.R., Mass�-Vall�s D., Serrano E., Jauset T., Beaulieu M.E., Annibali D., Sodir N.M., Evan G.E.
08:40 00593 Recovery of Red Fluorescent Protein Chromophore Maturation Deficiency through Rational Design *$Chica R.A., Moore M.M., Oteng-Pabi S.K., Pandelieva A.T., Mayo S.L.
09:00 00594 Improving Thermostability of a Bacterial Esterase (EstGtA2) by Rational Design for its Potential Application in Pitch Control in Pulp and Paper Manufacturing *Beauregard M., $Charbonneau D.M.
09:20 00595 Development of Dimaleimide Protein Labelling Method for Fluorogenic, X-Ray Crystallography and NMR Applications Strmiskova M., Pardin C., Chen Y., Goto N.K., *$Keillor J.W.
09:40 00596 A New Type of Influenza Vaccine Based on Influenza Virus-like Particles Produced in Plants V�zina L.-P., D'Aoust M.-A., Landry N., Couture M., Trepanier S., Dargis M.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00597 Challenges and Strategies Related to the Industrial Utilization of Carbonic Anhydrase for CO2 Capture *$Madore E.
10:40 00598 New Enzyme Mechanisms for the Cleavage of Carbon-Phosphorus Bonds McSorley F., He S.-M., van Staalduinen L., Podzelinska K., Hove-Jensen B., Martinez A., DeLong E., Adams M., Jia X., *$Zechel D.L., Wyatt P.B., Hammerschmidt F.
11:00 00599 Cytochrome P450cam (CYP101A1) Reactions: Water Oxidation and Alkyl Chloride Dehalogenation Prasad B., *$Plettner E.
11:20 00600 Proteins as Receptors and Analytes for Portable SPR Biosensing *$Pelletier J.N., Zhao S.S., Bichelberger M.A., Colin D.Y., Robitaille R., Masson J.F.
11:40 00601 Structure and Mechanics of Silk and Silk-inspired Materials Buehler M.J.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Advances in Anti-infectious Drug Discovery
Organizer(s) - F. Malouin, K. Auclair Chair(s) - F. Malouin, K. Auclair
08:00 00602 Bioprospecting from Metagenomic DNA: A Promising Yet Challenging Approach to New Drug Discovery *$Boddy C.N.
08:40 00603 Novel Antimicrobial Agents from Bacillus *$Vederas J.C.
09:20 00604 Progress in the Treatment of Hepatitis C Bennani Y.L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00605 The Long Development Road for Oritavancin, an Interesting Lipoglycopeptide Antibiotic *Parr T.R.
11:00 00606 Syntheses and Evaluation of New Anti-tuberculosis Agents Inspired by Studies of Mycobacterial Iron Assimilation *$Miller M.
11:40 00607 Functional Mimicry of Antimicrobial Peptides *$Schweizer F.
12:20 End of Session
Life Sciences: Biomaterials & Bionanotechnology (joint with IC4)
08:00 Joint with IC4 - See Life Sciences: Biomaterials & Bionanotechnology under Industrial Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (joint with PT6)
08:00 Joint with PT6 - See Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy under Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Spectroscopy: Bridging Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules. Symposium in Honour of Michel P�zolet (joint with MS7)
08:00 Joint with MS7 - See Spectroscopy: Bridging Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules Symposium in Honour of Michel Pezolet under Macromolecular Science and Engineering for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - D. Poirier, E. Marsault Chair(s) - E. Marsault
14:00 00806 Design of Multivalent Ligands for Probing the Plasticity of Prenyl Synthase Enzymes: Implications to Drug Discovery Tsantrizos Y.S.
14:40 00807 The Importance of Hydrophobic Moieties in Ice Recrystallization Inhibitors Balcerzak A.K., Febbraro M., *Ben R.N.
15:00 00808 MS Binding Assays: Screening of Pseudostatic Dynamic Combinatorial Libraries *$Wanner K.T., Benter S., Sindelar M.
15:20 00809 Imidazole-substituted Fatty Acids as Mitochondrially Directed Inhibitors of Apoptosis Garapati V.K., Greenberger J., Kagan V., *$Atkinson J., Kapralov A., Jiang J., Huang Z., Epperly M.
