96h Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition |

 | Analytical Chemistry |
Microfluidics & Lab-on-a-Chip
Organizer(s) - J. Greener, D. Sinton Chair(s) - C. Ren, D. Sinton
08:00 00003 Paper-Based Microfluidic Biosensors *$Liu X.
08:40 00004 Site Selective Metal Cladding in Microfluidic Reactors for Enhanced Chemical Imaging Using Raman Spectromicroscopy Paquet-Mercier F., *Greener J.
09:00 00005 Air-Stream Agitation and Optical Heating for Plastic-Based Microfluidic Systems *$Geissler M., Voisin B., Clime L., Veres T.
09:20 00006 A Facile Method for Hydrophilic Modification of PDMS-based Microfluidic Channels Chen Y., *Brook M.A.
09:40 00007 Microfluidic Electrophoretic Separations in Paper Channel Encased in Modified PDMS *$Harrison C.R., Mittchel D.C., Fitzgerald C.L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00008 Microfluidic Studies of Fast Gas Liquid Reactions Li W., Simms R., Jagadeesan D., Pinto S., Liu K., Greener J., Guenther A., $Kumacheva E.
11:00 00009 Solution Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers in Microfluidic Devices: Towards Polymeric Drug Delivery Vehicles in the Lab-on-Chip Bains A., Wang C.-W., *Moffitt M.G., Sinton D.
11:20 00010 Strong and Small: Strong Cation Exchange Solid-Phase Extractions on a Digital Microfluidic Platform *Mudrik J.M., Lafreni�re N.M., Dryden M.D.M., $Wheeler A.R.
11:40 00011 A New Microreactor with In Situ Multimodal Characterization for High Throughput Studies of the Synthesis of Multicomponent Polymerization Voicu D., Scholl C., Li W., Jagadeesan D., Nasimova I., *Greener J., Kumacheva E.
12:00 00012 A New Flow Reactor for High Temperature/High Pressure Reactions Organ M.G.
12:20 End of Session
Conversations on Teaching Analytical Chemistry: A Symposium in Memory of Walter Harris (joint with CE1)
Joint with CE1 - See Conversations on Teaching Analytical Chemistry: A Symposium in Memory of Walter Harris under Chemical Education for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Environmental Radiochemistry (joint with EN6)
08:00 Joint with EN6 - See Environmental Radiochemistry under Environment for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Microfluidics & Lab-on-a-Chip
Organizer(s) - J. Greener, D. Sinton Chair(s) - J. Greener
14:00 00223 Chemical Synthesis and Analysis Using Drop-based Microfluidics *$Weitz D.A.
14:40 00224 An Integrated Digital Microfluidic Platform for Voltammetric Analysis *Dryden M.D.M., Rackus D.G., Shamsi M.H., $Wheeler A.R.
15:00 00225 Theoretical Model of Droplet Generation in a Flow Focusing Device Operating in Squeezing Regime $Chen X.M., Glawdel T., Cui N.W., *Ren C.
15:20 00226 Microfluidics for Analysis of Multiphase Dynamics in Canadian Energy Operations *$Sinton D., de Haas T.W., Fadaei H., Kim M., Nguyen P.
15:40 00227 Pore-scale Immiscible Fluid Displacements in Silicon Microfluidic Models Relevant to Carbon Sequestration *$Grate J.W., Zhang C., Oostrom M., Warner M., DeHoff K., Pittman J., Wietsma T.
16:00 00228 Nanofibrillar Thermoreversible Micellar Microgels Synthesized in Microchannels Velasco D., Chau M., Therien-Aubin H., Kumachev A., Tumarkin E., Jia Z., Walker G.C., Monteiro M., Kumacheva E.
16:20 00229 Digital Microfluidics with Magnetic Microparticles Based Electroimmunoassays Shamsi M.H., Choi K., Ng A.H.C., *$Wheeler A.R.
16:40 End of Session
Electrode Materials�: Methods, Characterization and Application (joint with SS2)
14:00 Joint with SS2 - See Electrode Materials under Surface Science for schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Environmental Radiochemistry (joint with EN6)
14:00 Joint with EN6 - see Environmental Radiochemistry under Environment for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:00 End of Session
Analytical Separations
Organizer(s) - K. Waldron, D. Chen Chair(s) - L Sleno, K.C. Waldron
08:00 00571 Use of Magnetic Microbeads for Miniaturized Sample Extraction in Mass Spectral Analysis of Proteins and Peptides *$Yeung K.K.C., Jurcic K., Wang J., Thompson A., Strybosch K.