15:40 00810 Towards Small Molecule Inhibitors of DNA Methyltransferases *$Gagnon A.
16:00 00811 RNA-binding Molecules: Structure, Function and Synthesis *$Hanessian S.
16:40 End of Session
Inhibition of Protein-Protein Interactions
Organizer(s) - J. Wulff Chair(s) - A. English
14:00 00812 Synthetic Macrocycles as Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interactions Whitty A.
14:40 00813 Design and Synthesis of New Scaffolds for Stat5 Inhibition Brown C.E., Cumaraswamy A.A., Lai P.S., Muench D., Burger S., Page B.D.G., Laister R., Minden M.D., Grimes H.L., $Gunning P.T.
15:00 00814 A Targeted Approach in Oncogene Therapy by Down-Regulating Glucose Regulated Protein 78 (GRP78) Expression Maina A., Morozko E., Joseph S.C., Patel P., Martinez I., *$Sabatino D., Blackman B.A., Parronchi C.J., Blake A.D.
15:20 00815 Chemical Probes to Antagonize Readers of Histone of the Histone Code *$Arrowsmtih C.H.
16:00 00816 Designed Metabolic Optimization of Potent STAT3 Inhibitors as Pancreatic Cancer Therapeutics *Arpin C.C., Page B.D.G., Haftchenary S., Fishel M.L., $Gunning P.T.
16:20 00817 Small Molecule Hosts as Trimethyllysine Discriminators Garnett G., $Hof F.
16:40 End of Session
Nature in Action: Drug-design using Natural Products (joint with OR)
Organizer(s) - G. Berube, D. Poirier Chair(s) - D. Poirier
14:00 00818 Inhibitors of Steroid Sulfatase: The Evolution of Highly Potent Reversible Inhibitors from Irreversible Non-Sulfamate Suicide Inhibitors *$Taylor S.D., Mostafa Y.A., Ahmed V.A., Minh-Phan C., Kim B.-M., Liu Y.
14:40 00819 Modified Natural Products to Study the Function of Voltage-gated Na+ Channels: Aconitine as a Case Study Menard F., $Du Bois J.
15:00 00820 Investigations Regarding the Utility of Prodigiosenes to Treat Leukemia Smithen D.A., Forrester A.M., Corkery D.P., Dellaire G., Colpitts J., McFarland S.A., Berman J.N., *$Thompson A.
15:20 00821 Site-selective Derivatization of Polyol Natural Products Using Peptide-based Catalysts Yoganathan S., *$Miller S.J.
15:40 00822 Identification of a Potent Salicylic Acid-based Inhibitor Scaffold of Tyrosine Phosphatase PTP1B Ball D.P., Haftchenary S., Aubry I., Landry M., Shahani V., Fletcher S., Page B.D.G., Jouk A., Tremblay M.L., *$Gunning P.T.
16:00 00823 Development of a New Diversity Oriented Synthesis Methodology and Its Application to the Synthesis of C16 Steroid Derivatives Targeting 17b-HSD's Enzymes Maltais R., Trottier A., *$Poirier D.
16:20 00824 Development of Unique Anticancer Molecules for Site-specific Treatment of Hormone-dependent Prostate Cancer Via Efficient Testosterone Transformations at Position 7a *$B�rub� G., Fortin S., Morin N., Vesper A.-R., Bruneau J., Bastien D.
16:40 End of Session
Spectroscopy: Bridging Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules. Symposium in Honour of Michel P�zolet (joint with MS7)
14:00 Joint with MS7 - See Spectroscopy: Bridging Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules Symposium in Honour of Michel Pezolet under Macromolecular Science and Engineering for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
General Session
Organizer(s) - D. Poirier, E. Marsault Chair(s) - Y. Dory
08:00 01145 Application of a Unique Multicomponent Reaction in the Discovery and Optimization of Inhibitors of Human Polynucleotide Kinase/Phosphatase for Use as Tumor Radiosensitizing Agents *Hall D.G., Bernard S., Gao D., Lamontagne V., Mereniuk T., Fanta M., Mani R., Weinfeld M.
08:40 01146 Two Rings to Rule Them All: Rigidification of a Neuraminidase Inhibitor Scaffold to Target Influenza, Cancer and Bacterial Infections *$Wulff J.E., Brant M.G., Albohy A., Cairo C.W., Boulanger M.J.
09:00 01147 Oxidative Alkyl Shifts: Developments and Applications in Total Synthesis Guerard K.C., G�rinot A., Bouchard-Aubin C., M�nard M.A., Lepage M., Beaulieu M.A., *Canesi S.
09:20 01148 Novel Piperazine Frameworks as N-Type Ca2+ Ion Channel Blockers for Chronic Pain Therapies Borzenko A., *$Schafer L.L., Snutch T.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01149 Fragment-Based Inhibitor Design and Synthesis against Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen 1 Devine S.M., Lim S., Chandrashekaran I., MacRaild C.A., Simpson J.S., Anders R.F., Scanlon M.J., Scammells P.J., Norton R.S.
10:40 01150 Discovery of Thienopyrimidine-Based Inhibitors of the Human Farnesyl Pyrophosphate Synthase and the Parallel Synthesis of Analogs via a Trimethylsilyl Ylidene Intermediate Leung C.-Y., *$Tsantrizos Y.S.
11:00 01151 Synthesis and Properties of Molecular Probes for Cystic Fibrosis Research *$Viirre R.D.
11:20 01152 Nitric Oxide (NO)- and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)-releasing Molecules (NOSH Compounds) Show Promising Anticancer Activity by Inhibiting the Forkhead Box M1 (FoxM1) Transcription Factor Rodriguez Dimitrescu A., $Velazquez Martinez C.A., Kodela R., Chattopadhyay M., Kashfi
11:40 01153 The Bioactive Peptide Apelin is Activated to a Specific Isoform by Proprotein Convertase Subtilin Kexin-3 *Shin K., Pandey A., Anini Y., $Rainey J.K.
12:00 01154 New Matriptase Inhibitors as Potential Anti-influenza Agents *$Marsault E., Colombo E., Duch�ne D., D�silets A., Beaulieu A., Gravel E., Cloutier A., Marois I., Najmanovich R., Leduc R., Richter M.V.
12:20 End of Session
Nature in Action: Drug-design using Natural Products (joint with OR)
Organizer(s) - G. Berube, D. Poirier Chair(s) - G. Berube
08:00 01155 Steroidal alkaloids as aminoglycoside-enhancing drugs. Chagnon F., Marsault �., Frost E., Guay I., *Boulanger S., Mitchell G., Bouarab K., Hmamouchi R., Jacques P.-�., Rodrigue S., $Malouin F.
08:20 01156 Synthesis, NMR Characterization and SAR Study of Androsterone and Pregnenolone Derivatives as Inhibitors of 17b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 3 Djigou� G.B., Kenmogne L.C., Roy J., *$Poirier D.
08:40 01157 Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Resveratrol Analogues as Potential Colon Cancer Chemopreventive Agents Aldawsari F, Chattopadhyay M., El Gendy M., Yoo J., Rao P., Medina-Franco J., Kashfi K., El-Kadi A., *$Vel�zquez C.
09:00 01158 Plant Natural Products and Their Anti-Renin Activity *$Ata A., Agomuoh A.A., Aluko R.E.
09:20 01159 Steroid-conjugate Aniline Mustard Anticancer Agents with Multiple Molecular Targets $Croy R.G., Fedeles B.I., Proffitt K.D., Hillier S.M., Essigmann J.M.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01160 A Steroid Derivative as Irreversible Inhibitor of 17b-HSD1 for Breast Cancer Treatment and Imaging *$Poirier D., Maltais R., Trottier A., Ayan D.
10:40 01161 Coumarinyl-Caged Ceramides: Probing the Biological Activity of Specific Ceramide Species In Vivo Day J.L., *Carter Ramirez D.M., Kim Y.A., Bittman R., $Johnston L.J.
11:00 01162 Synthesis of Prodigiosin Analogues: Influences on Their Mode of Activity and Anticancer Properties Marchal E., Rastogi S., Uddin I., Groves B., Colpitts J., McFarland S.A., Davis J.T., *$Thompson A.