08:20 00572 A Robust and Optimized Strategy for the Separation of Complex Lipid Samples Using RP-HPLC to Investigate Cellular Signaling in Oncolytic Viral Therapy Lee H., Trouborst L., Canez C., Joudan S., Waghray G., Atkins H., *$Smith J.C.
08:40 00573 Comprehensive Metabolomics Investigation of Peanut-induced Anaphylaxis in a Mouse Model *$McCarry B.E., Chalcraft K.R., Jordana M., Kong J.
09:00 00574 Profiling Auxotrophic Yeast Strains Using an Untargeted Metabolomics Approach by Liquid Chromatography Coupled to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry *$Sleno L., Ohlund L., Ste-Rose A., Giaever G., Nislow C.
09:20 00575 Multidimensional LC Separation Combined with Isotope Labeling Mass Spectrometry for Comprehensive and Quantitative Metabolome Profiling *$Li L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 00576 Trace Organic Analysis in Seconds Without Sample Prep *Schmidt C.
10:40 00577 Development of an In Vivo Quantitative Assay for Covalently Modified Serum albumin: Monitoring Acetaminophen Toxicity LeBlanc A., Shiao T.C., Roy R., $Sleno L.
11:00 00578 Sweating the Small Stuff: Study of Pesticides and Primary Metabolites Excreted in Human Sweat Sweeney C.L., *Tong A.Z.
11:20 00579 Separation and Determination of Halo-Benzoquinones in Water Wang W., Qian Y., Huang R., Boyd J., Hrudey S.E., *$Li X.F.
11:40 00580 Isolation of Glycopeptides Using Magnetic Nanoparticles Bodnar E.D., $Perreault H.
12:00 00581 Ultra-sensitive Detection of Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products (PPCP's) in Water with an Integrated On-Line Extraction (OLE)-UHPLC-MS/MS System Wang K., Sun Q., Yang Z.
12:20 End of Session
Microfluidics & Lab-on-a-Chip
Organizer(s) - J. Greener, D. Sinton Chair(s) - J. Harrison, J. Greener
08:00 00582 Counting and Analysis of Individual Circulating Tumor Cells *$Chiu D.T.
08:40 00583 High Field Trapping of Megabase-sized DNA under Asymmetric Pulsed Field Electrophoresis on Silica Particle Array based Microchips Sheng H., *$Harrison D.J.
09:00 00584 Sub-lm Plate Heights Using Colloidal Self-Assembled Nanoparticles in Microchannels *Azim M.A., $Harrison D.J.
09:20 00585 Stabilization of Colloidal Self Assembled Nanoparticle Arrays for On Chip Separation *Shaabani N., Jemere A., Harrison D.J.
09:40 00586 A Digital Microfluidics Platform for the Human Plasma Protein Depletion Mei N., Mats L., Oleschuk R.
10:00 Coffee Break
W.A.E. McBryde Award Lecture:
10:20 00587 Digital Microfluidics for Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine *$Wheeler A.R.
11:00 00588 Complex Microfluidic Systems for Protein Separation, Fraction, Solid Phase Extraction and Elution for Mass Spectroscopy *$Harrison D.J., Hua Y., Wang Z., Lu Q.
11:20 00589 Trimethylation Enhancement using Diazomethane (TrEnDi): Rapid On-Column Methylation of Peptides and Proteins to Permit Quantitative Analysis Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry Wasslen K.V., Wood S., Manthorpe J., *$Smith J.C.
11:40 00590 Monitoring Planktonic Cell Production and Structural Heterogeneity of Biofilms Subjected to Variation in Shear Stress in Microfluidic Channels Bester E., Wolfaardt G.M., Babaei Aznaveh N., Abassi A., *Greener J.
12:00 00591 An Innovative Microfluidic Cell Culture Platform for Biomedical Application Guo Q., *Yang J.
12:20 End of Session
Electrode Materials�: Methods, Characterization and Application (joint with SS2)
08:00 Joint with SS2 - See Electrode Materials under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Environmental Radiochemistry (joint with EN6)
08:00 Joint with EN6 - See Environmental Radiochemistry under Environment for the schedule.