11:20 01163 Suicide Inhibition of PfFKBP35 MacDonald C.A., *Boyd R.J.
11:40 01164 Hybridizing Natural Product and Natural Product Analogs: Combination Therapy in a Single Molecule *$Gleason J.L.
12:20 End of Session
Organizer(s) - R. Schirrmacher, N. Vasdev Chair(s) - R. Schirrmacher, N. Vasdev; A. Kostekov, S. Liang
08:00 01165 An Introduction to Green Radiochemistry *$Scott P.J.H., Shao X., Fawaz M.V., Jang K.
08:40 01166 Rapid Flow Hydrogenation for Deprotection and Reduction of 18F-Labeled Compounds *Liang S.L., Collier T.L., Rotstein B., Lewis R., Steck M., Vasdev N.
09:00 01167 Click Chemistry in PET Radiopharmaceuticals: Application, Challenges and Future Development *$Kostikov A.
09:20 01168 PET Radiotracers for Imaging Enzymes in the CNS: Applications of [11C]CO2 Fixation Radiochemistry Wilson A.A., Hicks J.W., Sadovski O., Vasdev N.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01169 Synthesis of New PET Radiopharmaceuticals for Neurology and Oncology *$Vasdev N., Liang S.H., Holland J.P., Rotstein B.H., Collier T.L., Shoup T.M., Lewis R., Shea C., Wilson A.A., Brady T.J.
11:00 01170 Tubulin-derived Peptides as Molecular Imaging Probes for Aggressive Breast Cancer Tumours Esarik A., *Esguerra K.V.N., Akentieva N., Turley E.A., $Luyt L.G.
11:20 01171 Synthesis and Evaluation of Iodinated Heterocycle-Based Imaging and Therapy Agents for Malignant Melanoma Rathmann S.M., Janzen N., Valliant J.F.
11:40 01172 Direct One-step Labeling of Peptides with [11C]Methyl Triflate for the Synthesis of Radiopharmaceuticals for Positron Emission Tomography Chin J.K.Y., Vesnaver M., Bernard-Gauthier V., Lennox R.B., *$Schirrmacher R.
12:00 01173 One Step Radiosynthesis of 18F-ArBF3 Fluorescent and Peptide Radiotracers in Record Time at Unprecedentedly High Specific Activity *$Perrin D.M., Liu Z., Lozada J., Li Y., Schaffer P., Lin K.S.
12:20 End of Session
Organosulphur and other Chemistry Topics that Inspire Careers in Science: A Symposium in Honour of David N. Harpp
08:00 Joint with CE3 - See Organosulphur and other Chemistry Topics that Inspire Careers in Science under Chemical Education for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
08:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Organizer(s) - R. Schirrmacher, N. Vasdev Chair(s) - P. Scott, G. Tamagnen
14:00 01395 Recent Advances in the Production and Use of High-valent Metal Radionuclides for PET *$Holland J.P., Vasdev N.
14:20 01396 Structural Modifications of Cathepsin B Inhibitors to Improve in vivo Detection of Protease Activity Edem P.E., *Czorny S., $Valliant J.F.
14:40 01397 Radiosynthesis and Evaluation of 18F- and 11C-Labeled 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone and 7,8-Dimethoxyflavone TrkB Antagonists as Positron Emission Tomography Tracers for Brain Imaging Bernard-Gauthier V., Gaub P., Boudjemeline M., Barker P.A., *$Schirrmacher R.
15:00 01398 Development of Novel 18F Labelled Radiotracers for the Molecular Imaging of Cyclooxygenase-2 by Positron Emission Tomography Tietz O., Wang M., Marshall A., Sharma S.K., Way J., Wuest M., *$Wuest F.
15:20 01399 Peptide Functionalized Bis-MPA Dendrimers for Targeted Molecular Imaging Sadowski L.P., Edem P., McNelles S., Mackey V., Valliant J.F., *$Adronov A.
15:40 01400 Radioiodination of Possible Metabolites of N-Isopropyl-p-iodoamphetamine and Their Biodistribution Studies *$Sharma S.K., Strelkov A., Abrams D., McEwan A.
16:00 01401 Radiolabeling Annexin-V with Fluorine-18: Random and Site-selective Approaches Perreault A., Knight J., *$Wuest F.
16:20 01402 Recent Advances in Microfludic Radiosynthesis *$Collier T.L., Liang S.H., Vasdev N.
16:40 End of Session
Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Biology of Oligonucleotides
Organizer(s) - J. Perreault, J.-P. Desaulniers Chair(s) - J.-P. Desaulniers, J. Perreault
14:00 01403 Structure and Biophysical Studies of a Parallel Stranded poly-Adenosine Duplex Safaee N., Kozlov G., Rodionov D., Gehring K., Sheldrick G.M., Noronha A.M., Wilds C.J.
14:40 01404 Synthetic Fluorescent Probes for Rapid Real-Time Monitoring of RNA Lariat Debranching Enzyme Activity and High Throughput Screening to Identify its Inhibitors Katolik A.K., Clark N., Hart P.J., *$Damha M.J.
15:00 01405 Synthesis and Studies on Oxepane Based Nucleosides and Oligonucleotides Habibian M., $Damha M.
15:20 01406 Modeling the Structural Preferences of DNA following Damage by Ochratoxin A Sharma P., Manderville R.A., *Wetmore S.D.
15:40 01407 Synthesis, Conformational Analysis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Difluorinated Nucleoside Analogues Martinez S., Deleavey G., Martin-Pintado N., Gonzalez C., *$Damha M.J.
16:00 01408 Structural Impact of C- and O-Linked C8-Aryl-2-Deoxyguanosine Adducts Within Duplex and G-Quadruplex DNA: Potential Probes for Aptasensor Development? *$Manderville R.A.
16:40 End of Session
Recent Advances in Peptides and Peptidomimetics (joint with OR)
Organizer(s) - W. Lubell, Y. Dory, D. Perrin Chair(s) - W. Lubell
14:00 01409 Synthesis of Synthetic Amantins and Related Peptide Toxins for Chemical Biology Studies *$Perrin D.M., Zhao L., Dietrich D.D., May J.P., Blanc A.
14:40 01410 Finding the Way Leu-Enkephalin binds to the d Opioid Receptor *$Dory Y.L., Gendron L., Gu�rin B., Langlois G., Proteau-Gagn� A., Nadon J.-F., Bella NDong D., Rochon K.
15:00 01411 Synthesis of b2,2- and b2,2,3-Amino Acids and Derivatives Containing an All-Carbon Quaternary Center *$B�langer G., Romanens A.
15:20 01412 Genetically Encoded Libraries of Macrocycles and Light-responsive Macrocycles *$Derda R., Jafari M.R., Ng S., Matochko W.
16:00 01413 Forcing Peptides to Behave: A Progress Report Yudin A.K.
16:40 End of Session
Organosulphur and other Chemistry Topics that Inspire Careers in Science: A Symposium in Honour of David N. Harpp
14:00 Joint with CE3 - See Organosulphur and other Chemistry Topics that Inspire Careers in Science under Chemical Education for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Organizer(s) - R. Schirrmacher, N. Vasdev Chair(s) - A. Wilson, L. Collier
08:00 01824 Development of Novel PET and SPECT Markers for Imaging Parkinson's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders: From Bench to Bedside Tamagnan G.
08:40 01825 Probes for the Molecular Imaging of Enzyme Activity *$Phenix C.P., Moya I.A., Chowdhury M., McMillan C.C., Bhilocha S., Zehbe I.
09:00 01826 Synthesis and Preclinical Evaluation of 11C-labeled Radiotracers for Neuroimaging the Endocannabinoid Metabolizing Enzymes FAAH and MAGL with PET *Hicks J.W., $Wilson A.A., Parkes J., Sadowski O., Tong J., Houle S., Vasdev N.
09:20 01827 Automated Radiosynthesis of [18F]SiFB for the Radiolabeling of Peptides and Proteins for the Use in Positron Emission Tomography Koudih R., Kostikov A., Kovacevic M., Jolly D., Schirrmacher E., *$Schirrmacher R.
09:40 01828 64Cu Labeled Antibody Vectors for Molecular Imaging of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Sharma S.K., *$Wuest F., Wuest M., Wang M., Lapi S.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01829 Development of PET Radiopeptides to Improve Cancer Diagnosis *$Gu�rin B.