12:00 End of Session
Analytical Separations
Organizer(s) - K. Waldron, D. Chen Chair(s) - J.C. Smith, D.D.Y. Chen
14:00 00792 Analytical Challenges With the Membrane Proteome Ning Z., Chen R., Seebun D., *$Figeys D.
14:40 00793 Whole-Column Detection Capillary Isoelectric Focusing -a Powerful Tool for Quantitative Protein Charge Heterogeneity Characterization *$Wu J.
15:00 00794 Peptide-Column Interactions Strongly Perturb Measured HDX Rates Sheff J.G., Schriemer D.C.
15:20 00795 The Use of SDS in a Proteomics Workflow: Application to Top-down Mass Spectrometry *$Doucette A., Crowell A., Orton D., Faulkner M., Rudolph S., Vieira D.
15:40 00796 Microchip Ultra-Low Cell Constant Conductance Detectors: Increasing the Sensitivity of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography to Charged Species Suganuma Y., *$Dhirani A., Toltl N.
16:00 00797 A Novel Inhibition Assay of HCV NS2/3 Protease Auto-cleavage by High Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry Golizeh M., Hassanpour A., Forgione P., *$Sleno L.
16:20 00798 Derivatization Strategies for Mass Spectrometry-based Glycomics *$Li J., Zhang H., Chan K., Stupak J.
16:40 End of Session
Biosensors and Nonspecific Adsorption in Biosensing
Organizer(s) - J.-F. Masson, M. Thompson, D. Boudreau Chair(s) - J.-F. Masson
14:00 00799 Single Molecule Studies of Flavins and Flavoenzymes. Molecular Recognition and Single Molecule Electron Transfer as the Basis for Ultimate Biosensing Zhao J., Zaino L.P., Grismer D.A., Branagan S.P., $Bohn P.W.
14:40 00800 Competitive Assays for Metabolites Using Modified Gold Nanoparticles *$McDermott M.T., Elbayomy S., Laurentius L., Cao Y.
15:00 00801 Quantifying Methotrexate Level in Serum for Chemotherapy Monitoring Using SPR Sensors Zhao S.S., *Pelletier J.N., $Masson J.-F.
15:20 00802 DNA Detection Using a Plasmon-Enhanced Nanoparticle Architecture Ratelle O., Brouard D., Lavoie F.-A., Ouellet S., St-Louis M., *Boudreau D.
15:40 00803 Ultrasensitive Impedimetric Immunosensor Based on Electrodeposited Gold Nanoparticlesprotein G Scaffold for the Detection of Cancer Marker Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Elshafey R., Zourob M., *$Siaj M.
16:00 00804 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Detection of Nucleic Acid on Self-assembled Surfaces Containing Gold Nanoparticles *Mahmoud A.M., Jemere A.B., $Harrison D.J., Tang T., Lee W.E.
16:20 00805 Quantitation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) in Clinical Samples using Computer-Readable BioDisc Immunoassays Weng S.H., Lee G., Ge B., Yao Z., *$Yu H.Z.
16:40 End of Session
Electrode Materials�: Methods, Characterization and Application (joint with SS2)
14:00 Joint with SS2 - See Electrode Materials under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:20 End of Session
Analytical Separations
Organizer(s) - K. Waldron, D. Chen Chair(s) - K.C. Waldron, C.R. Harrison
08:00 01123 Optimization and Application of Pressure-assisted Sweeping Reversed Migration Electrokinetic Chromatography for Simultaneous Online Preconcentration and Separation of Nitrosamines Found as Aquatic Pollutants *$Bottaro C.S., Modir-Rousta A.
08:20 01124 Interfacing HPLC and Parallel CZE Separations for Multidimensional Separations Chin J.D., $Skinner C.D.
08:40 01125 Top-Down Proteomics of Membrane Proteins through GELFrEE-Mass Spectrometry *Vieira D.B., Orton D.J., Crowell A.M., $Doucette A.
09:00 01126 Automation of Sample Preparation in Pharmaceutical Samples: Accelerating the Drug Discovery and Development Process Mullett W.M.
09:20 01127 Taylor Dispersion Analysis for the Characterization of Nanomaterials *$Cottet H., Martin M., Cipelletti L., Biron J.P., Chamieh J., Leclercq L.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01128 Fluorous Porous Polymer Monoliths (FPPM) for the Capillary Electrochromatographic and Chromatographic Separation of Fluorous Analytes Xu Z., Gibson G.T.T., *$Oleschuk R.D.
10:40 01129 Urinary Sulphate and Sulphite Status Determination by Capillary Electrophoresis with Indirect UV Detection *Macedo A.N., $Britz-McKibbin P.
11:00 01130 Viral Quantitative Capillary Electrophoresis (Viral qCE) for Counting and Quality Control of DNA and RNA Viruses *$Berezovski M.V., Mironov G.G., Azizi A.
11:20 01131 Assessment of Bilinear Gradients in Counter-flow Gradient Electrofocusing Techniques Shameli S.M., Glawdel T., Ren C.L.
11:40 01132 DNA-Mediated Assays for Ultrasensitive Protein Detection *Zhang H., Li F., Wang C., Dever B., Li X., Li X.-F., Le X.C.
12:00 01133 Functional Screening of Pharmacological Chaperones by Capillary Electrophoresis $Britz-McKibbin P., *Shanmuganathan M.
12:20 End of Session
Biosensors and Nonspecific Adsorption in Biosensing
Organizer(s) - J.-F. Masson, M. Thompson, D. Boudreau Chair(s) - M. Thompson
08:00 01134 Nanofluidic Flow Enhances Both Sensitivity and Specificity of DNA Hybridization in the Nanobioarray Chip Sedighi A., *Li P.C.H.
08:20 01135 Highly Sensitive Detection and Localization of BPDE-DNA Adducts by Binding-induced DNA Assembly Wang C., Zhang H., Li X.-F., Le X.C.
08:40 01136 Benchtop Fabrication of Fully Integrated Micro-nanosystems for Infectious Disease Diagnostics Gabardo C.M., Zhu Y., Moran-Mirabal J., $Soleymani L.
09:00 01137 Development of Diagnostic Device for TB Detection Using Paper-based Bacteria Cultures and Engineered Bacteriophages Deiss F., Tjhung K., Funes-Huacca M., Ng S., Matochko W., *$Derda R.
09:20 01138 A Nucleic Acid Hybridization Assay on a Paper-Based Platform Using Immobilized Quantum Dots as Donors in Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Noor M.O., *$Krull U.J.
09:40 01139 Adapting Nature's Tricks to Engineer Better Biosensors *$Vall�e-B�lisle A.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01140 Antifouling Behaviour of Ultrathin Organosilane Adlayers Against Full Serum Characterized By an Ultra-High Frequency Acoustic Wave Sensor Blaszykowski C.
11:00 01141 Self-Assembled Nano Graphene Oxide and Zwitterionic Liposomes: From Surface Interaction to Multiplexed Drug Delivery *$Liu J., Huang P.J.J., Sun Z.
11:20 01142 Adsorption Processes of Biomolecules on Peptide Self-Assembled Monolayers Breault-Turcot J., Aub� A., Chaurand P., *$Masson J.F.
11:40 01143 Biosensing in crude cell lysate with peptide monolayers on SPR sensors Aub� A., Breault-Turcot J., *Masson J.F.
12:00 01144 Selective Analysis of Sialic Acid using a Zwitterionic Boronic Acid as an Optical and Electrokinetic Sensor $Britz-McKibbin P., Wellington N.L.
12:20 End of Session
New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy (joint with SS3)
08:00 Joint with SS3 - See New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
08:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Analytical Separations
Organizer(s) - K. Waldron, D. Chen Chair(s) - D.D.Y. Chen, K. Donkor
14:00 01343 The Role of Bulk Electrolyte Flow on CESI-MS/MS Performance *$Chapman J.D.
14:40 01344 Sensitive and Rapid Profiling of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Food by Capillary Electrophoresis *$Donkor K.K., Soliman L.C., Cinel B., Prema D., Church J.S.
15:00 01345 Longterm Changes in the EOF of CE separations with Dynamic Small Molecule Capillary Coatings *$Harrison C.R., Morris A.L.
15:20 01346 On-Line Capillary ElectrophoresisMass Spectrometry Assay for Automated Enzyme Substrate Specificity Profiling and Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Mironov G.G., Mungham A., St.-Jacques A.D., Chica R.A., *$Berezovski M.V.