11:00 01830 Synthesis of [11C]Bexarotene by Metal-Catalyzed [11C]CO2 Fixation Rotstein B.H., Liang S.H., Collier T.L., Woo J., Brady T.J., *$Vasdev N.
11:20 01831 Bioconjugation of Water-Soluble 3nm Maleimide AuNP for Application to Positron Emission Topography Zhu J., Lennox R.B., Schirrmacher R.
11:40 01832 Fully Automated Radiosynthesis of 4-[18F]Fluoroiodobenzene and a New Amino Acid Radiotracer of 2-Amino-5-(4-[18F]fluorophenyl)pent-4-ynoic Acid Way J., *$Wuest F., Wuest M., Wang M.
12:00 01833 Synthesis of Photo-reactive and Radio-labeled Peptide Mimics to Identify Allosteric Binding Sites of the Prostaglandin F2a Receptor $Bourguet C.B., Tshibaka J., *Lubell W.D.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Biology of Oligonucleotides
Organizer(s) - J. Perreault, J.-P. Desaulniers Chair(s) - J.-P. Desaulniers, J. Perreault
08:00 01834 New Catalytic DNAs and RNA *$Sen D., Cernak P., Barlev A., Shumayrikh N.
08:40 01835 Total Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Nucleoside Analogues Comprising Heterocyclic Six-Membered Ring Sugars Abou Assi H., Dixit D.M., *$Damha M.J.
09:00 01836 Structure-based Design of a Highly Constrained Nucleic Acid Analogue with Dual Conformational Constraints Giacometti R.D., *Hanessian S., Schroeder B.R., Merner B.L., Ostergaard M., Swayze E.E., Seth P.P.
09:20 01837 The Development of Fluorinated Nucleoside Analogues for Structural and Functional Studies of Nucleic Acids Deleavey G.F., Martinez-Montero S., Martin-Pintado N., Chan D., Frank F., Nagar B., Shoichet M., Gonzalez C., *$Damha M.J.
09:40 01838 Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of New Guanine Derivatives Against the Guanine Riboswitch of Clostridium Difficile Le Roux A., Yan L.-H., Boyapelly K., Lamontagne A.-M., Lalonde-Seguin D., Fortier L.-C., Lafontaine D., *$Marsault E.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01839 Trends in Aptamer Selections for Small Molecule Targets McKeague M., Cruz-Toledo J., Dumontier M., DeRosa M.C.
11:00 01840 An Innovative Strategy for the Selection of Aptamers based on Native PAGE Slabs: SR-PAGE Ouellet J., $Perreault J.
11:20 01841 Intercalators as Guides in the Assembly of DNA Nanostructures Greschner A.A., Bujold K.E., $Sleiman H.F.
11:40 01842 Synthesis and Properties of Janus-AT Oligonucleotides *$Perrin D.M., Liu W., Largy E., Hasan A.
12:00 01843 Small Molecule-Mediated DNA Assembly: A New Approach to Coax Unmodified DNA into Forming Higher-Order Structures Avakyan N., Greschner A.A., Carneiro K.M.M., *$Sleiman H.F.
12:20 End of Session
Recent Advances in Peptides and Peptidomimetics (joint with OR)
Organizer(s) - W. Lubell, Y. Dory, D. Perrin Chair(s) - Y. Dory
08:00 01844 N-Aminosulfamide Peptide Mimics from Aza-sulfurylglycinyl Peptides: Synthesis, Conformation and Activity Turcotte S., Bouayad-Gervais S., Havard T., *Lubell W.D.
08:20 01845 A Simple Approach to b-Aminocarbonyl Motifs Using Amino- and Imino-Isocyanates $Clavette C., Gan W., Vincent-Rocan J.-F., Bongers A., Markiewicz T., Toderian A.B., *Beauchemin A.M.
08:40 01846 Recent Synthetic Advances and Applications of Oxetanes and Spirocycles Bailey A.M., $Carreira E.M.
09:00 01847 Post-Cyclative Modifications of Peptide Macrocycles Hickey J.L., Rotstein B.H., *$Yudin A.K.