15:40 01347 Discovery of Unknown Biological Thiols via Differential Metabolomics with Chemical Derivatization Lam K.P., *$Britz-McKibbin P.
16:00 01348 Development of a Capillary Electrophoresis Method for Trace Analysis of Nanomaterials in Water after Polymer Growth *Lai E.P.C., Alsudir S.
16:20 01349 Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Native Glycans Jayo R.G., *Chen D.D.Y.
16:40 End of Session
Biosensors and Nonspecific Adsorption in Biosensing
Organizer(s) - J.-F. Masson, M. Thompson, D. Boudreau Chair(s) - D. Boudreau
14:00 01350 Sensing More with Less: New Strategies for Activity-Based Protease Assays with Quantum Dot-Peptide Conjugates *$Algar W.R.
14:40 01351 Novel Fluorescence, Electrochemical (EC) and Electrochemiluminescent (ECL) Microfluidic Biosensor Featuring Liposome Based Amplification for the Detection of Cryptosporidium parvum DNA *Bolduc O.R., Kirschbaum S.E., Kuepper A., DiSalvo M., Zheng A., $Baeumner A.J.
15:00 01352 Selective Concentrating of DNA Targets using Capillary Affinity Gel Electrophoresis Coupled with a Microfluidic Biosensing Platform Chan A.Y.T., *$Krull U.J.
15:20 01353 Fluorescence Sensor for Automated Monitoring of E. coli Bacteria *$Brown R.S., Dunkinson C.E., Bowers R., Zhou J., Aston W., Marcotte E.J.P., Radcliffe T., Miron M., Wilton D., Gallant P.
15:40 01354 Bioactive Paper for Environmental Analysis Sicard C., Glen C., Todic A., Shek N., Filipe C., Pelton R., *$Brennan J.D.
16:00 01355 Waterborne Pathogen Detection: Using ELISA in Combination with Solid Phase Microextraction in Modified Polysiloxanes Mackey G.C., Chai T., Hofley S., Plett K.L., Warren C., *$Brown R.S.
16:20 01356 High throughput Colorimetric Assay for Multiple Pathogen Detection Using Flexible Substrate $Safavieh M., Ahmed M.U., *Zourob M.
16:40 End of Session
Poster Session
Organizer(s) - D. Boudreau, J. Greener
From 18:00 until 19:30
18:00 01357 Electrophoretic Heterogeneity Limits the Utility of Streptavidin-b-Galactosidase as a Probe in Free Zone Capillary Electrophoresis Separations *$Craig D.B., Henderson A.
18:00 01358 A Simple System for the Measurement of the Distribution of Activities of Individual Molecules of E. coli b-Galactosidase *$Craig D.B.
18:00 01359 Latest Developments in FTIR: Sampling, Robustness and Ease of Use for Flexibility and Reliability *Cabral J.L.
18:00 01360 Identification and Quantitation of Plastics Additives in Pharmaceutical Containers and Packaging by HR LCMS and Triple Quadrupole GCMS *$Comstock K.C.
18:00 01361 Upconversion in Biocellulose-YVO4 Composites for Biological Applications Nigoghossian K., Peres M.F.S., Primo F.L., Tedesco A.C., Messaddeq Y., Ribeiro S.J.L.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01362 Bi-modal (Luminescence/Scattering) Microscopy Platform for the Characterization of Fluorescent Plasmonic Nano-Assemblies $Ouellet S., Gregoire A., Ratelle O., Brouard D., *Boudreau D.
AN1 - Analytical Separations posters
18:00 01363 Separation/Preconcentration of Trace Aluminium in Water samples and Its Determination by High-Resolution Continuum Source Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (HR-CS FAAS) *Ciftci H., Er C., Yalcinkaya O., Eren E., Turker A.R.
18:00 01364 Separation and Preconcentration of Zinc, Copper and Cobalt in Water Samples by Ligandless Solid Phase Extraction Method and Their Determination by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) *Ciftci H.
18:00 01365 Evaluation of Arsenic Toxicity Level in Different Matrices Using HPLC/ICP-MS Speciation Method *$Belanger P.
18:00 01366 In-line Coupling of Solid Phase Extraction with Pressurized Hot Water Extraction as a Sample Treatment Method for Determination of Bioactive Compounds from Schisandra Chinensis *Hohnov� B., Stavikova L., Kar�sek P., Roth M.
18:00 01367 Removal of Metal Toxins from Mining and Other Industrial Wastewaters Using Processed Peat and Mined Zeolite Sogbein W., *$Kariuki S.
18:00 01368 Multiple Dissociation Techniques for Comprehensive API Impurity Profiling by Velos Pro Mass Spectrometer Lynch T., Comstock K.
18:00 01369 Analytical Methods for the Monitoring of Pharmaceuticals Compounds and Steroids in Drinking Water, Surface Water and Wastewater *DeBlois C., Sarrasin B., Gaudreau G., Demers C.
18:00 01370 Macplocimine A, a New 18-Membered Ring Macrolide Isolated from the Filamentous Sulfur Bacteria Thioploca sp. Li X., Vanner S., Wang W., Li Y., Gallardo V.A., *$Magarvey N.
18:00 01371 Sensitive Determination of Chloride and Sulfate in Highly-Saline Oilfield Waters by Indirect Photometric Capillary Electrophoresis *$Donkor K.K., Soliman L.C., Schmidt K.J., Crabtree H.J.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01372 Analysis of 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine as a Epigenetic Biomarker in Brain Cancer Gao S., Poirier M.B., Fortin D., Madugundu G.S., *$Wagner J.R.
18:00 01373 A Novel Method for Quantification of 6-Methyladenine in Bacterial DNA using Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry Gargaun A., Mironov G., Ghobadloo S.M., Birnboim C., $Berezovski M.V.
18:00 01374 Factors Affecting Polycation Coatings Stability and Separation Performance in Capillary Zone Electrophoresis Pei L., *Lucy C.A.
18:00 01375 Multiplexed Detection of MicroRNAs in Biological Samples by CE-ESI-MS $Khan N., Mironov G.G., Berezovski M.V.
18:00 01376 A Disposable Spin Cartridge for High Efficiency Protein Precipitation: Application to Top-down Proteome Analysis Crowell A., Rudolph S., $Doucette A.
18:00 01377 Injecting Solvent Effects in Ion Chromatographic Separations Zhang Y., *Lucy C.A.
Undergraduate Student posters
18:00 01378 A Solution Based Electrodialysis Apparatus for Removal of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate from Protein Samples Faulkner M., Crowell A., Orton D., Vieira D., Doucette A.
AN2 - Biosensors and Nonspecific Adsorption in Biosensing
18:00 01379 Supramolecular Cyclodextrin Complexes of Hydroxy-indoles Applied as Protectors of Fluorescence Quenching *Bracamonte A.G., $Veglia A.V.
18:00 01380 Three-Way Electrochemical Sensing of Ultra-Low MicroRNA Levels Labib M., *Berezovski M.V.
18:00 01381 Label-free Voltammetric Aptasensor for the Sensitive Detection of Microcystin-LR Based on Graphene-modified Electrodes Eissa S., Zourob M., Tavares A., *$Siaj M.
18:00 01382 Development of Iridium-containing ROMP Polymers for Bioassay Applications Metera K.L., Tefashe U.M., Mauzeroll J., *$Sleiman H.F.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01383 Developing Concatemeric Structure-Switching Signaling DNA Aptamers Using Rolling Circle Amplification Carrasquilla C., Little J.R.L., Li Y., *$Brennan J.D.
18:00 01384 Investigating the Use of Quantum Dot DNA Monoconjugates for Sensitive Nucleic Acid Detection Uddayasankar U., *$Krull U.J.
18:00 01385 Development and Application of Crop Exudate Specific Aptamers *Mastronardi E.E., McKeague M., Monreal C., $DeRosa M.C.
18:00 01386 Fluorescent Detection of Proteins and Small Molecules using an Aptamer-based Rolling Circle Amplification Wang L., Tram K., Li J., $Li Y.
18:00 01387 Magnetic Bead Assay for Screening Aptamer Affinity *Hill K.A., $DeRosa M.C.
18:00 01388 Development of DNA-based Probe for Rapid Colorimetric Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria Tram K.Q., Huan S., Kanda P., $Li Y.
18:00 01389 Development of Portable Snap Chip on Glass Slides for Cross-Reactivity-free Multiplexed Quantification of Proteins Li H., *$Juncker D.