09:20 01848 Charting Islands of Bioavailability Beyond the Rule of 5: What Can We Learn About Cyclosporine A and Other Rule-breaking Cyclic Peptide Natural Products? *$Lokey R.S.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01849 Oxytocin and Vasopressin System: A Fruitful Source of Novel Peptidic Drugs *$Wisniewski K.
11:00 01850 New Potent Peptidomimetics Inhibitors of Matriptase for Treatment of Influenza Viruses Colombo E., D�silets A., Marois I., Duch�ne D., Najmanovich R., Richter M., Leduc R., $Marsault E.
11:20 01851 N-Amino-imidazol-2-one Turn Mimic Synthesis and Use to Target the CD36 Receptor Garcia-Ramos Y., Proulx C., Pohankova P., Ong H., *$Lubell W.D.
11:40 01852 Rational Design of Peptidomimetics for Mimicking Protein Helices and Targeting Androgen Receptor in Prostate Cancer *$Ahn J.-M.
12:20 End of Session
Glycochemistry and Glycobiology (joint with OR5)
08:00 Joint with OR5 - See Glycochemistry and Glycobiology under Organic Chemistry for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
08:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:00 End of Session
Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Biology of Oligonucleotides
Organizer(s) - J. Perreault, J.-P. Desaulniers Chair(s) - J.-P. Desaulniers, J. Perreault
14:00 02031 Riboswitches as Targets for Novel Classes of Antibiotic Lamontagne A.M., Lalonde-S�guin D., Le Roux A., Yan L.H., Boyapelly K., Mulhbacher J., Brouillette E., Allard M., Malouin F., Marsault E., Fortier L.C., *$Lafontaine D.A.
14:40 02032 Simplifying Nucleic Acid Detection Using the Amplification by Destabilization *Kausar A., Mitran C.J., Li Y., $Gibbs-Davis J.M.
15:00 02033 Novel Sugar-Modified siRNA Increases Cellular Uptake to Reduce DRR Expression Bogojeski J., Yamada K., Johnsson R., Le P.U., Petrecca K., $Damha M.J.
15:20 02034 Understanding the Binding Mechanism of the Cocaine-binding Aptamer. A Combined NMR and Calorimetry Approach *$Johnson P.E., Reinstein O., Wilce M.C.J.
15:40 02035 DNAzyme RNaseA Mimics that Cleave RNA without Mimics *$Perrin D.M., Hollenstein M., Hipolito C.J., Lam C.H., Wang Y.
16:00 02036 Examining and Fiddling with Substrate Recognition by the VS Ribozyme *$Legault P., Bouchard P., Lacroix-Labont� J., Girard N., Dagenais P., Bonneau E.
16:40 End of Session
Recent Advances in Peptides and Peptidomimetics (joint with OR)
Organizer(s) - W. Lubell, Y. Dory, D. Perrin Chair(s) - D. Perrin
14:00 02037 Investigating the Sequence-Structure-Function Paradigm with Designed Peptides *$Waters M.L.
14:40 02038 Site-Specific Insertion of Molecular Fragments into Homodetic Cyclic Peptides: A Ring Enlargement Strategy Enabled Through "Active Amides" White C.J., *$Yudin A.K.
15:00 02039 Discovery of Light Responsive Ligands through Screening of Light Responsive Genetically Encoded Library Jafari M.R., Deng L., Ng S., Matochko W., Zeberrof A., Elias E., Klassen J., *$Derda R.
15:20 02040 New Ring Opening Approaches for the Synthesis and Decoding of Cyclic Peptide Libraries *Biron E., Vezina-Dawod S., Liang X., Bedard F., Girard A.
15:40 02041 Novels Enkephalin Analogs Targeting the Delta Opioid Receptor Proteau-Gagn� A., Rochon K., Bella NDong D., Gamblin C., Gu�rin B., Gendron L., *$Dory Y.
Bernard Belleau Award Lecture:
16:00 02042 Discovery and Study of Biologically Active Peptides Towards Drug Discovery Lubell W.D.
16:40 End of Session
Glycochemistry and Glycobiology (joint with OR5)
14:00 Joint with OR5 - See Glycochemistry and Glycobiology under Organic Chemistry for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session

Top of Conference Schedule
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