18:00 01390 Impedimetric Immunosensor for Conformation-specific Evaluation of Amyloid Aggregate Modulation Veloso A.J., Dhar D., *$Kerman K.
AN4 - Microfluidics & Lab-on-a-chip posters
18:00 01391 A Simple Approach to the Fabrication of Features with Variable Heights in Microfluidic Channels $Debono M., Voicu D., Babaie N., Young B., Kumacheva E., *Greener J.
Graduate Student posters
18:00 01392 Inkjet Printing of Sol-gel Material for Paper-based Microfluidics Wang J., Zhang X., Monton M., Filipe C., Brennan J., *Pelton R.
18:00 01393 Transparent Microfluidic Probes for Upright Microscopes Mallik A., Qasaimeh M., *$Juncker D.
18:00 01394 A System to Study Biofilm Catalysts in Microchannels $Aznaveh N.B., Paquet-Mercier F., Bester E., Wolfaardt G., *Greener J.
Environmental Chemistry in Cold Climates (joint with EN3)
Joint with EN3 - see Chemistry in Cold Environments under Environment for the schedule.
16:20 End of Session
New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy (joint with SS3)
14:00 Joint with SS3 - See New Developments in Plasmon Enhanced Spectroscopy and Optical Micro-Spectroscopy under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session
Analytical Separations
Organizer(s) - K. Waldron, D. Chen Chair(s) - D. Beauchemin, A.E. Holliday
08:00 01802 Amine and Carboxylic Acid Modified Graphitic Carbon for Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Iverson C.D., Wahab M.F., Ibrahim M.E.A., *$Lucy C.A.
08:20 01803 Bio-Solid Phase Extraction and Information Dependent Mass Spectrometry to Identify Enzyme Inhibitors in Complex Mixtures Forsberg E.M., *$Brennan J.D.
08:40 01804 Fronting, Tailing and Other Challenges in Ion Chromatography *$Lucy C.A., Anderson J.K., Wahab M.F.
09:00 01805 Using SPME GC-MS to Investigate the Chemical Ecology of Insect Defensive Sprays Mattingly T.M., Holliday N.J., *Holliday A.E.
09:20 01806 Development and Application of Biocompatible SPME Devices Mirnaghi F., Bojko B., *$Pawliszyn J.
10:00 Coffee Break
10:20 01807 Optimization and Evaluation of Thin-film Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for the Analysis of Cotinine in Human Samples Beaton A.G., *Furlani T.C., $Bottaro C.S.
10:40 01808 The Effective and Easy Removal of Interferences in the Determination of Rare Earth Elements using Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS Wee P.
11:00 01809 The Speciation of Arsenic Using Electrothermal Vaporization Coupled to Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy Horner N.S., *$Beauchemin D.
11:20 01810 "One-pot" Fabrication of Clickable Monoliths for Enzyme Reactors Wu M., Zhang H., Wang Z., Shen S, Le X.C., *Li X.-F.
11:40 01811 Decreased Turnaround Time in Forensic Toxicology Through Multi-Analyte LC-MS/MS Quantification Methods and Minimal Sample Preparation $Desharnais B., Lamarche M., C�t� C., *Mireault P., Skinner C.D.
12:00 01812 Glycocapture-Assisted Global Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Multiorgan Responses in Serum Toxicoproteome *$Sun B., Utleg A.G., Hu Z., Qin S., Keller A., Lorang C., Gray L., Brightman A., Lee D., Alexander V.M., Ranish J.A., Moritz R.L., Hood L.
12:20 End of Session
General Session and Analytical Awards (McBryde, Maxxam, Beamish, and Ryan Awards)
Organizer(s) - D. Boudreau, J. Greener, K. Waldron Chair(s) - J. Greener
Walter E. Harris Award Lecture:
08:00 01813 Towards Continuous Chemical Purification and Super-Resolution Microscopy on Microfluidic Platforms Liu C., Luo Y., Fang N., *$Chen D.D.Y.
08:20 01814 Development of a Multiplexed Kinase Assay via MALDI-MS/MS Detection Smith A.M.E., Brennan J.D.
08:40 01815 Dual-Inlet Emitter for Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry to Maintain Solvent Composition Mats L., *$Oleschuk R.D.
09:00 01816 Rapid Determination of Relative CLA Levels in Canadian Cheese by 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy *Prema D., Pilfold J.L., Krauchi J., Church J.S., Donkor K.K., $Cinel B.
09:20 01817 A Compact, Spatially Encoded Flow Cytometry Apparatus for the Detection of Fluorescent Particles Lavoie F.-A., *$Boudreau D., Ratelle O., B�liveau-Viel D.
09:40 01818 The Use of Mobile FTIR Spectroscopy: A Solution to Old Problems Prulliere F., *Cabral J.L., Kirkwood J., $Seelenbinder J., Higgins F.
10:00 Coffee Break
Fred Beamish Award Lecture:
10:20 01819 Concepts of SPR Instrumentation, Surface Chemistry and Materials for Protein and Drug Monitoring in Biofluids *Masson J.F.
11:00 01820 Fabrication of Dense Polymer Nozzle Array on Microstructured Fibers for Multi-Electrospray Ionization Fu Y., Gibson G.T.T., *$Oleschuk R.D., Covey T., Schnieder B.
11:20 01821 Detection of Environmental Contaminants Using an Optical Refractometer and Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) Devices Saunders J.E., Chen W.J., Brauer C., Barnes J.A., Yam S.S.-H., Crudden C.M., *$Loock H.-P., Xu D.-X.
11:40 01822 Single Particle ICP-MS (SP-ICP-MS) a New Approach for Counting and Sizing Metal Based Nanoparticles: Theory and Applications Stephan C.
12:00 01823 Breakthrough in Spectrophotometric instrumentation - Self Consistent UV-Vis/NIR Multi-angle Spectrophotometric Reflectance, Transmittance and Absorptance Measurements Cabral J.L.
12:20 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
08:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
12:20 End of Session
Analytical Separations
Organizer(s) - K. Waldron, D. Chen Chair(s) - B. McCarry
14:40 02018 Improving Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Separations with an Injection Port Flushing Device Edwards M., *$G�recki T.
15:00 02019 GCxGC Profiling of Naphthenic Acid Methyl Esters in Oil Sands Composite Tailings Bowman D., Alonso D., Fell L., Binkley J., $McCarry B.E.
15:20 02020 Advances in Computer Modeling of Gas Chromatographic Retention Times *$Harynuk J.J., Ebrahimi-Najafabadi H., McGinitie T.M.
15:40 02021 From Two Stages to One: Shifting the Paradigm in Thermal GCxGC Modulation Gorecki T., Edwards M., Mostafa A.
16:00 02022 Sulfur Response Characteristics of a Novel Multi-Flame Photometric Detector for GC *$Thurbide K.B., Clark A.G.
16:20 02023 Identification of New Markers of Wood Smoke Exposures in Firefighters using GC�GC-TOF-MS Fernando S., $McCarry B.E.
16:40 End of Session
General Session and Analytical Awards (McBryde, Maxxam, Beamish, and Ryan Awards)
Organizer(s) - D. Boudreau, J. Greener, K. Waldron Chair(s) - D. Boudreau
Maxxam Award lecture
14:00 02024 Planar Microfluidic Devices and Gas Chromatography Luong J.
14:40 02025 Potential of Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry for the Elemental Analysis of Organic Compounds such as Glucosamine Odenigbo C., Asfaw A., *Beauchemin D.
15:00 02026 Ultra-fast ICP-OES Determinations of Base Metals in Geochemical Samples Using Next Generation Sample Introduction Technology $Cauduro J., Blonski W.
15:20 02027 Single-Particle Analysis Using Ultra-Fast Quadrupole ICP-MS *Badiei H., $Kahen K., Stephan C.
15:40 02028 Studies on Oxidation Stability of Lubricant Oil Using Excitation Emission Matrix Spectroscopy (EEMS) Omrani H., Dudelzak A.E., *Loock H.P.
16:00 02029 Novel Flat Plate Plasma Generation Technology Providing Better Shape, More Stable and Maintenance Free Plasma *$Stephan C.
16:20 02030 Introducing a Revolutionary New Elemental Analysis Technique: The Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer MP-AES Blonski W.
16:40 End of Session
Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces
14:00 Joint with SS5 - See Structural Characterization of Biomolecules on Surfaces under Surface Science for the schedule.
16:40 End of Session

Top of Conference Schedule
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